Entertainment, Media and Technology
Focusing on the Business of Entertainment
The Entertainment, Media & Technology (EMT) program enables MBA and undergraduate students to understand and manage the entire spectrum of the entertainment and media business, from its impact on the economy and the digital revolution to the global opportunities that technology creates. With a focus on both the business and content aspects of the industry, the program offers students a range of courses with practical and real-life application. Courses deal with the marketing, finance, management, accounting, legal, and economic issues facing entertainment and media firms. Industries covered include, film, home video, television, cable, music, sports, and publishing.
EMT is a unique program that examines the business side of the entertainment industry. The program has formally been in existence for over 10 years and has grown from a few course offerings in marketing to a wide range of courses in marketing, finance, accounting, economics, law, and management at both the graduate and undergraduate level.
EMT has a broad focus on various sectors of the entertainment industry, including film, home video, broadcast TV, cable networks, MSO’s, DTH satellite, publishing (books, newspapers and magazines), sports, and music. Furthermore, the program looks broadly at the different business functions within the industry and how the digital revolution is dramatically challenging and changing existing business models. The MBA and B.S.B.A. curricula blend theory with practical applications. Courses are taught by regular Stern faculty as well as by adjunct professors from leading entertainment firms.
Students gain a broad understanding of the strategy and operating principles that drive the individual sectors of the entertainment industry. Classes are structured to encourage students to explore concepts, frameworks and models, and analyze industry data across multiple revenue streams. Students examine leading companies in the industry, such as Time Warner, Disney, News Corporation, Sony, CBS, Viacom, and Comcast/NBCU.
In a partnership with the Tisch School of the Arts Kanbar Institute of Film and Television, EMT established a dual MBA/MFA degree. This helps bridge the gap between the “creatives” and the “suits" and puts NYU at the forefront of preparing the next generation of producers and studio executives.
EMT attracts truly exceptional students who have a passion for the entertainment industry. Organizations such as STEBA (Stern Tisch Entertainment Business Association) for undergraduates, and MESA (Media Entertainment and Sports Association) and TANG (Technology and New Media Group) for graduate students provide forums for networking and co-curricular activities. One such activity is the ProMotion Pictures Film Competition which brings together business and creative talent from MBAs at Stern and MFAs at Tisch to produce branded entertainment films for major companies. Past sponsors include Cisco, Volvo, Verizon, Unilever’s Axe, Heineken, Johnnie Walker, I LOVE NY, and Vita Coco.
Our New York City location, combined with exceptional students, creates a vibrant and exciting learning environment. The faculty and I are committed to provide the very best educational experience to help launch students on challenging and rewarding careers in the entertainment industry.
Paul Hardart Al Lieberman
Director, EMT Program Executive Director, EMT Program
Program News

EMT Student Spotlight
EMT dual-degree student Shobhit Jain describes his experience as an intern with Good Morning America.
Recent News
MBA/MFA candidate Alyssa Loh is named a 2021 Sundance Institute Screenwriting Lab Fellow
Professor Al Lieberman was named "Media Mentor of the Year" by Variety magazine.
Variety magazine also did a feature spotlight on the EMT Program.
ProMotion Pictures, which pairs together students from NYU Stern and the Kanbar Institute for Film and Television at NYU Tisch, to produce short brand-sponsored films, was featured in Variety.
Contact Us
The Entertainment, Media and Technology Program
Tisch Hall
40 West 4th Street, Suite 900
New York, NY 10012
Mike Beato
Program Coordinator
Email: mbeato@stern.nyu.edu

Spotlight on EMT
Al Lieberman
Clinical Professor, Marketing
"Our professors come from companies like HBO, the National Basketball Association (NBA), Time Warner -- they've been involved with film production, film editing, and screen writing. These are people who are delivering courses that are soundly based on experience, on what's needed now, and what's needed in the future, as our students begin to contribute by being part of these industries."