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Working Papers


Erel, I., Ge, S. and Ma, P. (2024). Real Effects of Financial Conditions: How Does Provider Financial Health Affect Opioid Prescription? Working Paper.

Dickstein, M.J., Jeon, J., Morales, E. (2024) Patient Costs and Physicians’ Information. Working Paper No. w32014, National Bureau of Economic Research.

Bodere, P., Dickstein, M.J., Frechette, G. (2024). Wait Times for Surgery in the US: Measurement and Allocative Efficiency in Private Insurance. Working Paper, NYU Stern, Department of Economics.


Gao, J., Ge, S., Schmidt, L., and Tello-Trillo, C. (2023). How Do Health Insurance Costs Affect Low- and High-Income Workers? Working Paper.

Diamond, R., Dickstein, M.J., McQuade, T., and Persson, P. (2023). Insurance without commitment: evidence from the ACA marketplaces. Working Paper No. w24668, National Bureau of Economic Research.