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Department of Economics | Macroeconomics Lunch Seminar

Macroeconomics Lunch Seminar

Fall 2024

Seminar Time & Location:

Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 PM
KMC 5-90 unless noted otherwise

To join the mailing list, please contact Keana Kianian.

September 5: "Incidence in Heterogeneous Economies"

Yad Selvakumar (NYU)

September 12: "Unequal Markup Responses During Recessions"

Jonathan Becker (NYU)

paper link

September 19: "Unemployment Risk, Mental Accounting, and the MPC over the Business Cycle"

Man Chon (Tommy) Iao (NYU)

September 26: "Dynamic Pricing under Information Frictions: Evidence from Firm-Level Subjective Expectations"

Luca Gagliardone (NYU)

October 3: "Dispersion in Borrowing Costs and the Aggregate Implications: Evidence from India"

Qinzhuo Gong (NYU)

October 8: "The Nexus Between Excess Returns, Financial Intermediaries and Uncertainty Shocks"

Giacomo Cattelan (NYU)

October 10: "Optimal monetary and fiscal policy without fiscal backing for the central bank"

Masayuki Okada (NYU)

October 15: "Labor Market Entry and Unequal Effects by Parental Income"

Diva Astinova (NYU)

October 17: Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy without Fiscal Backing for the Central Bank

Gabriel Toledo (NYU)

Paper link

October 22: TBA

Brandon Kaplowitz (NYU)

October 24: "The Expected Wage Premium and Models of Random Job Search"

Cesar Zambrano (NYU)

October 29: "Exchange Rate Expectations and Aggregate Dynamics"

Nadia Pozdnyakova (NYU)

October 31: "The Inflation Accelerator"

Virgiliu Midrigan (NYU)

Paper Link

Nov 7: Property Taxes and Housing Allocation Under Financial Constraints

Abdoulaye Ndiaye (Stern)

Paper Link

Nov 14: "Risk Markups"

Christopher Tonetti (Stanford)

Paper Link

Nov 21: "Economic Development According to Chandler"

Niklas Engbom (NYU)

Dec 5: "Subjective Uncertainty and the Marginal Propensity to Consume"

Davide Melcangi (New York Fed)

Paper Link

Please check back for regular updates as speakers and topics will be updated throughout the semester.  

Please contact Keana Kianian ( with any questions.