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Undergraduate Current Students | National University of Singapore

Singapore's landmarks are lit up at night.

National University of Singapore

NUS seeks to be a leading global business school recognized for excellence in education and research. See for yourself what life as a student at NUS is all about.

Program Overview

About National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore logo

The National University of Singapore (NUS) started out as a modest medical school with 23 students in 1905.  It was founded by a determined group of businessmen led by Tan Jiak Kim, to serve the needs of the local community. Today, more than 100 years on, as Singapore’s flagship university, it continues to be in service to the country and society. The mission of the National University of Singapore is to educate business leaders and advance knowledge to promote the progress of global business and society. NUS seeks to be a leading global business school recognized for excellence in education and research. 


Term Dates

NUS offers IBEX opportunities in the fall and spring semesters.

  • Fall semester (Semester 1): late-July to early-December
  • Spring semester (Semester 2): early-January to May

Dates are approximate and may be subject to change.


Housing and Living Costs

  • Housing: On-campus accommodation ranges from S$400 – S$1,000/month. Off-campus accommodation ranges from S$600 – S$1,800 per month. Costs vary by room type. On-campus accommodation is available at NUS, but it is not guaranteed. If not available there is affordable student hostel accommodation nearby.
  • Food: approximately S$500 – S$800/month.
  • Books and class materials: approximately S$250 – 350/semester.
  • Local transportation: S$100 – S$200/month.
  • Personal expenses: S$500 – 800/month.
  • Insurance and other: All exchange students are required to purchase the International Comprehensive Insurance from NUS, approximately S$40 per semester, and are charged approximately S$55 in fees for bus and printing services for the semester.

S$ = Singapore Dollar

Find out more about IBEX tuition, housing, and other logistics.


Language of Instruction



Student Services

The student services available to exchange students include:

  • Welcome and social activities throughout the semester.
  • NUS’ Business School Office of Career Services offers events, recruitment, and counseling.

Additionally, students are encouraged to find their own internships during vacation periods or after courses end.

Academic Information

If you are accepted to IBEX, you will attend two individual advising meetings to plan and revise your schedule: one with NYU Stern Academic Advising and one with the NYU Stern International Programs team. As you build your academic schedule for your semester abroad, carefully review and consider the following course information.


IBEX Course Information

  • You may take a full semester of business classes while abroad on IBEX.
  • Leave room for at least two general electives in your schedule. This allows you to:
    • Take interesting, location-specific courses not offered at Stern, and
    • Have more flexibility during the course registration process.
  • Reference the IBEX Course Guide: What you can or cannot take.
    • You can take a maximum of two classes per concentration.
    • Accounting courses cannot be taken for credit toward the Accounting or CPA majors/concentrations.
    • All IBEX grades will transfer back to NYU Stern as Pass/Fail.


Previously Approved Courses

  • Listed below are courses that were taken previously by Stern IBEX students and have already been approved for a specific NYU equivalent.
  • There is no guarantee that the courses listed here will be offered during the specific semester you study abroad. It is important to be flexible. Have a Plan A and Plan B and the space to take some electives.
  • If a course is already listed below as approved, it does not need to be reviewed again, unless you want to see if it will count towards a new requirement.


Finding New Courses

  • You are not limited to only taking the courses listed on this page.
  • If you see a course on NUS's course guide or website that you would like to take, but is not listed below, you must submit the syllabus to Stern’s International Programs team for approval.
  • Once NUS publishes its confirmed courses for the semester you will be attending, you can revise your list as needed based on what is actually being offered.


List of Approved Courses

List of Approved Courses
Course Title AbroadNYU CreditsCourse Equivalent at NYUSemester Taken
BSN3702 New Venture Creation4Entrepreneurship ElectiveFall 2024
CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms4Advanced Computing & Data Sciences ElectiveFall 2023

 IS5005 Digital Engagement

4Advanced Computing & Data Sciences ElectiveFall 2022

DAO1704/DAO1704X Decision Analytics using Spreadsheets

4MULT-UB 7 Decision Models and Analytics OR Advanced Computing & Data Sciences ElectiveFall 2018, Fall 2022

