Business and Policy Leader Events

The Right Honourable Gordon Brown Sits Down With NYU Stern Students

The Right Honorable Gordon Brown, former prime minister of the United Kingdom, sat down with a select group of MBA, executive MBA and undergraduate students from NYU Stern to discuss the economic crisis, the role of policymakers in preventing future crises and the growing interconnectedness of world economies.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Bill Drayton Delivers 2011 Ashok C. Sani Scholar-in-Residence Lecture

Nearly 200 alumni, guests, and friends of New York University gathered for the annual Ashok C. Sani Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence Lecture featuring Bill Drayton, Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Ashoka: Innovators for the Public, who delivered a presentation entitled “Values in a Everyone a Changemaker World.”
Research Center Events

Ross Roundtable Discusses Conflicts of Interest at Credit Rating Agencies

Some 50 academics, practitioners and policymakers gathered at NYU Stern in April for a roundtable discussion on conflicts of interest at credit rating agencies, hosted by Stern’s Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting. In light of recent events in the subprime mortgage crisis, the roundtable presenters addressed topics such as the issuer-pays business model, rating triggers, regulations requiring investors to use credit ratings and the history of credit rating agencies.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Freddie Mac’s Ed Haldeman Shares Housing Sector Outlook and Tips on Leadership

As part of NYU Stern’s CEO Series, Charles E. “Ed” Haldeman, Jr., CEO of Freddie Mac, the second largest source of mortgage financing in the United States, offered his perspective on the future of the US housing market, its role in the broader economy and the leadership principles he has applied throughout his career, before an audience of close to 100 NYU Stern students, faculty and alumni. The interview was conducted by Nick Timiraos of The Wall Street Journal.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Eighth Annual NYU Stern-Citi Conference in Leadership & Ethics

Eighth Annual NYU Stern-Citi Conference in Leadership & Ethics on "Business 4 Government: Leveraging Eco-Efficiency at the Local Level"
Business and Policy Leader Events

New York Fed's William C. Dudley Discusses Prospects for the US Economy and Monetary Policy

William C. Dudley, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, shared his outlook for economic activity in the United States, employment and inflation, and described the implications for monetary policy before an audience of approximately 200 NYU Stern students, faculty and alumni in Paulson Auditorium.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Atlantic Grupa Founder Emil Tedeschi Speaks with NYU Stern Executive MBA Students

Emil Tedeschi, founder, president and CEO of Atlantic Grupa in Croatia, provided an energetic and fascinating presentation to NYU Stern Executive MBA students.
Research Center Events

Leading Academics Gather for the Seventh Annual NYU/Penn Conference on Law and Finance

Faculty from top business and law schools convened on February 25 and 26 to present, discuss and debate their work at the seventh annual NYU/Penn Conference on Law and Finance, jointly sponsored by NYU’s Pollack Center for Law & Business, Wharton’s Financial Institutions Center and the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute for Law and Economics.
Research Center Events

Ross Roundtable Discusses the Post-crisis Rise in Securities Litigation

Some 50 academics, practitioners and policymakers gathered at NYU Stern in February for a roundtable discussion, co-hosted by Stern’s Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting and NERA Economic Consulting, to discuss the recent rise in and future outlook for securities litigation.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Alan Greenspan and John A. Paulson, Two NYU Stern Alumni, Share Insights on US and Global Markets

To mark the establishment of the Alan Greenspan Chair in Economics, Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan (BS ’48, MA ’50, PhD ’77, Honorary Doctorate of Commercial Science ’05) was interviewed by John A. Paulson (BS ’78), the president of Paulson & Co. Inc, before a packed auditorium of more than 400 students, faculty and alumni.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Stern Faculty Go to Washington to Discuss Housing and the Economy

NYU Stern Finance Professor Matthew Richardson (above at the podium) speaks about reforming mortgage finance at a Conference on the GSEs, Housing and the Economy, hosted by Stern's Salomon Center and the Center for Financial Policy at the University at Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business on January 24, 2011.
Research Center Events

Scholars Gather to Share Latest Research in Network Economics at Eighth NET Institute Conference

Distinguished academics from around the world convened to share their research in the rapidly evolving field of network economics at the Eighth Networks, Electronic Commerce and Telecommunications (NET) Institute conference, held in partnership with NYU Stern’s Entertainment, Media and Technology Program.
Research Center Events

Volatility Institute, DTCC Host Conference: "Managing Counterparty & Systemic Risk Under Dodd-Frank"

More than 100 financial, academic and regulatory representatives participated in the conference, "Managing Counterparty and Systemic Risk Under Dodd-Frank," co-hosted by NYU Stern's Volatility Institute and the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC).
Research Center Events

