Student Club Events

2019 Latin America Business Conference

Latin America Business Conference 2019 Event Flyer
On March 1, the Latin America Business Associations of Stern and Columbia will join forces with the Young Professionals of the Americas (YPA) to host the Latin American Business Conference.
School News

Undergraduate student Joshua Williams is interviewed about his nonprofit organization, the Joshua's Heart Foundation

Miami Times logo
Excerpt from Miami Times Online -- "As he’s working toward a degree away from home at NYU Stern School of Business, he says he’s glad he set the stage for the other kids in the organization to take leadership roles, training them throughout the years to ensure that Joshua’s Heart would become a sustainable, social entrepreneurship. 'We grew up together, the foundation and me, but now it is its own entity,' said Joshua. 'It is important to learn how to pass on the torch to the next generation.'"
Business and Policy Leader Events

NYU Stern Hosts 4th Roundtable on Corporate Political Accountability

Bruce Freed delivers opening remarks.
A group of experts comprised of faculty from business and law schools, as well as other leaders in business, law and the nonprofit sectors, convened at NYU Stern for a two-day roundtable discussion on “Corporate Political Accountability: Corporate Political Spending and Risk in the Age of Trump.”
Faculty News

Professor Petra Moser is quoted in an article about Thomas Jennings, the first known African-American patent holder in the US

Excerpt from Smithsonian Magazine -- “'If the legal system was biased against black inventors, they wouldn’t have been able to defend their patents,' she says. The white infringer would have been believed. 'Also, you need capital to defend your patent, and black inventors generally had less access to capital.'"
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev's blog post on why big mergers often fail is featured

Seeking Alpha logo
Excerpt from Seeking Alpha -- "Why are large companies such poor acquirers? Several reasons come to mind. Large companies are often overly bureaucratic with a set culture, complicating the integration of the acquired targets. Furthermore, large companies are often mature, desperately trying to reignite growth."
Faculty News

In an article on Selfridges ceasing the sale of materials made from exotic leathers, Professor Thomai Serdari highlights the importance of transparency for luxury retailers

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily --  "'Consumers’ ethical standards have consistently shifted away from products of questionable origins, whether this pertains to how they were made, of which material or by whom,' Ms. Serdari said. 'Additionally, as technology advances in terms of identifying the correct provenance of sources or in terms of tracing every manufacturing part to its origin, consumers have heightened the intensity of their concerns because they feel more empowered by technology to do so.'"
School News

Senior Research Scholar Steven Altman comments on globalization in Austria, referencing his joint research with Professor Pankaj Ghemawat and Associate Research Scholar Phillip Bastian

Die Presse logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Die Presse -- "'We were somewhat surprised how low Austria’s breadth is in international trade,' says Steven Altman of the New York University's Stern School of Business, which calculates the Global Connectedness Index every two years, to the 'Presse am Sonntag.'"
School News

Jonathan B. Williams, assistant vice president for undergraduate admissions at NYU, and Tiffany Boselli, assistant dean of Academic Advising & Judicial Affairs at Stern, share insights on the admissions process and orientation for undergraduate students

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "'Probably the most common mistake that applicants make is to try and be something that they are not in their application,' Williams says. ... 'In their Cohorts, students go through orientation, which includes Convocation with the Dean of the Undergraduate College, academic information sessions, club fairs, and even a trip to the U.S. Open. Throughout it all, we all do our best to make the summer months before their first year positive and productive.'"
Business and Policy Leader Events

Jesse Eisinger Joins Professor Paul Zarowin for an Author Lecture Series Event

From left to right: Professor Paul Zarowin and Jessie Eisinger
On February 27, Jesse Eisinger, senior reporter and editor of Propublica, came to NYU Stern for a discussion about his new book, The Chickenshit Club: Why the Justice Department Fails to Prosecute Executives, with Professor Paul Zarowin.
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon and PhD student Germán Gutiérrez's joint research examining the growth and contributions of super star firms is cited

Livemint logo
Excerpt from LiveMint -- "A new paper by German Gutierrez and Thomas Philippon of the Stern School of Business at New York University takes a look at superstar firms in the US economy over the past six decades. Their careful empirical work ends with a counter-intuitive conclusion. Superstar firms have not become larger, have not become more productive and their contribution to productivity growth has fallen by more than a third."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Zarowin is quoted in a story on Warren Buffett's recent letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "Paul Zarowin, a professor of accounting at the Stern School of Business at New York University, told MarketWatch, 'If Berkshire Hathaway is holding a lot of assets that are marked-to-market now, it makes sense that he would shift his focus to share price. A new emphasis on share repurchases is aligned with that.'"
School News

MBA student Alice Schnurman shares the factors that attracted her to Stern in an article offering advice to prospective students

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "To make my decision, I created an Excel spreadsheet that ranked schools by: prestige (based on U.S. News reports), academic flexibility (from school websites), leadership development opportunities (from school websites), job prospects (based on employment reports), alumni willingness to help (based on conversations with friends at those programs), social life (based on conversations with friends), cost, and closeness to family. Highest weightings went to job prospects/alumni, social life, and closeness to family."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's valuation of the healthcare industry is cited

