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SoFiE Lectures

The Society for Financial Econometrics Lecture Series features bi-annual SoFiE-invited lectures by leading scholars in financial econometrics.

The Society for Financial Econometrics has created a new Invited Lecture Series. The series was inaugurated at a conference in Montreal on May 10, 2024. The first two lectures were delivered by Robert Engle and Lars Peter Hansen. At most two lectures will be scheduled on an annual basis. The lectures will be recorded and posted on the SoFiE website, and members of the Society will be able to follow them via live streaming. The prestigious series will feature leading scholars in the field of financial econometrics.

Henceforth, one of the SOFIE invited lectures will be delivered annually at the FINEML conferences.

These conferences are held each year at a location between Erasmus University, the University of Lugano, and the University of Geneva. For the 2025 FINEML conference on October 23-24 in Rotterdam the invited lecturer will be Yacine Ait-Sahalia. For the 2026 FINEML conference on November 5-6 (tentative date) in Geneva, the invited lecturer will be Christian Gouriéroux.

Upcoming SoFiE Lectures

Past SoFiE Lectures


CIREQ-CMP Econometrics Conference in Honor of Eric Ghysels

Date:10-11 May 2024
Speakers:SoFiE Inaugural Lecture of Robert Engle (New York University) (10h30-11h15): TBD
SoFiE Inaugural Lecture of Lars Hansen (University of Chicago) - (14h00-14h45): TBD

Past SoFiE Seminars

The Society for Financial Econometrics Seminar Series was a Zoom Webinar series featuring monthly presentations of cutting-edge research by leading scholars in financial econometrics. Presentations were followed by discussion and audience participation. The SoFiE Seminar series was organized and moderated by Eric Ghysels, Ekaterina Smetanina and Dacheng Xiu. You may view past SoFiE Seminars on SoFiE's YouTube channel

Host:Ekaterina Smetanina (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
Presenter:Federico Bandi (Johns Hopkins University)
Paper:"Discontinuous trading in continuous-time econometrics"
Discussant:Nikolaus Hautsch (University of Vienna)
Date:December 5, 2022
Host:Dacheng Xiu (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
Presenter:Stefan Nagel (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
Paper:"When do cross-sectional asset pricing factors span the stochastic discount factor?"
Discussant:Stefano Giglio (Yale School of Management)
Date:November 14, 2022
Host:Eric Ghysels (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Presenter:Sydney Ludvigson (New York University)
Paper:Monetary-Based Asset Pricing: A Mixed-Frequency Structural Approach
Discussant:Frank Schorfheide (U Penn)
Date:October 3, 2022
Host:Ekaterina Smetanina (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
Graduate Student Presenter #1:Gleb Gertsman
Paper #1:Selective Learning and Price Over- and Under-reaction
Graduate Student Presenter #2:Kristy A.E. Jansen
Paper #2:Long-term Investors, Demand Shifts, and Yields
Graduate Student Presenter #3:Chukwuma Dim
Paper #3:Should Retail Investors Listen to Social Media Analysts?
Evidence from Text-Implied Beliefs
Graduate Student Presenter #4:Hao Ma
Paper #4:Conditional Latent Factor Models Via Econometrics-Based Neural Networks
Date:December 20, 2021
Host:Eric Ghysels (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Presenter:Paolo Zaffaroni (Imperial College London)
Paper:"Factor Models for Conditional Asset Pricing"
Discussant:Patrick Gagliardini (USI, Lugano)
Date:November 15 2021
Host:Dacheng Xiu (Chicago Booth, The University of Chicago)
Presenter:Jianqing Fan (Princeton University)
Paper:"How and When are High-Frequency Prices Predictable?"
Discussant:Torben Andersen (Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University)
Date:October 18 2021


PAST SOFIE SEMINARS (Organized and Hosted by Andrew Patton, Scientific Committee members: Yingying Li and Nour Meddahi):

Presenter:Christian Gourieroux (University of Toronto / ENSAE)
Paper:"Inference for Noisy Long Run Component Processes"
Discussant:Anders Rahbek (University of Copenhagen)
Date:April 19 2021
Presenter:Patrick Gagliardini (Università della Svizzera italiana)
Paper:“Extracting Statistical Factors When Betas Are Time-Varying”
Discussant:Seth Pruitt (Arizona State University)
Date:October 19 2020
Presenter:Xavier Gabaix (Harvard University) and Ralph Koijen (Chicago Booth)
Paper:“Granular Instrumental Variables”
Discussant:Lutz Kilian (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
Date:August 24 2020
Presenters:Francis X. Diebold (University of Pennsylvania)Robert F. Engle (NYU Stern)Ravi Jagannathan (Northwestern University)Eric Renault (University of Warwick)
Paper:Panel Discussion with SoFiE Past Presidents on “Financial Econometrics and the Pandemic”
Date:August 10 2020
Presenter:Yingying Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Paper:“Estimating Large Efficient Portfolios with Heteroscedastic Returns”
Discussant:Michael Wolf (University of Zurich)
Date:July 27 2020