Faculty News
Professor Paul Romer is featured in an column on data protection, urging for transparency and clarity over privacy
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "'If nobody — let’s call that fewer than 5 per cent of users — can get an even partial understanding' of the terms of a transaction, then Romer says companies simply shouldn’t be doing them. What’s more, 'we should put the burden of proof on the companies themselves' rather than allowing them to circumvent responsibility via 'phoney disclosures.'"
Faculty News
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "'If nobody — let’s call that fewer than 5 per cent of users — can get an even partial understanding' of the terms of a transaction, then Romer says companies simply shouldn’t be doing them. What’s more, 'we should put the burden of proof on the companies themselves' rather than allowing them to circumvent responsibility via 'phoney disclosures.'"