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Place Charles De Gaulle in Paris
Paris, France

Sciences Po

Study away for a semester at Science Po, in the Saint-Germain neighborhood, located in the heart of Paris.

Program Overview

About Sciences Po

Sciences Po Logo

The name Sciences Po is an abbreviation of the school's official name: Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Paris Institute of Political Studies).

Sciences Po's prestigious urban campus is in the historical Saint-Germain neighborhood, located in the heart of Paris. Each year, Sciences Po's staff, faculty and 7,500 students welcome over 1,000 exchange students from over 300 partner schools, making them an important part of the student community and the university's academic mission. The Exchange Programme allows international students to become familiar with the institution's particular educational and methodological approach for which Sciences Po is internationally reputed. In order to maximize the benefits of the Exchange Programme for exchange students, special attention is paid to addressing the specific needs of international students via an Exchange Programme for English as well as French speakers; French foreign language instruction; methodology courses; tutoring services; orientation programs; and numerous courses on the historic, economic, political and sociological facets of France and Europe. Students can combine specially tailored courses from Economics and Business with courses offered in other concentrations. Students may choose to study in English, in French or in both languages.


Term Dates

Sciences Po offers IBEX opportunities in the fall and spring semesters.

  • Fall semester: late-August to late-December
  • Spring semester: late-January to late-May

Dates are approximate and may be subject to change.


Housing and Living Costs

  • Housing: approximately €700 – 900/month. Sciences Po does not offer on-campus student housing. International students are offered help in arranging accommodation through Sciences Po's Housing Office. The Housing Office provides a list of contacts, and assistance with procedural matters where required.  Housing costs are approximately €700 – 900/month.
  • Food: approximately €300/month.
  • Transportation: €30 – 125/month.
  • Insurance: approximately €215. (In France, every student under 28 years old is required to register for the French student social security insurance system).
  • Visa: $190 USD for Campus France registration, $30 USD for VFS processing, and approximately $110 USD for a Long-Stay Student Visa.

€ = Euro

Find out more about IBEX tuition, housing, and other logistics.


Language of Instruction

English and French


Student Services

Students are treated as full-time Sciences Po students and have access to all facilities and are eligible for internships on request. French foreign language instruction, methodology courses, tutoring services, orientation programs, and numerous courses on the historic, economic, political, and sociological facets of France and Europe are offered.

Academic Information

If you are accepted to IBEX, you will attend two individual advising meetings to plan and revise your schedule: one with NYU Stern Academic Advising and one with the NYU Stern International Programs team. As you build your academic schedule for your semester abroad, carefully review and consider the following course information.


IBEX Course Information

  • You may take a full semester of business classes while abroad on IBEX.
  • Leave room for at least two general electives in your schedule. This allows you to:
    • Take interesting, location-specific courses not offered at Stern, and
    • Have more flexibility during the course registration process.
  • Reference the IBEX Course Guide: What you can or cannot take.
    • You can take a maximum of two classes per concentration.
    • Accounting courses cannot be taken for credit toward the Accounting or CPA majors/concentrations.
    • All IBEX grades will transfer back to NYU Stern as Pass/Fail.


Previously Approved Courses

  • Listed below are courses that were taken previously by Stern IBEX students and have already been approved for a specific NYU equivalent.
  • There is no guarantee that the courses listed here will be offered during the specific semester you study abroad. It is important to be flexible. Have a Plan A and Plan B and the space to take some electives.
  • If a course is already listed below as approved, it does not need to be reviewed again, unless you want to see if it will count towards a new requirement.


Finding New Courses

  • You are not limited to only taking the courses listed on this page.
  • If you see a course on Science Po's website that you would like to take, but it is not listed below, you must submit the syllabus to Stern’s International Programs team for approval.
  • Once Sciences Po publishes its confirmed courses for the semester you will be attending, you can revise your list as needed based on what is being offered.
  • Sciences Po offers several different types of courses with varying credits:
    • Lecture course: 10 ECTS = 5 NYU credits
    • Seminar course: 5 ECTS = 3 NYU credits
    • Elective course : 5 ECTS = 3 NYU credits
    • Language course: 5 ECTS = 3 NYU credits
    • Artistic workshop: 5 ECTS = 3 NYU credits


Special Notes

  • Stern students wishing to take courses at Sciences Po in Paris should be prepared to take Economics, Politics, or Elective courses only. Sciences Po's other limited business courses are only available at its satellite campus in Reims. All of the courses listed below are offered at the Paris campus.


