Elad Green

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Elad Green, a management student in Stern’s PhD program, had considerable experience before coming to Stern. After graduating Magna Cum Laude from Tel-Aviv University with a double major in electrical engineering and computer science, Elad worked in the telecommunications industry for several years as an engineer and then systems architect before completing a M.A. in cognitive science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He also spent a semester at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea, as a graduate exchange student.

Elad feels all of his previous training has prepared him for Stern’s academically rigorous PhD program. “My degree in electrical engineering and computer science has provided me with a significant mathematical background, which is valuable for the statistical and econometric side of the strategy track in the management department.” In addition, the familiarity with programming languages and tools that he obtained from his work as an engineer helped him tremendously with learning new statistical software and with handling large data sets. And his master’s degree was not only the inspiration behind pursuing a PhD, but it also gave him an understanding of the research process and its requirements.

According to Elad, the management and organizations department’s diverse and multidisciplinary approach provides the perfect environment to “nourish unconventional new ideas and to recombine existing ideas.” His current research interests include strategic decision making, organizational search and learning, and computational modeling.

When asked what Elad likes best about studying in New York City, he replied, “When I leave the office long after the sun has set, the city is still buzzing and humming with life!”