Working Papers

Did the Canadian Newspaper Acquisitions Raise Prices for Consumers?, by Allan Collard-Wexler and Ambarish Chandra, Working Paper EC-07-03, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Political Uncertainty and Crime in Transition Economies, by Barbara G. Katz and Joel Owen, Working Paper EC-07-04, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
A New Law for the Bond Rating Industry-- For Better or For Worse, by Lawrence J. White, Working Paper EC-07-05, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Dominant Firms, Imitation, and Incentives to Innovate, by Luis Cabral and Ben Polak, Working Paper EC-07-06, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Discrete Choice Modeling, by William Greene, Working Paper EC-07-07, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Reducing Barriers to Services Trade: The U.S. Case, by Lawrence J. White, Working Paper EC-07-08, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
"Net Neutrality," Non-Discrimination and Digital Distribution of Content Through the Internet, by Nicholas Economides, Working Paper EC-07-09, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Functional Form and Heterogeneity in Models for Count Data, by William Greene, Working Paper EC-07-10, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Lock in and Switch: Asymmetric Information and New Product Diffusion, by Luis Cabral, Working Paper EC-07-11, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Nature or Nurture? Learning and Female Labor Force Dynamics, by Alessandra Fogli and Laura Veldkamp, Working Paper EC-07-12, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Asset Pricing in a Production Economy with Chew-Dekel Preferences, by Gian Luca Clementi, Claudio Campanale, and Rui Castro, Working Paper EC-07-13, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Corporate Hierarchies and the Size of Nations: Theory and Evidence, by Dalia Marin and Thierry Verdier, Working Paper EC-07-14, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Correlation in Bivariate Poisson Regression Model, by William Greene, Working Paper EC-07-15, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Fixed and Random Effects Models for Count Data, by William Greene, Working Paper EC-07-16, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Institutional Development, Financial Deepening and Economic Growth: Evidence from China, by Paul Wachtel, Iftekhar Hasan, and Mingming Zhou, Working Paper EC-07-17, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Risk Taking by Banks in the Transition Countries, by Paul Wachtel and Rainer Haselmann, Working Paper EC-07-18, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Information Gathering Externalities in Product Markets, by Heski Bar-Isaac, Guillermo Caruana, and Vicente Cunat, Working Paper EC-07-19, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Breadth, Depth, and Competition, by Heski Bar-Isaac, Working Paper EC-07-20, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Should Wal-Mart, Real Estate Brokers, and Banks Be in Bed Together? A Principles-Based Approach to the Issues of the Separation of Banking and Commerce, by Lawrence J. White, Working Paper EC-07-21, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Cracking the Conundrum, by David K. Backus and Jonathan H. Wright, Working Paper EC-07-22, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Nonbanks in the Payments System: Vertical Integration Issues, by Nicholas Economides, Working Paper EC-07-23, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Patents and Antitrust: Application to Adjacent Markets, by Nicholas Economides, Working Paper EC-07-24, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Information Manipulation, Coordination and Regime Change, by Chris Edmond, Working Paper EC-07-25, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Information Revolutions and the Overthrow of Autocratic Regimes, by Chris Edmond, Working Paper EC-07-26, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Net Neutrality on the Internet: A Two-sided Market Analysis, by Nicholas Economides and Joacim Tag, Working Paper EC-07-27, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Quantifying the Benefits of Entry into Local Phone Service, by Nicholas Economides, Katja Seim, and V. Brian Viard, Working Paper EC-07-28, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Information and Human Capital Managment, by Heski Bar-Isaac, Ian Jewitt, and Clare Leaver, Working Paper EC-07-29, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
An Integral Equation Representation for Overlapping Generations in Continuous Time, by Chris Edmond, Working Paper EC-07-30, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Taxes and the Global Allocation of Capital, by David Backus, Espen Henriksen, and Kjetil Storeletten, Working Paper EC-07-31, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Aligning the Interests of Multiple Principals: Ownership Concentration and Profitability in China’s Publicly-Traded Firms, by Doug Guthrie, Zhixing Xiao, and Junmin Wang, Working Paper EC-07-32, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.