Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan explains the importance of Uber's strategic entrance into the Japanese market

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "I think Uber is just saying let's get into the Japanese market the way that we can. This is one of the potentially five biggest sharing economy markets in the world. The consumers are very entrenched in existing behaviors now so perhaps transitioning in through something familiar may work well because Japan has been very slow to adopt sharing economy behaviors so far. I just think they see it as a hack to get into the massive Tokyo market and once they socialize the idea a little, I think they will start pushing those regulatory boundaries further."
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari explains how fashion and fragrance brand Rochas is repositioning its brand with a new web series

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- "'Young consumers bond strongly with brands that have a story to share to communicate their unique heritage,' she said. 'It is imperative for any luxury brand that wants to impress younger consumers to tell its story and to tell it well, in a concise and animated form that can keep the attention of today's "distracted" consumer.'"
Student Club Events

11th Annual NYU Stern Luxury & Retail Conference

On Friday, Oct. 6, the NYU Stern Luxury & Retail Club will hold its 11th annual conference, themed “Luxury at a Global Scale: Envisioning a Connected Future”. 
School News

Associate Dean of MBA Admissions Isser Gallogly explains the importance of EQ for MBA applicants

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "Isser Gallogly, associate dean of MBA admissions and program innovation at Stern, says the school added this admissions requirement because it believes emotional intelligence is what separates mediocre business executives from exceptional ones. Gallogly says a business venture cannot thrive unless the individual in charge not only has a good idea but also knows how to execute that idea. 'If that person does not have the emotional intelligence to sell that idea, to drive that idea, to move it through organizations to effect change, ultimately they're not going to be successful in business,' he says."
Faculty News

Professor Pankaj Ghemawat is interviewed about Catalonia's independence from Spain

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "But the violence that marred the Oct. 1 vote has focused Catalans’ minds on issues other than euros. 'At some point the economic considerations start to be irrelevant and identity becomes paramount,' says Ghemawat. On Oct. 1, he says, 'we took a giant step in that direction.'"
Press Releases

NYU Launches Master’s Degree of Science in Computing, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation

Street view of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences has launched a one-year Master of Science in Computing, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation (MS-CEI) degree program in collaboration with the Stern School of Business to foster the next-generation of technical innovators and entrepreneurs.
Faculty News

Professor Robert Salomon's comments on global business at the Global Citizens Forum in Brazil are highlighted

Valor Economico Logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Valor Econômico -- "'Many successful multinational corporations face difficulties,' said Salomon, a member of the Global Citizens Forum, which brought former President Barack Obama to Brazil. The globalization expert presented data showing that multinationals have more difficulties and higher costs to operate in foreign countries than native firms."
Faculty News

Professor Priya Raghubir's joint research on spending and currency is featured

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Excerpt from Mint Press News -- "[Raghubir and coauthor Joydeep Srivastava's] 2009 paper titled 'Denomination Effect' found that people are less likely to spend larger units of currency than their equivalent amount in smaller units; while their 2002 paper titled 'Effect of Face Value on Product Valuation in Foreign Currencies' found that tourists underspent when the face value of foreign currency was a multiple of the equivalent amount in their home currency, and vice versa. This rule, of course, is applicable not just to tourists: psychologically, one is less likely to spend, say, 1000 drachmas than the equivalent amount of less than 3 euros."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack shares his views on bitcoin as an investment

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Excerpt from Xinhua -- "Yermack said Bitcoin trading is 'pure speculation' and anyone who invests in this is 'buying an asset that is so new that no one really understands and is not really getting any of the regulatory protection that you would get in the stock markets or the commodities markets.'"
Faculty News

In an in-depth Q&A, Professor Michael North shares insights about the intergenerational workforce

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Excerpt from Society for Human Resource Management -- "The biggest benefit [of an age-diverse workforce] is the potential that members of all generations have to learn from one another. Older workers bring 'soft skills' to the table that are severely undervalued in the workplace. These talents include loyalty to the company, emotional stability, wisdom and problem-solving. Younger workers have much to gain from this skill set, and a great deal to learn from those who have an 'organizational memory,' or understanding of why the company does things a certain way."
Faculty News

Professor Michael North dispels common myths about the multigenerational workplace

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Excerpt from Society for Human Resource Management -- "Myth 1: Younger workers perform better than older ones. It's true that, on average, fluid intelligence—that is, the ability for people to process information quickly—declines with age, North said. But another important aspect of brain power known as crystallized intelligence, which is based on wisdom, experience, and the ability to recognize patterns, remains stable and sometimes increases across the lifespan. Many other key elements integral to strong performance improve with age, including conscientiousness, emotional wellbeing, agreeableness, loyalty and language complexity. 'Research is finally starting to demonstrate that a lot of things get better,' North said."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan is interviewed to discuss the implications of Uber's governance changes

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "If they can go through with all of the changes to the board then absolutely it is going to emerge a stronger company than it went in this morning. I often feel like you could structure a whole MBA degree around Uber, every dimension from tech to market entry and corporate governance."
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights deputy director Paul Barrett discusses the impact of the Las Vegas shooting on gun control legislation