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Valuation guru Aswath Damodaran late last year figured it was worth about $38 billion, while analysts at Deutsche Bank thought a disposal of part of the business would fetch a little over $10 billion after taxes."
Faculty News

In a contributed article, Professor Anika Sharma makes the case that Alexa can host the Oscars, highlighting the growing role technology is playing in the entertainment industry

 AdAge India logo
Excerpt from Ad Age India -- "While you try and convince me that Matt Damon is the best person to host the Oscars, I want to put up my nomination for Alexa to play the part. She is smart, she has a soothing voice, she has an impeccable track record (outside of the unexplained sinister laugh once-in-a-while) and she is a lot of fun."
Faculty News

Professor Christopher Conlon's joint research on common ownership is featured

Harvard Law Blog logo
Exceprt from the Harvard Law blog -- "Our new working paper, Common Ownership in America: 1980–2017 provides a new analytical framework for this debate, by comprehensively analyzing the theoretical and empirical implications of the common ownership hypothesis among all S&P 500 firms from 1980–2017. Our paper identifies why common ownership presents such a tremendous challenge to markets and regulators if prevailing hypotheses are true, but we also identify important data problems, misconceptions and erroneous assumptions that call into question the reliability of existing research."
School News

In a feature article, Professor and Vice Dean for Online Learning Kim Corfman highlights the benefits of the format and structure of Stern's new online Master of Science in Quantitative Management program for working professional students

Metro MBA logo
Excerpt from MetroMBA -- "'NYU Stern’s new Master of Science in Quantitative Management program is primarily designed for early-career non-business majors who are interested in gaining the fundamental business knowledge and high-demand business analytics skills essential for fast-tracking their careers,' says Corfman.'"
School News

Entrepreneur and investor Mark Cuban's fireside chat with Professor Greg Coleman, Q&A with the Stern community and "Stern Tank" featuring three NYU startups is featured in a news roundup from top b-schools

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "NYU Stern’s Entertainment, Media and Technology (EMT) program and W. R. Berkley Innovation Labs hosted entrepreneur, investor and ABC ‘Shark Tank’ judge Mark Cuban for a fireside chat with Professor Greg Coleman, a Q&A with the Stern community and a first-ever ‘Stern Tank,’ featuring three NYU startups."
Research Center Events

Engaging with the Blue Economy

Kaufman Management Center
On February 25, the NYU Center for Sustainable Business will host a panel entitled, "Engaging with the Blue Economy."
School News

Senior Research Scholar Alain Bertaud is quoted in an article on New Zealand's housing crisis

Guardian logo
Excerpt from The Guardian -- "Alain Bertaud, a former World Bank principal urban planner, said despite New Zealand being an otherwise 'exceptionally well-managed country', its housing market was in a state of crisis. He said the government’s efforts were being closely watched because they were broadly following global best practice in improving housing affordability."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway is quoted in an article on why "following your passion" is overrated

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "Instead, identify your talent and zero in there. 'Find out what you're good at and then invest 10,000 hours in it — and become great at it,' Galloway says."
Faculty News

In an excerpt from her forthcoming book, "The Big Nine," Professor Amy Webb stresses the importance of incorporating human values into AI development

Insider logo
Excerpt from Insider -- "Decades ago, when the frontiers of AI involved beating a human player at checkers, the decision variables were straightforward. Today, asking an AI to weigh in on a medical diagnosis or to predict the next financial market crash involves data and decisions that are orders of magnitude more complex. So instead, our systems are built for optimization. Implicit in optimizing is unpredictability—to make choices that deviate from our own human thinking."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter explains the addictive nature of technology and how the consumption of media has changed

Fox News Radio logo
Excerpt from Fox News Radio -- "I think the biggest change in the world of tech—in the world of screens—is that the consumers of screens are much more careful now about how they consume. We're paying a lot more attention to the way we spend our time, and I think we're starting to demand more from the companies that deliver those screens."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Romer's research on macroeconomics is referenced in a new book on climate change

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "The same year, Paul Romer, the chief economist of the World Bank, proposed that macroeconomics — the 'science' of capitalism — was perhaps a fantasy field of study equivalent to string theory, which no longer had any legitimate claim to describing the workings of the real economy."
Research Center Events

The 15th Annual NYU/Penn Conference on Law and Finance

NYU Stern Professor David Yermack, director of the NYU Pollack Center, presents his co-authored research
The 15th Annual NYU/Penn Conference on Law and Finance, jointly sponsored by the NYU Pollack Center for Law & Business and the University of Pennsylvania Institute for Law and Economics, was held February 22-23 at NYU Stern.
Student Club Events

NYU Stern's 14th Annual Private Equity & Venture Capital Conference

Kaufman Management Center
On Friday, February 22, NYU Stern's Private Equity Club will host their 14th Annual Private Equity & Venture Capital Conference.