List of Approved Courses

List of Approved Courses
Course Title AbroadNYU CreditsCourse Equivalent at NYUSemester Taken
DHIS 25A26 - Queer, Woman & Other: Intersection Perspectives on Same-Sex Desire in Early 20th Century Imperial Europe3Cultures and ContextFall 2024
DHIS 25A18 - The 200-Year War on Drugs: A Global History of Narcotics Prohibition 3Cultures and ContextFall 2024
AFF 25A06 - Qatar, Dubai and Abu Dhabi: Cultural Political Sociology of New International Powers3Cultures and ContextFall 2023
DAFF 25A73 - Afghanistan: a nation-state not meant to be?3Cultures and ContextFall 2023
DAFF 25A78 - Iran in the World: Making Sense of the Islamic Republic in Contemporary International Relations3Cultures and ContextSpring 2022
DHIS 25A11 Comparing Jewish Modernities: Jews in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, 1789-19483Cultures and ContextFall 2021
DSPO 25A29 Islam in Europe and North America3Cultures and ContextFall 2021
DAFF 25A60 European Jihadism: A Political Sociology, From the Afghan War to ISIS and Beyond (1980-2020)3Cultures and ContextFall 2021
DHUM 25A21 - Happiness, Health & Well-Being: Practical Philosophy - Ancient and Modern3Texts and IdeasFall 2024
ASPO 25A27 - Religion, Politics and Society3Texts and IdeasFall 2023
DHUM 25A24 - Political Theory: Reading the Classics3Texts and IdeasFall 2023
DHUM - 25A09 - Utopian and Dystopian Visions in Literature, Film and the Arts3Texts and IdeasFall 2021
BMET 25A12 - Introduction to Econometrics with R3Advanced Computing & Data Science ElectiveFall 2024
AECO 25A25 - Public Economics: Policy Briefs on the Design of Taxes & Transfers3ECON-UB 11 Economics of Global BusinessFall 2024



Advanced Management Elective

Fall 2023

 DSOC 25A15 - The Organizational Society

3Advanced Management ElectiveFall 2022
DDRO 25A89 - Outer Space Law & Policy3General Non-Stern Elective Fall 2024

 The G3 : Navigating China-US-EU Relations


General Non-Stern Elective 

Fall 2023

 Introduction to International Relations & Foreign Policy Analysis

3General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2023

 The Decision-Making Process of the European Union: An Insider’s View

3General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2023
AHIS 25A15 - A Planetary Atlas of Epidemics. Places, Pathogens, Politics3General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2022
DSPO 25A50 - The Political Economy of Central and Eastern Europe3General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2022
DHUM 25A07 Martin Luther King, the Voice of the Civil Rights Movement3General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2022
DSPO 25A04 Equality and Diversity in the United States3General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2022
ASPO 25A18 The Politics of Urbanism3General Non-Stern Elective    Fall 2022
DSOC 25A20 Sociology of Culture3General Non-Stern Elective    Fall 2022

 DAFF 25A26 - Workshop in Diplomacy & Negotiation

3General Non-Stern ElectiveSpring 2022
DSPO 25A48 - The Politics of Democratization3General Non-Stern ElectiveSpring 2022
DAFF 25A28 - Strategic Studies3General Non-Stern Elective Spring 2022
DSOC 25A01 - Economic Sociology 3General Non-Stern Elective Fall 2021
ASOC 25A11 Gender and Sociology5General Non-Stern Elective Fall 2021

 DHUM 25A16 Thinking Photography Through Text and Image

3General Non-Stern Elective Fall 2021
DHIS 25A03 Introduction to Disability Studies3General Non-Stern Elective Fall 2021
Français B13General Non-Stern Elective Fall 2022
AECO 25A11 - Economics: Information, Design and Institutions 5General Stern ElectiveFall 2024
DECO 25A37 Law & Political Economy3General Stern ElectiveFall 2024

