Baldenius, Tim


Tim Baldenius joined New York University Stern School of Business in 2011 as the Vincent C. Ross Professor of Accounting and the Chair of the Accounting Department. Professor Baldenius teaches courses in accounting at the MBA and PhD levels.

Professor Baldenius's primary research interests include managerial accounting, performance measurement and corporate governance. His work has been published in the Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Management Science and The Rand Journal of Economics.

Prior to joining NYU Stern, Professor Baldenius served on the faculty of Columbia Business School, where he chaired the accounting department from 2009 to 2011.

Professor Baldenius received his Diploma in Business Administration from the University of Hamburg and his Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Vienna.

Research Interests

Managerial accounting
Performance measurement
Corporate governance

Academic Background

Ph.D., Accounting
University of Vienna

Diploma, Business Administration
University of Hamburg