Faculty News
In an op-ed, Professor Thomaï Serdari examines the success of luxury brand MMLaFleur

Excerpt from LinkedIn -- "Strong product was only part of MMLaFleur's story. Their Bento Box did the trick. Drawing on her Japanese background (Sarah is French-Japanese and a graduate of Harvard) came up with the idea of the bento: a box of six to eight items that are sent to every new customer after they have filled a brief survey online in which they elaborate on their personal style and which may be returned on its entirety if the customer does not like the items included. More often than not, customers keep most of the items sent to them. The difference lies in the new value that the bento box has added: it eliminates thinking."
Faculty News

Excerpt from LinkedIn -- "Strong product was only part of MMLaFleur's story. Their Bento Box did the trick. Drawing on her Japanese background (Sarah is French-Japanese and a graduate of Harvard) came up with the idea of the bento: a box of six to eight items that are sent to every new customer after they have filled a brief survey online in which they elaborate on their personal style and which may be returned on its entirety if the customer does not like the items included. More often than not, customers keep most of the items sent to them. The difference lies in the new value that the bento box has added: it eliminates thinking."