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Student Experience

Video: MS in Quantitative Management Student Experience

Learn about life as a student in the NYU Stern MS in Quantitative Management program. (Video length: 2.18)

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Built-in Pathway

MSQM students who have not yet graduated have the option to continue learning by earning an MBA. Eligible students may transfer into Stern’s Langone Part-time MBA program and use the credits they have earned online toward their MBA degree.

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Program Comparison

Both the MSQM and MBA are great degrees providing business knowledge and skills. It is important for an applicant to reflect on what qualities they are looking for in a program, as good program fit is the biggest advantage. Below is an overview of some key differences between the programs.

 MSQMPart-time MBA
Time to Complete20 Months2-6 Years (average of 3)
FormatOnlineWeeknights, Saturdays, Online/Modular, Accelerated
StructureLockstepVariable Course Scheduling
Estimated Cost$74,976$175,428
MSQM -  Credits: 33, Time to Complete: 20 Months, Format: Online, Structure: Lockstep, Estimated Cost: $74,976. Part-time MBA - Credits: 60, Time to Complete: 2 to 6 Years (average of 3), Format: Weeknights, Saturdays, Online/Modular and Accelerated, Structure: Variable Course Scheduling, Estimated Cost: $175,428.
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Transfer Process

MSQM students in good standing, with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, may be eligible to transfer into the Langone Part-time MBA Program. This process requires no additional application or materials. 

The transfer itself takes place either in the final spring of the MSQM program, allowing students to take Langone program courses in their final MSQM semester, or the summer following completion of all MSQM courses.

Students who transfer to the Langone Program will be considered to have completed all MBA core course requirements once they have completed 33 MSQM credits. Students who transfer have six years from the date they matriculated in the MSQM Program to complete the MBA degree.