Erik Rodriguez

Executive MBA, 2009

Hear from Erik:


Why an MBA?


Since graduating from the NYU Stern Executive MBA program, Erik has become director of global distribution at Choice Logistics, a mission critical service parts logistics provider where he works in analysis and operations. Looking back, Erik feels that the Executive MBA program has been beneficial in a number of important ways: “The MBA has expanded my network, given me the ability to enhance my skill set, and broadened my horizons regarding business opportunities in the US and abroad.”

Additionally, Erik found that courses in the Executive MBA program often had a direct impact on his daily work. During his time as a student, Erik worked as a supply chain manager at Ryder, where he regularly oversaw the takeover of underperforming operations. “Trying to implement change is something I lived with every day, so classes such as Managing Change with Professor Gonsor-Anvari were very impactful,” Erik explained. “The concepts I learned on Friday, by the following Monday, I was actually practicing them.” Ultimately, the key concepts in Managing Change outfitted Erik with valuable leadership skills that led to more efficient oversight of the process.