Harjan Kuiper

Executive MBA, Class of January 2013

After more than ten years working in the Netherlands, Ireland and the UK, Harjan Kuiper found himself in New York, serving as Head of Portfolio Management-Americas at Rabobank International. Working for a bank located in one of the world’s financial capitals helped Harjan recognize the value of an MBA in his industry; pursuing the degree at NYU gave him the opportunity to broaden his academic experience outside his home country of the Netherlands. He explains, “I obtained a Masters of Engineering degree at the University of Technology in Delft, the Netherlands. I wanted to expand my knowledge base with respect to other fields in business and the Executive MBA program allowed me to do this, while continuing to progress in my banking career.” Despite a busy work schedule, Harjan knew that the timing was right and decided to apply.

One of Harjan’s goals in joining the Executive MBA program was to challenge himself in new areas of study and gain new perspectives from outside his own field. Thanks to the broad range of industries and job functions represented in the program, Harjan’s cohort at Stern provided him the exposure he was looking for as well as insight into managing different business issues and situations. Harjan has also learned from the broader Stern community through campus events featuring speakers like Gordon Brown, Eric Schmidt, Alan Greenspan and others. The wide scope of courses, students and programs at Stern ultimately gave Harjan, as he says, “useful experience which I can incorporate and implement in my current work.”