DBA3702 Descriptive Analytics with R

4Advanced Computing & Data Sciences ElectiveFall 2022

DAO2702 Programming for Business Analytics

4Advanced Computing & Data Sciences ElectiveFall 2022
DBA 3803 Predictive Analytics in Business4Advanced Computing & Data Sciences ElectiveSpring 2020
BT 4221 Big Data Techniques and Technologies4Advancing Computing & Data Sciences ElectiveFall 2018
CS 1010 Programming Methodology4Advanced Computing & Data Sciences ElectiveFall 2023
BT 2102 Data Management and Visualization4Advanced Computing & Data Sciences ElectiveFall 2018
BT 3102 Computational Methods for Business Analytics4Advanced Computing & Data Sciences ElectiveFall 2018
BT 3103 Application Systems Development for Business Analytics4TECH-UB.24 Projects in Programming and Data SciencesFall 2018
DSC 3216 Predictive Analytics in Business4TECH-UB 57 Data Mining for Business AnalyticsFall 2018
ST3131 Regression Analysis4Advanced Statistics Elective - cannot also get credit for STAT-UB 15 nor STAT-UB 17Fall 2023
BSN4811 Innovation and Productivity4Advanced Economics ElectiveFall 2021
EC3332 Money and Banking I4Advanced Economics ElectiveSpring 2021
EC3361 Labour Economics I4Advanced Economics ElectiveSpring 2021
EC 2374 Economy of Modern China I4Advanced Economics ElectiveFall 2019
SPH 3103 Public Health Economics4Advanced Economics ElectiveFall 2019
RE3807 Corporate Investment in Real Estate4Advanced Finance ElectiveFall 2023
FIN3703A Financial Markets4Advanced Finance ElectiveFall 2024
FIN3714 Financial Risk Management4Advanced Finance ElectiveFall 2024
FIN4761A SIF: Private Equity4FINC-UB 32 Private Equity FinanceSpring 2022
FIN3102/FIN3702: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management4Advanced Finance ElectiveSpring 2022, Fall 2024
FIN 3130 or FIN 3716 Financial Modeling4ACCT-UB 23 Financial Modeling and AnalysisFall 2017
FIN 3131 Fixed Income Securities4Advanced Finance ElectiveFall 2017
FIN 3132 Value Investing in Asia4Advanced Finance ElectiveFall 2017
FIN 3703B Financial Markets4Advanced Finance ElectiveFall 2019
FIN 3116 Options & Futures4FINC-UB 43 Futures & OptionsFall 2017
FIN 4116 Valuation and Mergers & Acquisitions4FINC-UB 50 Mergers, Acquisitions, and RestructuringFall 2017

 MNO3702 Negotiation and Conflict Management


Advanced Management Elective

Spring 2024
BSN3714: Co-Creating Value (Tools for Collaborative Innovation)4Advanced Management ElectiveSpring 2020
BSP 3001A Strategic Management4Advanced Management ElectiveFall 2017, Spring 2020
MNO 3703 Leading in the 21st Century4Advanced Management ElectiveSpring 2020
MNO 3715 Leading Groups and Teams4MGMT-UB 7 Managing People and Teams at WorkSpring 2020
MKT1705X Principles of Marketing4MKTG-UB 1 Introduction to MarketingFall 2021
MKT 3418 Product & Brand Management4Advanced Marketing ElectiveFall 2018
MKT 3420 Promotional Management3Advanced Marketing ElectiveFall 2018
MKT 3427/MKT 3722 Research for Marketing Insights4Advanced Marketing ElectiveSpring 2020
MKT3701 Marketing Strategy: Analysis and Practice4Advanced Marketing ElectiveFall 2020
MKT3702 Consumer Behavior4MKTG-UB 2 Consumer BehaviorFall 2021
NM 3215 Advertising Strategies4MKTG-UB 3 Advertising Management Spring 2020
DSC 3215 Stochastic Models in Management4Advanced Operations ElectiveFall 2018
BT 2101 Decision Making Methods and Tools4MULT-UB 7 Decision Models and AnalyticsFall 2018
DSC 1007 Business Analytics - Models & Decisions4MULT-UB 7 Decision Models and AnalyticsFall 2018
CS 2100 Computer Organisation4Computer Science Minor Elective Credit * Must get approval from NYU Computer Science department.Spring 2020

 MA2001 Linear Algebra


General Non-Stern Elective 

Fall 2023
GESS1009 Evolution of the Global City State4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2023
CE2134 Fluid Mechanics4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2023
SC2205 Sociology of Family4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2023
GEX1010 Thinking Like an Economist4General Non-Stern ElectiveSpring 2023

