MBA Course Descriptions
Coaching for Impact | NOCR-GB.2046 , 1.5 credits
Coaching for Impact strengthens your self-awareness and ability to connect with others. It provides an opportunity to increase your communication effectiveness and enhance your leadership presence. We will focus on your impact when communicating and address a variety of interactions that you will encounter during your MBA experience.
In a small group session led by Professor Diane Lennard or Professor Jessy Hsieh, you will engage in conversation with members of your new Stern community, practice impromptu speaking, and receive individual coaching. As a result of this session, you will gain strategies for building strong relationships, communicating to achieve your desired intent, and maintaining a growth mindset.
Strategic Communication
This course supports your success as an effective communicator, innovator and leader in an age that demands immediacy and transparency. Translating your ideas into successful efforts requires a communication discipline in writing and speaking that will persuade multiple audiences from diverse cultural, intellectual and professional backgrounds. In short you need to communicate effectively with those who will fund and follow your leadership.
To achieve these goals, you will learn how to:
• develop a communication strategy appropriate to a defined situation
• analyze an audience to be effectively persuasive
• structure a message to achieve maximum impact for the listener/reader
• deliver effective prepared and impromptu presentations
• enhance personal awareness and build productive relationships in teams
• select and use appropriate media to match your communication intent
• prepare professionally written documents that meet the SEC Guidelines for Plain English
Work will be required both individually and in teams.