Business Leaders Suggest Solutions for Challenges to Business and Society in the 21st Century

In November, the NYU Pollack Center for Law and Business, a joint initiative between NYU Stern School of Business and NYU School of Law, co-hosted the 1950th Meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, “Challenges to Business & Society in the 21st Century: The Way Forward.” Rajat Gupta, senior partner emeritus and former managing director at McKinsey & Company, and Roger Ferguson, president and CEO of TIAA-CREF, spoke about recovery and reform, and long-term financial security, respectively.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Investment Banker & Former US Ambassador Felix Rohatyn Reflects on Life in the Politics and Finance

“New York is the apple of the universe,” said Felix Rohatyn, Lazard investment banker, former US Ambassador to France and author of Dealings: A Political and Financial Life, before an auditorium filled with close to 150 students and alumni from NYU Stern, as well as students from NYU’s School of Law and Wagner Graduate School of Public Service.
Business and Policy Leader Events

NYU Stern and L2 Discuss What it Takes to Innovate in a Digital World

Led by Scott Galloway, NYU Stern Professor of Marketing, L2 founder and creator of the Digital IQ Index, Innovation Forum 2010 was packed with people, as well as ideas on digital marketing innovation and implications for prestige brands.
Business and Policy Leader Events

NYU Stern and the Aspen Institute Business & Society Program to Host Forum on How to Measure Success

As part of the 2010 Aspen in New York Business & Society Forum, Erik Schatzker, anchor and editor-at-large at Bloomberg, led a discussion about defining and measuring success among three panelists – 2002 Nobel Laureate in Economics and Princeton psychologist, Daniel Kahneman; Chairman and CEO of The Vanguard Group Bill McNabb; and the holder of the first endowed chair in Buddhist Studies in the West, Columbia University Professor Robert Thurman – at NYU Stern this October.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Ernst & Young's Chairman & CEO James Turley Underlines the Importance of Corporate Culture

As part of NYU Stern’s CEO Series, James S. Turley, Chairman & CEO of Ernst & Young, was interviewed in October before more than 100 NYU Stern students and alumni. Diane Brady, senior editor at Bloomberg BusinessWeek, conducted the interview.
Research Center Events

Information, Operations and Management Sciences Department Celebrates 10 Years of Collaboration

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the combined Information, Operation and Management Sciences (IOMS) Department, and current IOMS faculty gathered to celebrate this milestone with an event held October 29 at NYU's Torch Club. Looking back, former professor Ernest Kurnow recounts the roots of what is now the IOMS Department.
Research Center Events

Academics and Industry Experts Gather to Discuss the Merits of Fair Value Accounting

In light of the Financial Accounting Stands Board’s (FASB) proposed expansion of fair value accounting principles for financial institutions, a group of scholars, industry experts, professionals and press convened for a roundtable entitled, “Are Investors and Investment Entities Well-Served by Fair Value Accounting.”
Research Center Events

Salomon Center-NASDAQ OMX DRP Research Day 2010

Stephen Figlewski, Professor of Finance and an expert on derivatives, welcomes the audience to the 2010 Salomon Center NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Research Project (DRP). The DRP Research Day was created in 1996; today the Salomon Center-NASDAQ OMX DRP Research Day enables Stern's finance faculty to present some of their current research.
Research Center Events

Panelists Discuss Derivative and Proprietary Trading Rules at NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Project

Stephen Figlewski, Professor of Finance and Director of the NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Research Project, welcomes an audience of nearly 120 to the 2010 NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Research Project and The Volatility Institute's Symposium on "Derivatives and Proprietary Trading in the New Regulatory Regime."
Research Center Events

Business Leaders Meet to Discuss Cross-Border M&A and Investment in the New East/West World Order

Will the overseas expansion of Chinese and other BRIC companies change the face of capitalism? How should American and European companies increase their footprint in Asia? How should protectionism and sovereign wealth funds be addressed? These are some of the questions that will be posed at the third annual ‘International Symposium on Cross-Border Investment and M&A’ to be held at New York University, hosted by NYU’s Pollack Center for Law and Business on Tuesday, October 19, 2010.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Dean Peter Henry and Nobel Laureate Michael Spence Chair Workshop on Restoring Inclusive Growth

On Thursday, October 7 and Friday, October 8, NYU Stern and the National Council of Applied Economic Research, India, with support from the World Bank, held a workshop on "Restoring Inclusive Growth in Advanced Economies" to encourage dialogue among economists and policy makers from the G20 countries.