 Financial Economics

3General Stern ElectiveSpring 2022
OBUS 2045 - Initiation to Entrepreneurship2General Stern ElectiveSpring 2022
DSPO 25A47 - The Anglo-Saxon Economic Model: An Interdisciplinary Evaluation3General Stern ElectiveSpring 2022
DECO 25A16 - Econometric Theory for Surveys and Policy Evaluation3General Stern ElectiveSpring 2022
DECO 25A17 - The Economics Theory of Networks and Strategic Interaction3General Stern ElectiveSpring 2022
DECO 25A29 - Economic Outlook Assessment: Methods, Tools and Debates for Economists & Policy Makers3General Stern ElectiveSpring 2022
An Introduction to Environmental Economics3General Stern ElectiveSpring 2022
DECO 25A12 - Emerging Economies and Societies3General Stern Elective Spring 2022
DDRO 25A52 - Money in the Age of Cryptocurrency3General Stern ElectiveSpring 2022

 DSOC 25A00 Comparative Social Policy: A Multidisciplinary Outlook

3Advanced Global Business ElectiveFall 2021
DSPO 25A02 European Integration and Its Challenges: The Euro, Migration, and Populism3Advanced Global Business ElectiveFall 2021

 Behavioral Economics - AECO 25A24

3Advanced Economics ElectiveSpring 2024

 Development Economics - AECO 25A23

3Advanced Economics ElectiveSpring 2024
DECO 25A15 - Money and Monetary Policy in the XXIst Century3Advanced Economics ElectiveSpring 2022
DECO 25A30 - Global Collective Action in An Economic Perspective3Advanced Economics ElectiveSpring 2022
AECO 25A00 - Trade and International Finance5Advanced Economics Elective OR Advanced FinanceFall 2021
Contemporary Perspectives in Financial and Banking Regulation3Advanced Economics ElectiveFall 2021
DECO 25A31 Economics of the EU3Advanced Economics ElectiveFall 2021

 DECO 25A25 Urban Economics

3Advanced Economics ElectiveFall 2021

 DECO 25A02 Behavioral Game Theory

3Advanced Economics ElectiveFall 2021
DECO 25A27 Advanced Econometrics3Advanced Economics ElectiveFall 2021
DECO 25A10 - Marketing and Customer Relationship Management3MKTG-UB 1 Introduction to MarketingSpring 2022
Security Issues in the Sahel Region3BPE Area Studies ElectiveSpring 2022
DAFF 25A65 - Europe Foreign and Security Policies3BPE Area Studies ElectiveSpring 2022

 DAFF 25A41 - Contemporary Latin America

3BPE Area Studies ElectiveSpring 2022
The Euro, Migration, and Climate Change: European Challenges and Opportunities3BPE Area Studies ElectiveSpring 2022
ASOC 25A17 - Global Social Policy3Sustainable Business Elective (Discipline Area)Fall 2024
DDRO 25A04 - Contemporary Issues in Corporate Law & Government3Sustainable Business Elective (Issue Area)Fall 2024
ASPO 25A29 Comparative Social Policy in EU3Sustainable Business Elective (Issue Area)Fall 2024

 Introduction to Environmental Economics

3Sustainable Business Elective (Issue Area)Spring 2024
DECO 25A06 Agriculture, Food, and Globalization3Sustainable Business Elective (Issue Area)Fall 2021
DDRO 25A02 Sustainable Development Law3Sustainable Business Elective (Issue Area)Fall 2021
DSPO 25A23 Environmental Politics3Sustainable Business Elective (Issue Area)Fall 2021
DECO 25A18 - Contemporary Perspective in Financial & Banking Regulations3Advanced Finance ElectiveFall 2024
AECO 25A00 - Trade & International Finance5Advanced Finance ElectiveFall 2024
DECO 25A11 - The Chinese Economy3Advanced Finance ElectiveSpring 2022