Macroeconomics Lunch Seminar
Fall 2024
Seminar Time & Location:
Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 PM
KMC 5-90 unless noted otherwise
To join the mailing list, please contact Keana Kianian.
September 5: "Incidence in Heterogeneous Economies"
Yad Selvakumar (NYU)
September 19: "Unemployment Risk, Mental Accounting, and the MPC over the Business Cycle"
Man Chon (Tommy) Iao (NYU)
September 26: "Dynamic Pricing under Information Frictions: Evidence from Firm-Level Subjective Expectations"
Luca Gagliardone (NYU)
October 3: "Dispersion in Borrowing Costs and the Aggregate Implications: Evidence from India"
Qinzhuo Gong (NYU)
October 8: "The Nexus Between Excess Returns, Financial Intermediaries and Uncertainty Shocks"
Giacomo Cattelan (NYU)
October 10: "Optimal monetary and fiscal policy without fiscal backing for the central bank"
Masayuki Okada (NYU)
October 15: "Labor Market Entry and Unequal Effects by Parental Income"
Diva Astinova (NYU)
October 17: Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy without Fiscal Backing for the Central Bank
Gabriel Toledo (NYU)
October 22: TBA
Brandon Kaplowitz (NYU)
October 24: "The Expected Wage Premium and Models of Random Job Search"
Cesar Zambrano (NYU)
October 29: "Exchange Rate Expectations and Aggregate Dynamics"
Nadia Pozdnyakova (NYU)
Nov 7: Property Taxes and Housing Allocation Under Financial Constraints
Abdoulaye Ndiaye (Stern)
Nov 21: "Economic Development According to Chandler"
Niklas Engbom (NYU)
Dec 5: "Subjective Uncertainty and the Marginal Propensity to Consume"
Davide Melcangi (New York Fed)