Research Center Events

NYU Stern-TCH Gallatin Lecture Series on Banking with Lord Mervyn King

Lord Mervyn King
The NYU Stern Salomon Center for the Study of Financial Institutions and The Clearning House hosted the Gallatin Lecture Series on Banking, on September 13, 2016.
Research Center Events

Economic Outlook Forum

NYU flags outside of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
The NYU Stern Center for Global Economy and Business will host the Economic Outlook Forum on September 7, 2016.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Data-Driven Decision Making

Executive Education Short Course
This course aims to bridge the gap by instilling in executives a general intuition for data-driven decision making and equipping leaders with the tools and techniques necessary to analyze large databases and use effective data visualization to gauge key metrics.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Finance and Accounting for Non-Finance Executives

Executive Education Short Course
This program prepares executives with a general understanding of accounting and financial principles as they relate to organizations' operations and decision-making processes. It also prepares financial analysts and investors with a general understanding of the valuation content and limitations of financial statement information.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Valuation

Aswath Damodaran
Taught by thought leader Aswath Damodaran, this program is for equity research analysts who are interested in examining alternative valuation approaches; corporate financial officers who want to understand the details of valuation for planned acquisitions or to gain value enhancement strategies for their firms; analysts involved in mergers and acquisitions who seek to acquire a wider repertoire of valuation skills; or portfolio managers who are interested in the effects of corporate restructuring on firm value, and the implications for portfolio management.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Disruptive Leadership: Fostering a Culture of Game-Changing Innovation

Executive Education Short Course
Disruptive leadership is an essential skill for any business leader, from a start-up to a global corporation, with the desire to transform organizational processes and behaviors. This program is intended for those who wish to rethink the habits that have made them successful in the past, and challenge the conventional wisdom and industry models that have defined their businesses.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Great Leadership: Developing Practical Leadership Skills

Executive Education Short Course
This program is meant for those who wish to better understand and further develop their potential and propensity to lead others. The program is based on the premise that leadership is not a genetic inheritance. It’s a skill to acquire and master. A journey to commence and complete.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Communication Strategies: Developing Leadership Presence

Executive Education Short Course
In this advanced communication program, you will learn key techniques for creating communication strategies that support your personal brand. You will practice developing and delivering well-crafted and concise messages that have clearly defined intents.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Leadership Training for High Potentials

Executive Education Short Course
This Executive Education Short Course program will introduce you to a variety of analytical frameworks related to leadership and will focus on how to apply those frameworks to analyze and address important leadership challenges. It will also help you to better understand the context within which leaders typically operate, and help make you more conscious of the choices you make as a leader in an organization.
Research Center Events

New Research & Outlook on Credit Markets

NYU flags outside of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
The NYU Salomon Center and S&P Global Market Intelligence will co-host a conference on “New Research & Outlook on Credit Markets” on Tuesday, May 24. World class academics, distinguished practitioners, and regulators will provide their research and insights on the global credit market outlook and hot topic issues.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategy

Phone Screen
This Executive Education Short Course program examines best-practices related to the business use of social media and digital marketing. While there will be sufficient attention given to top level strategy used by companies adopting social media and digital marketing, the course will also focus on digital analytics oriented tools: how to make organizations more intelligent in how they conduct business in the digital age.
Research Center Events

A Conversation with Unilever CEO Paul Polman on the 21st Century Corporation

Paul Polman and Tensie Whelan
On May 9, 2016, NYU Stern's Center for Sustainable Business and The Huffington Post co-hosted a conversation with Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever, and Center Director Tensie Whelan on the next generation of capitalism: how companies, in providing value to society, provide more value to themselves. Panelists discussed both how sustainability embedded in corporate strategy yields financial results, and the challenges the current financial system presents. The event was moderated by Jo Confino, Executive Editor of The Huffington Post.  Dean Peter Henry delivered opening remarks and highlighted the importance of the Center’s mission: A Better World Through Better Business. 
Research Center Events