AH2101 Introduction to Art History

4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2022

NM1101E Communications, New Media and Society

4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2022

GEH1053 Film Art and Human Concerns

4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2022

GEH1062 Ghosts and Spirits in Society and Culture

4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2022

GESS1001 Changing Landscapes of Singapore

4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2022

GES1034 We the Citizens - Understanding Singapore’s Politics

4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2022

PS2249/GEK2003/SSA2209 Government and Politics of Singapore

4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2022

GES1028/GESS1020 Singapore Society

4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2022
GEC1001 Chinese Music, Language, & Literature4General Non-Stern ElectiveSpring 2022
JS2230 Itadakimasu - Food In Japan4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2021
SE2225 Forbidden Pleasures: Vice in Southeast Asia4General Non-Stern ElectiveSpring 2021
TS 2237 As If: Actors and Acting4General Non-Stern ElectiveSpring 2020
AH2203 Empire and Art: India, Singapore, Malaya4General Non-Stern ElectiveSpring 2020
JS 2212 Intro to Japanese Literature4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2018
JS3223 Japan and the Asia-Pacific Region4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2018
LAJ 4205 Expository Writing & Public Speaking4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2018
CH 2275 Chinese Pop in East Asia4General Non-Stern ElectiveFall 2018
JS 2225 Marketing and Consumer Culture in Japan4General Stern ElectiveFall 2019
DSC 3203 Service Operations Management4General Stern ElectiveFall 2018
EC2101 Macroeconomic Analysis I4ECON-UB 11 Economics of Global Business (EGB)Spring 2023
BSE 3701 Macroeconomic Principles in the Global Economy4ECON-UB 11 Economics of Global Business (EGB)Spring 2022
EC 3102 Macroeconomics Analysis II4ECON-UB 11 Economics of Global Business (EGB)Fall 2018
EC 3312 Game Theory and Application to Economics4

Advanced Economics Elective

ECON-UB 11 Economics of Global Business (EGB)

Fall 2018

 MNO1001E/MNO1706E or MNO1706X Organisational Behavior

4SOIM-UB 12 Professional Responsibility and Leadership (PRL) Fall 2023, Fall 2022
LL4189V Corporate Social Responsibility4SOIM-UB 12 Professional Responsibility & Leadership (PRL)Spring 2021
MNO 2705 Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty4SOIM-UB 12 Professional Responsibility and Leadership (PRL)Spring 2020
MNO 3301 Organizational Behaviour4MGMT-UB 1 Management and OrganizationsFall 2018
MNO 3303 Organizational Effectiveness4MGMT-UB 1 Management and OrganizationsFall 2017

RE4701 Real Estate Development 


Advanced Operations Elective

Fall 2024

DOS3701 Supply chain management 

4Advanced Operations ElectiveFall 2024
DOS3704 Operations Strategy4OPMG-UB 1 Operations ManagementSpring 2022
DAO Operations and Technology Management4OPMG-UB 1 Operations ManagementFall 2019
DSC 2006 Operations Management4OPMG-UB 1 Operations ManagementFall 2017

 GE3253 Weather and Climate

4Natural ScienceFall 2022
GEH1019 Food & Health4Natural ScienceSpring 2022
FST 5302 Food, Nutrition, and Health4Natural ScienceFall 2019
GEH 1035 Physical Questions from Everyday Life4Natural ScienceFall 2019

 GEX1015 Life, the Universe, and Everything

4Texts and IdeasSpring 2024

 GEX1026 I Do Not Think Therefore I Am


Texts and Ideas

Spring 2024
PH2207 Hume and Kant4Texts and IdeasFall 2023
GEX1011 Science Fiction and Philosophy4Texts and IdeasFall 2023
PH2301 Classical Chinese Philosophy I4Texts and IdeasFall 2023

 EN2277 Love's Word: Reading across Literature and Philosophy

4Texts and IdeasFall 2022
EN3231 American Literature I4Texts and IdeasFall 2022
PH2241 Philosophy of Mind4Texts and IdeasFall 2022
GL2101 Origins of the Modern World4Texts and IdeasFall 2022
PH2222 Greek Philosophy (Socrates and Plato)4Texts and IdeasSpring 2022
PH 3203 Moral Philosophy4Texts and IdeasFall 2018
GESS1005 South Asia in Singapore4Cultures and ContextsFall 2024
SE3232 Death and Dying in Southeast Asia4Cultures and ContextsSpring 2021
HY3204 Southeast Asia: Decolonization & After4Cultures and ContextsSpring 2021
SE3216 Migration, Diaspora and Refugees in Southeast Asia4Cultures and ContextsFall 2020
GEH 1008/GEK1035 Nations and Nationalisms in South Asia4Cultures and ContextsFall 2018
GES 1014 Islam and Contemporary Malay Society4Cultures and ContextsFall 2018
GEH 1015 Cultural Borrowing: Japan and China4Cultures and ContextsFall 2018
JS 3226 Japan the Green Nation4Cultures and ContextsFall 2018
SE 1101E/GEK1008/SSA1202 Southeast Asia: A Changing Region4Cultures and ContextsFall 2018
SE 3220 Country Studies: Mainland Southeast Asia4Cultures and ContextsFall 2018
SN 1101E South Asia: People, Culture, Development4Cultures and ContextsFall 2018 and Spring 2022
SN 2274 South Asian Cultures: An Introduction4Cultures and ContextsFall 2018