Read the latest research from our Ph.D. Students
Ulrich Atz
- Ulrich Atz, Tracy Van Holt, Zongyuan Zoe Liu, and Christopher Bruno, "Does Sustainability Generate Better Financial Performance? Review, Meta-analysis, and Propositions," Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, Vol 13, No.1, pp. 802-825: 2023.
Tony (Yang Ha) Cho
- Yang Ha Cho, Xi Chen, Yiwei Dou, and Baruch Lev, "Predicting Future Earnings Changes Using Machine Learning and Detailed Financial Data," Journal of Accounting Research, Forthcoming, 2022.
Yongoh Roh
- Yiwei Dou and Yongoh Roh, "Public Disclosure and Consumer Financial Protection," Conditional Acceptance in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 2022.
Yanting (Crystal) Shi
- Yanting Shi, April Klein, and Raffaele Manini, "Across the Pond: How U.S. Firms’ Boards of Directors Adapted to the Passage of the GDPR," NYU Stern School of Business: 2021.
- Yanting Shi, Mary Brooke Billings, and April Klein, "Investors’ Response to the #MeToo Movement: Does Corporate Culture Matter?", NYU Stern School of Business, European Corporate Governance Institute – Finance Working Paper No. 764: 2021.
Danye Wang
- Danye Wang, Mary Brooke Billings, and Christine Petrovits, "The scale and scope of corporate litigation exposure and the factors that explain contingent loss disclosures," NYU Stern School of Business: 2021.