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Excerpt from WNYC -- "...we do have an additional factor here of that rapid firing audio that now millions and millions of people have heard. Will it change the calculus on legislation? I suppose it's possible that if gun control advocates focus narrowly enough on for example the kinds of devices that turn a semi automatic into an automatic firing weapon, there might be some success. But I think even that would be a long shot with President Trump in the White House."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway discusses Amazon's growth, from his book, "The Four"

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Excerpt from TheStreet.com -- "'The stock will be anti-gravity,' Galloway said in an interview with TheStreet. 'If you look at where Amazon is budding heads against the other three (Apple, Facebook and Google), it's winning everywhere it touches them.'"
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides explains how internet providers' definition of the open internet differs from true network neutrality

Center for Public Integrity logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from the Center for Public Integrity -- "Internet service providers 'may have a PR position in which they say they love the open internet, but what they mean by open internet, does not include network neutrality,' Economides said. 'It's stuff that lobbyists put around because it sounds good to the average congressman or even the average voter, but it has nothing to do with the public interest.'"
Faculty News

Professor Pankaj Ghemawat shares insights on globalization

El Pais logo
Excerpt from El Pais -- "'Following the victory of Trump and Brexit, there has been a perception that globalization as we know it has died,' Ghemawat says. 'But it has only changed, because trade has remained stable, just like capital flows, but flows of people and, above all, the flow of information have increased.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway weighs in on Facebook and Google's efforts to combat fake news, from his book, "The Four"

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "'There’s a way — the fact is, they don’t have the will,' said Scott Galloway, a professor of marketing at New York University and author of The Four, a new book about Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google."
Faculty News

Professor Sinziana Dorobantu comments on the potential impact of Charter Communications' labor dispute with its technicians

Stamford Advocate 192 x 144
Excerpt from The Stamford Advocate -- "It’s really important for companies to pay attention to all of their stakeholders,' said Sinziana Dorobantu, an assistant professor of management and organizations in New York University’s business school. 'It’s pretty obvious that employees are very important stakeholders for any company, in particular for companies like Charter that are relying on people out there in the field who interact with their customers on a regular basis.'"
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter shares how using social media exclusively from a desktop can help reduce its addictive nature

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Excerpt from WIRED -- "It’s not as fun to use social media on a computer—and that’s a good thing, says Adam Alter, a professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business and author of the book Irresistible, which charts the rise of addictive technology. 'The feed doesn’t progress quite as neatly as when you're using a very simple finger swipe gesture,' he says. 'You have to scroll the mouse or do something that requires a little extra effort, and even that little bit of extra effort can have an effect on how we experience the world.'"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan explains why retailers have a natural synergy with sharing economy platforms such as Handy and TaskRabbit

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Excerpt from WIRED -- "'Online retail is going to grow dramatically in the next decade. It’s under 10 percent now, but there’s no reason it won’t be over 20 percent in five years,' says Arun Sundararajan, a business professor at NYU and author of The Sharing Economy. 'Physical-world extensions of digital commerce are going to be an increasingly important part of the retail experience.'"
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack shares his thoughts on regulation and security of virtual currencies

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Excerpt from Reuters -- "'These are new assets. No one really knows what to make of them,' said David L. Yermack, chairman of the finance department at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'If you’re a consumer, there’s nothing to protect you.'"
Faculty News

Professor Alexander Ljungqvist's joint research on corporate investments and Professor Thomas Philippon and PhD student Germán Gutiérrez's joint research on investment in US firms is featured

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "A 2010 paper by economists John Asker, Joan Farre-Mensa and Alexander Ljungqvist found that closely held companies tend to invest more than similar publicly listed companies, and also tend to be quicker to respond to new investment opportunities. ... Meanwhile, economists German Gutierrez and Thomas Philippon have a recent paper investigating the causes of low business investment. They find that the more public companies are owned by institutional investors, the less they tend to invest."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan is interviewed about the future of Amazon, Apple and Google and the role artificial intelligence will play in their successes

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "If I look forward 10 years, we will be speaking to our devices rather than pressing them. All of these services - healthcare, retail - will be integrated tightly into this intelligent device. So Apple, Google and Amazon are all battling to be the device that you talk to." (0:37)
Faculty News

Professor Melissa Schilling's research underscoring the importance of cognitive diversity on research teams is referenced

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "Analyses by a diverse group of scholars including Brian Uzzi, Daniel Romero, Lada Adamic, Richard Freeman, Melissa Schilling and Brian Jones shows that the best research and patents is produced by cognitively diverse teams. Some of these studies cover upward of 20 million papers and 5 million patents."
Faculty News

Professor Alixandra Barasch's joint research on the impact of using a candid profile photo on social media is highlighted

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Excerpt from Knowledge@Wharton -- "In, 'A Candid Advantage? The Social Benefits of Candid Photos,' Berger and co-author Alixandra Barasch of New York University compare audience reactions to posed vs. candid photos in online profiles. When observers viewed profiles that displayed unvarnished images — or those that seemed to be unvarnished — they reported feeling more connected to those people and more interested in getting to know them."