Faculty News

Research Scholar Sarah Labowitz's op-ed on factory conditions in Bangladesh is cited

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "The Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety (the Accord) and the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety (the Alliance) are working to improve the building and fire safety of Bangladeshi garment firms. According to a Guardian post by Sarah Labowitz of the Center for Business and Human Rights at NYU’s Stern School of Business, an average cost of factory upgrades is estimated by the Alliance to be around $250,000 per factory. Since the total number of factories recognized by various brands comes to about 1,800, the upgrades could cost $400 million for those identified factories alone."
Faculty News

Profs Jennifer Carpenter and Robert Whitelaw explain the advantages of local Chinese government bonds

People's Daily Logo
Excerpt from International Finance News -- "First, giving local governments more authority and liability for their bond issuances strengthens their incentives to leverage their local knowledge about which projects have the best potential. Second, because the borrowing is directly from markets, local governments will pay a more market-based cost of capital, which aggregates information across a diffuse investor base and helps to allocate capital toward better uses. Third, creating a tradable standardized set of bonds will help create liquidity and attract capital. It will also increase transparency about the use of the capital, as observable yield spreads will contain clear signals about the market’s assessment of default risk, although this will reflect both asset risk and political risk."
Faculty News

Prof. Anat Lechner on eliminating physical workspaces

OZY logo
Excerpt from OZY -- "Ironically, the best pitch you can make to your boss may be what Lechner explains: 'We have full transparency now,' she says. 'You can see the trail of technology — when you called, who you emailed, which conference call you jumped in and out of. We know exactly what you’re doing. Who cares where you’re doing it from?'"
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's op-ed on technology's impact on jobs is highlighted

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "Economist Nouriel Roubini also doubts that education will be enough to spread the gains from automation around, which could mean that policymakers will need to create a greater degree of income support for those whose jobs are rendered obsolete."
Faculty News

Research Scholar Taeya Howell's research on family gender roles is highlighted

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "Despite the progress women have made in the U.S. workforce over the past decades, a recent study I conducted with colleagues Emily Amanatullah and Taeya Howell, finds that many men and women still believe in traditional gender roles and prefer the husband to be the primary breadwinner and the wife the primary family caretaker."
Faculty News

Prof. Luke Williams explains how co-founders of start-ups can avoid conflicts

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "I know from running the entrepreneurship center at NYU, and we have 600 students through every year...Getting clarification on who's doing what in a team and getting it in writing is critical right from the starting point."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Profs. Roy Smith and Brad Hintz discuss how banks can navigate the new regulatory landscape

Financial News logo
Excerpt from Financial News -- "Seven years after the financial crisis, global capital market banks have largely achieved compliance with tough new capital standards. However, the economic damage to their businesses in doing so has divided the industry into survivors, committed to strategies that are likely to succeed in a permanently changed world, and laggards that have lost their way."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomaï Serdari on Lamborghini's collaboration with d'Avenza

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- "'Heritage Italian brands Lamborghini and d’Avenza share a past that has remained exclusive to a select clientele,' said Thomaï Serdari, Ph.D., founder of PIQLuxury and adjunct professor of luxury marketing at New York University, New York. 'Recently however, both brands have made a definite turn towards a wider market where they can promote products that are destined for a particular type of clientele, most probably of foreign origins.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's comments at the China Development Forum are highlighted

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'Maintaining a growth rate of 7 percent for the next few years is not possible,' Nouriel Roubini, an economist who teaches at New York University’s Stern School of Business, said at the China Development Forum on Saturday. 'The only way you could do so is by increasing further the amount of credit relative to GDP and that increase of leverage eventually is going to lead to massive losses.'"
Faculty News

Prof. April Klein on activist investor Nelson Peltz's plans for DuPont

News Journal logo
Excerpt from The News Journal -- "'DuPont has been doing the same things for many years,' said April Klein, an accounting professor at New York University's Stern School of Business. 'There has to be feeling that the company is resting on its laurels and maybe it's time to shake things up. It's not clear where DuPont's growth opportunities are anymore and its not illogical for someone to come and try to shake up how the company is being run.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Global Research Prof. Ian Bremmer outlines the challenges of globalization

TIME logo
Excerpt from TIME -- "Globalization isn’t going away—in fact, it will continue apace. But the U.S.-led world order is deteriorating. An inconsistent, war-weary United States is no longer willing and able to provide global leadership—and no other country is stepping up to take its place: the rest of the West is distracted with problems at home, and allies are looking to hedge their bets."
Faculty News

