Faculty News
Professor Ralph Gomory outlines the potential negative impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Excerpt from IndustryWeek -- "'Until we learn how to assess the real effects of these trade deals, remembering that they take place in a mercantilist world…we should have no more of them,' he urged. Gomory joined several other TPP critics in warning against the agreement’s dispute settlement provisions that give companies the power to sue governments if the companies believe the governments have taken 'any step that hurts their profits.'"
Faculty News
Excerpt from IndustryWeek -- "'Until we learn how to assess the real effects of these trade deals, remembering that they take place in a mercantilist world…we should have no more of them,' he urged. Gomory joined several other TPP critics in warning against the agreement’s dispute settlement provisions that give companies the power to sue governments if the companies believe the governments have taken 'any step that hurts their profits.'"