Faculty News

Prof. Steven Koonin on NYU's Center for Urban Science and Progress

Excerpt from the New York Daily News -- "CUSP will address the challenges facing cities, including infrastructure, tech integration, energy efficiency, transportation congestion, public safety and public health, Koonin said."
Faculty News

Prof. William Silber's book, "Volcker: The Triumph of Persistence," is named a best book of 2012

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Silber delivers just the right amount of human portrait to make his main story engrossing: how the U.S. left the gold standard at the start of the 1970s; how it simultaneously lost control of inflation; and how it regained monetary credibility under Volcker’s Fed chairmanship from 1979 on."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown Stresses the Need for International Coordination to MBAs

“We are currently living through the most dramatic shift in global economic history,” argued The Right Honorable Gordon Brown, former prime minister of the United Kingdom and NYU’s first Distinguished Global Leader-in-Residence. As part of NYU Stern’s Block Lunch event series, hosted by Dean Peter Henry, Brown spoke to more than 100 MBA students this week.
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Arun Sundararajan recommends deregulating digital taxi services

Excerpt from the New York Daily News -- “The city has taken important strides towards becoming a tech-friendly place... Now it’s time for City Hall to take its tech-friendliness further and deliver more of its benefits to the average New Yorker. Deregulating digital taxi services would be a good place to start.”
Faculty News

Prof. Joe Foudy on the potential effects of the fiscal cliff

Excerpt from the New York Daily News -- "'Suddenly everyone is going to see their paycheck go down and that’s going to slow consumer spending,' said associate professor of economics Joe Foudy, at the New York University’s Stern School of Business."
School News

In an op-ed, Daria Burke (MBA '08) discusses what business schools can do to foster female leaders

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from the Huffington Post -- "Currently, only a handful of business schools -- Stern (NYU), Darden (UVA), HBS (Harvard) -- offer courses that focus on women in leadership."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Cooley discusses the fiscal cliff

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "I think that the worst consequence of the fiscal cliff is that it's really taking attention away from what really needs to be done for the long run."
Faculty News

Prof. April Klein on companies that shrink their cash holdings

Nightly Business Report logo
Excerpt from Nightly Business Report -- "I know they say you can't be too rich or too thin, but companies can in fact be too rich and sometimes you want to shrink out the cash."
School News

MBA student Marisa Rosenthal recommends a holiday gift for MBAs

Excerpt from Bloomberg BusinessWeek -- "Marisa Rosenthal, a student at New York University’s Stern School of Business, encourages people to buy an iPhone case through Bonobos to benefit charity:water, a nonprofit that provides clean drinking water to those in developing nations."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Cooley on banks that avoid regulation

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'What we are seeing now is a gamesmanship dance in which firms do whatever they can to avoid regulation, which is an age-old phenomenon,' said Thomas Cooley, a professor of economics at New York University's Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Prof. William Baumol's Cost Disease theory is cited

Minneapolis Star-Tribune logo
Excerpt from the Star Tribune -- "The concept comes from economist William Baumol, whose groundbreaking work studying the arts in the 1960s with a Princeton University colleague led to his simple observation that productivity gains in the performing arts are all but impossible to achieve."
Faculty News

Profs Nouriel Roubini, Paul Romer and Jonathan Haidt are named FP Top 100 Global Thinkers

Foreign Policy logo
Excerpt from Foreign Policy -- "NOURIEL ROUBINI, For being not just gloomy, but right... PAUL ROMER, For dreaming big about how to reinvent cities... JONATHAN HAIDT, For revealing the psychology of partisanship."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. George Smith explains how executives can leverage the history of their companies

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from the Harvard Business Review -- "A sophisticated understanding of the past is one of the most powerful tools we have for shaping the future."
Faculty News

Prof. Bryan Bollinger on patterns of solar power adoption

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'If you can talk to someone who’s gone through it who has a positive view, then they could really alleviate some of the concerns,' said Bryan Bollinger, an assistant professor of marketing at the Stern School of Business at New York University who has studied patterns of solar adoption."
Faculty News

Prof. Ralph Gomory and Richard Sylla's research on American Corporations is featured

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from the Wall Street Journal -- "Ralph Gomory, former head of Sloan Foundation, and NYU economic historian Richard Sylla, trace the history of the corporation in a long essay to be published next year in Daedalus, and ask, 'How do we align the actions of corporations with the broader interests of the country?'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. David Backus shares his theoretical approach to Europe's economy

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "Perhaps the central challenge for the future of Europe is to decide which risks qualify for insurance and which do not. Their choices must balance insurance with incentives. And once they decide, they must make a firm commitment to paying any claims that make their list."
Research Center Events

NYU Start Up Job Expo 2012

The first NYU Start Up Job Expo, hosted by NYU Stern's Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Office of Career Development, Career Center for Working Professionals and Entrepreneurs Exchange Club, as well as the NYU Wasserman Center for Career Development, the Wasserman Center for Career Development at NYU-Poly, the NYU Entrepreneurs Network and NY Tech Meetup, to be held on Thursday November 29. This event will provide students with a chance to connect with professionals in the entrepreneurial community, such as, ffVentures, Lore, Lot18, Quirky, TargetSpot, Venmo and Yipit.
Student Club Events

Stern MBAs win Cable Interacts Interactive Launch Competition

On November 28, 2012, a team of five NYU Stern MBA students won the first place $2,000 prize in the second annual Cable Interacts Interactive Launch Competition. Kibi Anderson, Ben Colman, Joshua Cohen, Austin Clements and Taj Corinaldi, advised by Professor Alvin Lieberman, competed against teams from Columbia Business School, MIT Sloan, Georgetown McDonough School of Business, Boston University School of Management and Howard University School of Business.
Faculty News

Prof. Aaron Tenenbein on the odds of winning the Powerball lottery

CBS News logo
Excerpt from CBS News -- "The chance of your winning if you don't play is zero, but the chance of your winning if you do play is about the same."
Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose and the M.S. in Business Analytics program are featured

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from U.S. News -- "Ghose has also observed significant demand from job recruiters for analytical skills. 'Most companies understand that there is some value in business analytics and big data, but they just don't have, often, the in-house skills to do something with that,' he says."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Robert Engle discusses systemic risk

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "The fiscal cliff is on everybody's radar but I think it's not the only thing that needs to be on our radar because I think that the situation in Europe could actually turn out to be just as damaging for the US economy as the fiscal cliff."
Faculty News

Prof. Nicholas Economides on Greece's debt deal

BBC News logo
Excerpt from BBC -- "It's a temporary deal. It's not perfect. It's a compromise. It gives more time to Greece to improve things but ultimately I think we will find ourselves in the same spot in a few months or in a year."
School News

NY Fed's Simon Potter discusses central bank policy at NYU Stern

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from the Wall Street Journal -- "Speaking at gathering held at the New York University‘s Stern School of Business, Simon Potter, who heads up the New York Fed’s critical Markets Group, said real-time information is critical to good policy making."
School News

Consulting practices at audit firms are discussed at the Ross Roundtable at Stern

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Experts from the finance sector, industry, regulatory agencies, government, legal and accounting professions, and academia got together last night at NYU Stern School of Business for a Ross Roundtable to discuss the reemergence of consulting practices in the major audit firms."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Jonathan Haidt discusses moral psychology and the fiscal cliff

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from the Washington Post -- "If our leaders want to be statesmen rather than panderers, they need to do the same. Pledges to protect this or that group from all sacrifice are as counterproductive as pledges never to raise taxes. President Obama and Speaker Boehner should develop shared language to convey to the American people the severity of our problems and the need for all Americans to make some sacrifices."