Prof. Tom Meyvis explains why people enjoy shopping

Quartz logo
Excerpt from Quartz -- "It is what’s called 'transactional utility' says Dr. Tom Meyvis, a professor of marketing at NYU’s Stern School of Business and an expert in consumer psychology. 'You see this a lot with clothing,' he tells Quartz. 'Part of the joy you get from shopping is not just that you bought something that you really like and you’re going to use, but also that you got a good deal.'"
School News

Executive Director of MBA Admissions Alison Goggin is interviewed on the MBA application process

Mogul logo
Excerpt from MOGUL -- "Gain knowledge, build your network, and open doors to new opportunities. These are three key benefits of earning your MBA."
Faculty News

NYU Global Research Prof. Ian Bremmer discusses possible outcomes for negotiations with Iran

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "Bremmer laid out the two troubling scenarios in a 'Squawk Box' interview. 'You get this deal done, and the Iranians will still have breakout nuclear capabilities of 12 months, maybe 15 [months].' Should Tehran decide to break the deal a few years down the line, the international community would be hard-pressed to restart sanctions, he argued."
Faculty News

Prof. Nathan Pettit discusses his research on status-seeking

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Though many of us know this, the paper makes clear that most people do not like others who are open about their status-craving. 'We don’t admit to ourselves that other people don’t like it when we strive for status,' [Pettit] says. In other words, if you’re blatant about your status-seeking, you’ll undermine your goal."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michelle Greenwald discusses the strategy behind innovative vending machines

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "More and more, companies are making vending machines an important part of their product distribution strategies. Vending machines enable products to sell in more locations at a lower cost than in traditional retail shops since the real estate expense is usually lower, and other than restocking the machines, labor costs are non-existent. In most cases, there’s no competitive clutter around the machines and the products are the only ones in their category at that spot."
Faculty News

Prof. Kim Schoenholtz's blog post on negative nominal interest rates is spotlighted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Our bottom line is fairly simple. We doubt that the lower bound on nominal interest rates is much below zero over any extended period of time. Trying to keep nominal rates below the cost of currency storage and movement would convert bankers back into goldsmiths, tightening rather than loosening monetary conditions."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran on the trend of stock buybacks

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Still, the noted valuation expert Aswath Damodaran asserts that much good could come from share buybacks and that banning or regulating buybacks falls “squarely in the feel-good but do-bad economic policy realm.'"
Faculty News

Prof. JP Eggers on the recent increase in companies spinning off brands

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "In many cases, the value we're seeing created from these spinoffs is legitimately real. These companies are actually able to be more efficient, more effective, and better competitors by being more focused. The managers can pay attention to a smaller collection of assets..."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on lawsuits against Uber

WIRED logo
Excerpt from WIRED -- "'Uber’s culture is more command and control than community-building,' Sundararajan says. 'Uber drivers could say this isn’t good, let’s take it up with the company instead of going to court. But maybe they feel they can’t take issues to the company.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on TaskRabbit offering perks to its freelance workforce

Entrepreneur logo
Excerpt from Entrepreneur -- "NYU business professor and sharing economy researcher Arun Sundararajan says moves like this make sense for companies at the critical early-stage of building brand perception. 'It recognizes that these platforms are being built on the shoulders of providers. These platforms have to work extra hard to take care of providers and keep them close.'"
Faculty News

Prof. David Yermack on the increasing number of virtual shareholder meetings

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "David Yermack, a professor at New York University who has studied the location of shareholder meetings, says there's another reason that in-person annual meetings won't disappear too soon — long-standing rituals are hard to change without prompting doubts about the motives. 'This is a 400-year-old corporate norm, where once a year you have to face the owners of the company and answer for what you’ve done.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt is interviewed about his book, "The Righteous Mind"

Malaysia Star logo
Excerpt from The Star Online -- "'The goal was to write a book that both the left and the right could read and not feel alienated by,' explains Haidt. 'I think for a lot of our modern problems, you really can’t solve it from within one framework.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan is interviewed about his research on the sharing economy

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast CoExist -- "More broadly, the research shows how encouraging sharing in cities might lead to 'inclusive' growth, not just privilege higher-income groups. 'Cities can view nurturing peer-to-peer platforms with being consistent with inclusive growth,' Sundararajan says in an interview. 'It's not about supporting the tech sector. It's going to improve your economy in a way that benefits below-median consumers most.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway discusses the ROI of social media marketing

Womens Wear Daily logo
Excerpt from Women's Wear Daily -- "'Instagram is top of the funnel, brand-based marketing, and it’s very hard to establish direct attributes and that’s across all mediums. Whether it’s print or marketing, the ROI here [on Instagram] is largely secondary,' he said. Galloway added that since Instagram has an organic reach of 100 percent, it’s hard to over-invest on the platform right now."