Yiwei Dou


Yiwei Dou joined New York University Stern School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Accounting in July 2012.

Professor Dou's research interests relate to financial reporting quality, debt contracting and real effects of accounting. His current work explores the impact of the debt-contracting value of borrowers' accounting information on the likelihood of private debt renegotiation, as well as the implication of renegotiation for borrowing firms' investment efficiency.

Professor Dou received his B.A. in Accounting from Peking University and his M.A. in Economics from York University. He received his Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management.

Research Interests

Financial reporting quality
Debt contracting
Real effects of Accounting

Academic Background

Ph.D., Accounting
University of Toronto

M.A., Economics
York University

B.A., Accounting
Peking University

Selected Publications

Francesco Bova, Yiwei Dou, and Ole-Kristian Hope (2014)
Employee Ownership and Firm Disclosure
Contemporary Accounting Research, Forthcoming

Yiwei, Dou Yanju Liu, Gordon Richardson, and Dushyantkumar Vyas (2014)
The Risk-Relevance of Securitizations during the Recent Financial Crisis
Review of Accounting Studies, Forthcoming.

Jeffrey Callen, Feng Chen, Yiwei Dou, and Baohua Xin (2014)
Accounting Conservatism and Performance Covenants: A Signaling Approach
Contemporary Accounting Research, Conditionally Accepted

Yiwei Dou, Ole-Kristian Hope, and Wayne Thomas (2013)
Relationship-Specificity, Contract Enforceability, and Income Smoothing
The Accounting Review, Vol.88: 1629-1656