Faculty News

Prof. Edward Altman on Italy and the euro's chance of survival

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "'Now it is no more than 50-50,' [Altman] told the 2012 International Risk Management Conference in Rome. 'Italy is the fulcrum country. Italy is under the scrutiny of the markets. Italy is too large to save,' he added."
Faculty News

Research by Prof. Arun Sundararajan on India's Unique Identification initiative is cited

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes India -- "A recent study led by Professor Arun Sundararajan of the NYU Stern School of Business showed that almost 56% of the now 200 million enrolees of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) programme did not have portable identities before."
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Alter's research on exceptional expenses is highlighted

The Gobe and Mail logo
Excerpt from The Globe and Mail -- "'In each instance, it seems reasonable to make a budgeting exception given the special nature of the spending and the low likelihood that a similar situation will recur any time soon,' the authors Abigail Sussman, a doctoral candidate of psychology at Princeton University, and Adam Alter, an assistant professor of marketing at New York University, wrote."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Nobel Laureate Michael Spence on restoring stability & growth in the euro zone

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "After all, restoring stability and growth is only partly about reviving short-term aggregate demand. It is also about structural reform and re-balancing, which comes at a cost."
Faculty News

Prof. Edward Altman on Itay's membership in the EMU

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "I'd say the probability of Italy making it is 50/50 at best ... but its the last hope for the euro staying together."
Faculty News

Prof. Richard Sylla on the monopoly power of Moody's, S&P and Fitch Ratings

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'That increased the monopoly power of Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s and Fitch,' said Richard Sylla, a financial historian at New York University’s Stern School of Business .. 'It was a bad move on the part of the government. It was a big favor to the rating agencies.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Stern faculty argue Europe's banks need a TARP of their own

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "With bank runs already under way, the immediate requirement is a euro-area Troubled Asset Relief Program like that used in the U.S. to clean up the banks during the 2008 financial crisis. The existing European Financial Stability Facility and the anticipated European Stability Mechanism aren’t up to the challenge."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Roy Smith proposes a euro-wide deposit insurance system

Financial News logo
Excerpt from Financial News -- "Two things need to be done urgently: to secure the necessary ratification of the eurozone countries to authorise the European Stability Mechanism and to allocate a portion of its €500bn fund to a new deposit insurance fund similar to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in the US."
School News

Stern's Master of Science in Global Finance degree, offered in partnership with HKUST, is cited

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Mark Seasholes, a finance professor at HKUST, says many of those enrolled on the programme want to figure out the bigger picture. 'Many companies want more than just the maths. We want to teach students how to deal with the problems that are coming up in five years.'"
School News

Master of Science in Global Finance student Michael Chiu is profiled

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "I applied to the MS in Global Finance because I believe it is a great way to bolster my qualifications, enrich my knowledge base and financial acumen, launch my career development in a new trajectory, and continue to help MetLife achieve profitable growth globally."
School News

The Stern Consulting Corps are cited for helping the local NYC community

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "In 2001, the couple moved to Harlem so that Mr. Williams could work for the Clinton Foundation. His task there was developing programs to help the local community; one that he started, in partnership with Booz Allen Hamilton and the New York University Stern School of Business, provided free consulting to small businesses."
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on small business loans

Crain's New York logo
Excerpt from Crain's New York Business -- "For Lawrence White, the Robert Kavesh professor of economics at NYU's Stern School of Business, the central issue is the state of the economy, which he sees strengthening over the next two years. And with that improvement, banks' willingness to lend to small business will also increase, both nationally and in New York City."
Faculty News

Prof. Irving Schenkler on corporations taking sides in the same-sex marriage debate

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "'Asking companies to remain neutral is a realistic tactic. The fact that many companies aren't doing it is quite meaningful,' Schenkler continued. 'Corporations are rarely in the forefront of raising banners to change the world.'"
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Michael Spence on what his father taught him about money

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'My father was in the academic world and was also a partner in a merchant bank in Toronto,' [Spence] says. 'He was part academic, part practitioner. He had a very rigorous mind, made sure I learned math as a kid.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Edward Altman says the euro's end game is Italy

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "Two years ago, Altman and Amsterdam-based professor Herbert Rijken hatched a model that makes a 'bottom-up' prediction of sovereign risk. Their 'Z-Score' model aggregates the average probability of default of listed nonfinancial and financial companies, whose health is central to that of the sovereign. Altman's model correctly predicted Europe's current hierarchy of risk: Spain and Portugal on the bottom, with Italy a bit higher."
Faculty News

Prof. Jeffrey Simonoff's research shows a Tony win can lead to a 50% longer run

Excerpt from Variety -- "Simonoff and colleagues ... looked at Tony wins in what they considered "major categories" -- musical, tuner revival, play, play revival, director and lead actor and actress. Sure enough, they found that each Tony in one of those categories is associated with a 50% longer expected run, while a nom without the win was associated with a 30% longer expected lifespan."
Faculty News

Prof. Nicholas Economides on the European credit crisis

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "Well I think that the European integration has to move quickly and create a guarantee for the deposits of depositors in any European country by the ECB and not by the national banks. Because people will lose credibility. The national banks have lost credibility."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the state of the global economy

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project-Syndicate -- "Compared to 2008-2009, when policymakers had ample space to act, monetary and fiscal authorities are running out of policy bullets (or, more cynically, policy rabbits to pull out of their hats). Monetary policy is constrained by the proximity to zero interest rates and repeated rounds of quantitative easing."
Faculty News

Prof. Richard Sylla on the euro

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "'A decade isn’t very long in human history,' said Richard Sylla, an economist and financial historian at NYU who said the euro can be classified as 'kind of a failure.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Jeffrey Simonoff on his Broadway research and the movie "Rock of Ages"

CNN logo
Excerpt from CNN -- "On Broadway, 'There's that suspension of disbelief that you go in with,' Simonoff added. 'You know it's on a stage. When you watch a movie, there's still some suspension of disbelief, but it feels more jarring when people suddenly burst into song.'"
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Nicholas Economides on what is at stake in the Greek election

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Assuming that rationality prevails on Sunday, a new Greek government—most likely a coalition government—will recommit to the euro and to Greece's existing debt agreements by the end of the month."
Press Releases

NYU Stern Introduces New Essay Question to the Full-time MBA Program Application

Henry Kaufman Management Center
NYU Stern is introducing a new Essay 2 to its full-time MBA application for Fall 2013 applicants, the first major change in the essays in six years. The question will assess an applicant’s fit with the Stern mission and mindset about creating value in an environment of increased ambiguity. The School believes these qualities are essential to lead in today’s global business environment.
School News

The new essay question on Stern's full-time MBA application is featured

Excerpt from The Economist -- "New York University’s Stern Business School is introducing a new essay question for MBA applicants. The school says it is intended to 'assess an applicant’s fit with the Stern mission and mindset about creating value in an environment of increased ambiguity.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Stern faculty argue for policy integration and burden sharing in the euro zone

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "If EMU policymakers wish to preserve the euro, they will need a Hamiltonian solution, including both fiscal burden-sharing to halt the crisis and conditionality (or fiscal and financial rules) to prevent another crisis and avoid a persistent wealth transfer to peripheral EMU members."
Press Releases

Study From Prof. Heski Bar-Isaac: Online Rankings of Hospitals May Be Detrimental to Patient Welfare

A new study from Professor Heski Bar-Isaac suggests online hospital rankings may be detrimental to patient welfare.