
Welcome to the Master of Science in Risk Management (MSRM) Program for Executives! We are delighted to welcome you into an accomplished cohort of global executives.

The MSRM program is founded on the belief that in an age of unprecedented globalization and economic interdependence, effective risk management must contain a broader, more systemic understanding of the driving forces and strategies propelling the global economy. The MSRM program will equip you with tools and techniques to tackle these challenges.

There are three main phases of the program, with an additional pre-program phase at the start. The ‘pre-program’, ‘pre-module’ and ‘post-module’ segments are delivered via distance learning, while ‘modules’ take place in the classroom.

Distance learning plays an important role by ensuring continuous learning throughout the year, over and above classroom training. It makes the time spent in the classroom more productive and introduces additional flexibility into the program by enabling us to add the most recent issues in Risk Management to the curriculum.
MSRM 2017 Program Process Graphic
The pre-program period is designed to prepare you for the advanced material to be covered in the coming modules. The modules presuppose some basic knowledge of two topics: Quantitative concepts and Overview of Risk Management.
The pre-module phase begins approximately 6-8 weeks prior to each module. An updated learning packet is made available, containing preparatory materials for the upcoming module such as readings, academic exercises and assignments. It is critical that you complete the pre-module preparation in order to make the classroom experience more effective and productive.

All learning materials will be posted online to ‘NYU Classes.’ This system offers several virtual collaboration and learning tools. For Module 1 in New York, you should anticipate receiving access to NYU Classes and online materials in April.
This will be an intensive period of rigorous learning. You will want to reserve this time for absorbing the advanced material presented in class and the in-person collaboration and intellectual exchanges with MSRM faculty and your classmates.
The post-module part of the MSRM program is designed to help you review and solidify concepts learned in class. It may include additional readings and a deliverable in the form of an assignment, exam, case study, or project.

You will have access to various resources all through the year that will present additional opportunities to learn and engage in dialogue with others who share a common interest in risk management. These may include webinars and speaker events at NYU Stern among others.

Once the modules begin, the program moves quickly and it will be difficult to catch up on the basics of subjects that you may not have been comfortable with at the start. Please take this time to review these materials carefully. If, after reviewing them, you find you are having difficulty with some of the concepts, please contact us so that we may offer you additional guidance.