NYU Teams Win $200K in the Stern School’s 2015-2016 Entrepreneurs Challenge

$200K Entrepreneurs Challenge Awards
At the conclusion of an eight-month competition, NYU’s most promising innovators received a combined $200,000 in start-up cash at the annual $200K Entrepreneurs Challenge, held by NYU Stern’s W. R. Berkley Innovation Lab (iLab). The four winning teams – composed of students, faculty and alumni from across the University – were chosen after pitching their ideas and enduring Q&A by judges from venture capital, technology and design, and social enterprise sectors.
Research Center Events

The Eighth Annual Volatility Institute Conference

Eighth Annual NYU Stern Volatility Institute Conference logo
The Eighth Annual NYU Stern Volatility Institute Conference will bring together academics, practitioners and regulators to discuss the latest research and ideas on "Commodities and Emerging Market Risks."
Research Center Events

Dean Peter Henry and Kerry Kennedy Discuss the Role of Business in Society

Kerry Kennedy
On April 20, 2016, the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights hosted a discussion between Dean Peter Henry and Kerry Kennedy, President of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights. Topics included the business case for human rights, Ms. Kennedy's history of human rights activism and how investment can be a game changer with respect to human rights in the business context.
Research Center Events

Stern's Center for Real Estate Finance Research Hosts Fifth Annual Spring Symposium

CREFR Fifth Annual Spring Symposium
NYU Stern's Center for Real Estate Finance Research hosted the Fifth Annual Spring Symposium, "Commercial Real Estate Development in NYC: A Golden Age or a Cooling Market?" The symposium featured leading real estate experts, four different panels and explored recent development activity in several major sectors.
Research Center Events

Measuring Human Rights Performance: Metrics that Drive Change

Street view of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
NYU Stern's Center for Business and Human Rights and RFKennedy Compass Program at Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights will host a workshop, Measuring Human Rights Performance: Metrics that Drive Change, 20 - 21 April at NYU in New York City.
Research Center Events

Innocence Project Attorney Seema Saifee Delivers Eleventh Annual Haitkin Lecture

Seema Saifee and Andre Hatchett
Seema Saifee, staff attorney for the Innocence Project, delivered the 11th annual Haitkin Lecture, hosted by NYU Stern’s Business & Society Program, to an audience of undergraduate Stern students.
Research Center Events

Big Data and Sustainable Development

Big Data and Sustainable Development event
Students, academics and practitioners from the non-profit and business communities gathered at NYU Stern on April 14 for a discussion on “Big Data and Sustainable Development,” co-hosted by Stern’s Center for Sustainable Business and The Sustainability Practice Network.
Research Center Events

Professor Robert Frank Delivers the 2016 Ashok C. Sani Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence Lecture

Robert Frank
Robert Frank, research scholar at NYU Stern and the Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor of Management at Cornell University, delivered the 2016 Ashok C. Sani Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence Lecture on April 12.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Global Political Risk and Its Impacts on Business

Ian Bremmer
NYU Stern Executive Education is pleased to offer one of the premier courses on global political risk and its impacts on business. Taught by Ian Bremmer, a preeminent thought leader on foreign policy and global political risk, and a team from the prestigious Eurasia Group, this course offers an executive-level assessment of the global risk environment and the basis for determining how politics influences a variety of economic concerns.
Research Center Events

NYU Stern Urbanization Project and UN-Habitat Show Cities Are Neglecting Public Space in New Developments

Henry Kaufman Management Center
On April 4 and 5, the NYU Stern Urbanization Project and UN-Habitat released the preliminary results of Monitoring Global Urban Expansion, a research program exploring the characteristics of the world’s 4,230 cities, at the Habitat III Thematic Meeting on Public Space in Barcelona, Spain. 
Research Center Events

Ross Roundtable Discusses the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s Accounting Standards Update

Ross Roundtable
Experts from academia, the finance sector, regulatory agencies and legal and accounting professions gathered at NYU Stern on April 4 for a roundtable discussion on "Assessing Materiality: The FASB's Proposed Accounting Standards Update," hosted by the Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research.
Research Center Events

Future Jobs Fair

Future Jobs Fair
NYU Stern’s Center for Sustainable Business, VICE Media and Collectively co-hosted the Future Jobs Fair on Wednesday, March 30. NYU and Stern students had the opportunity to share their ambitions on the future of work, design their perfect job of the future, and gain insights and skills into what the world of work will look like. 


NYU Stern In Conversation With