Jigar Patel

Jigar Patel, a student in the Doctoral Program’s Operations Management department, was first attracted to Stern because it is “one of the few business schools that imparts rigorous theoretical training, along with a real world business perspective in the field of Operations Management.”

Jigar came to Stern immediately after earning his B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science from Chennai Mathematical Institute in India. According to Jigar, having research-based undergraduate training helped prepare him for Stern’s PhD program, but unlike his undergraduate courses, which focused on problems that had already been solved, the doctorate degree training tackles problems that have yet to be answered. “There is some thrill associated with the process of trying something you don’t know will work, and seeing that failing at something can also be an immensely illuminating and valuable experience,” says Jigar.

His current research is in the field of Revenue Management, the process of understanding, anticipating and influencing consumer behavior in order to maximize revenue or profits. In particular, Jigar’s research examines whether consumers are more rational and strategic in their decision making than classical economics and operations research literature suggests.

Asked what he likes best about studying in New York, Jigar says “The city offers you a million ways to experience life.”