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Undergraduate Current Students | Checklist and Schedule

First-Year Checklist and Schedule

Most of the items in this checklist and schedule pertain specifically to NYU Stern. NYU Welcome will be your resource for important deadlines, links, and resources to help you get ready for other aspects of your experience here at NYU. Keep an eye on updates from NYU Welcome and your NYU email address throughout the summer for important communications and additional to-dos in preparation for beginning your NYU Stern journey! 💜


Upon Deposit | Activate Your NYU Email and NYU Home 

Activate your NYUHome account at Then go to (VPN log-in required) to access your NYU email account, familiarize yourself with Albert, the student information and course registration system you use to register for courses, and complete your Housing forms if needed. 

When making your summer plans, keep in mind that you will need internet access at several points. Get in the habit of checking your email regularly, and keep your email address current and updated in Albert.

Early May | Connect with Your Classmates at NYU Stern 

Join the official NYU Stern Admitted Students Discord server. Introduce yourself, join the conversation, and get excited to start your journey at NYU Stern. Start following us on Instagram and Facebook, too!

Mid-to-Late May | Send Your AP Scores to NYU (if applicable)

If you took AP exams and want to use the scores to apply for any advanced standing credit (and you didn't designate NYU as a score recipient when you registered for the exam), you must request that the College Board send an official AP score report directly to NYU. Check out our policy for advanced standing credit.

Late May | Email from NYU Stern Academic Advising on Class Registration

By late May, NYU Stern's Academic Advising office will send information to your NYU email address regarding when and how to register for your fall semester classes. Spoiler alert! You'll be able to register on Wednesday, June 12 at 9:00 AM ET. The Academic Advising Office will also send information about Zoom sessions they will host to answer your questions. In the meantime, you can learn how to select an appropriate schedule for your first semester by reviewing your Fall Class Registration Information.

Review NYU Welcome for more important deadlines in May.


Review and complete May to-dos.

Early June | Review Your Fall Class Registration Information

Learn how to select an appropriate schedule for your first semester. Your Fall Class Registration Information for your specific degree program will prepare you to register for classes. 

Early June | Academic Advising Pre-Registration Zoom-in Meeting Times

We encourage you to Zoom-in to individual sessions with members of your Stern Academic Advising team to address any questions or concerns you have about fall registration and course selection. These drop-in sessions are on a first-come, first-served basis. You'l need to log into Zoom through your NYU account. Advising Zoom-in dates and times are as follows (all times ET):

Friday, June 7: 10:00 AM–12:00 PM and 2:30–4:30 PM
Monday, June 10: 10:00 AM–12:00 PM and 2:30–4:30 PM
Tuesday, June 11: 10:00 AM–12:00 PM and 2:30–4:30 PM


Wednesday, June 12 | Start to Register for Your Fall Classes

Incoming first-year students may begin to register for classes for the fall semester starting on Wednesday, June 12 at 9:00 AM ET. NYU Stern's Academic Advising team will be available via Zoom from 9:00 AM–5:00 PM ET on June 12 to answer any questions you have along the way about course selection or registration on Albert.

Outside of these hours, you can reach the Academic Advising team by email at or by phone at (212) 998-4020. 

Review your Fall Class Registration Information for your specific degree program. Remember that, if necessary, you can make adjustments later in the summer and even into the first couple weeks of the fall semester during the add/drop period.


Saturday, July 1 | Due in One Month: Complete Required Academic Integrity Tutorial

Being a member of the NYU community means demonstrating a commitment to learning, as well as to the creation of knowledge. It also requires a commitment to academic integrity. Be sure to complete the required Academic Integrity Tutorial, due August 1st.  

Friday, July 19 | Email about NYU Reads Required Summer Reading

Stay True: A Memoir by Hua Hsu (2022) is the NYU Reads selection for Fall 2024. Pick up a copy of Stay True and read it by NYU Welcome Week. You can access the book in several ways from the NYU Libraries. 

Monday, July 22 | Email from NYU Stern on How to Activate Your Stern Email Address and Log in to Stern Life

Check your NYU email for instructions on how to activate your NYU Stern email account and log in to Stern Life.

As an NYU Stern student, you have two email accounts: one through NYU (ending in and one through Stern (ending in As soon as you've activated your Stern account, you'll be able to use your email address ending in Once the semester begins, we will only send official NYU Stern communications to this email account. Check out this email forwarding tutorial to learn how to forward your NYU email to your NYU Stern email.

Stern Life is your portal to all of NYU Stern's academic, professional development, and community resources. If you have any issues, you can reach out to

Throughout the Summer | Sign Up for an Optional Calculus Placement Exam and/or Prepare for the Optional Statistics Proficiency Exam

If you don't have the qualifying test scores to sign up for MATH-UA 121 Calc I or higher appearing in Albert “Test Scores,” follow these instructions to take the Calc I Placement Exam.

If you don't have qualifying test scores appearing in Albert “Test Scores” to place into a level of Math above MATH-UA 121 Calc I and would like to do so, you should first take the Calc I Placement Exam and if you pass, you should email the Math department for further guidance. 

For more information on Math courses, consult the Math and Calculus class descriptions in the Fall Class Registration info for your specific degree program for additional details.

If you've earned a 4 or 5 on your AP Statistics exam, a 6 or 7 on the IB Math (or Further Maths) HL exam or an A or B on the A-Level Maths exam, you're eligible to sit for a proficiency exam during NYU Stern Orientation in the fall. Review the study guide prior to sitting for the exam. If you pass that exam, you would then only need to take Regression & Forecasting Models (STAT-UB 3) to complete the statistics requirement. No AP, IB, or A-Level credit can be awarded toward this requirement. FYI: not everyone opts to take the proficiency exam. Consult the Fall Class Registration Information for your specific degree program for additional details.

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Please review NYU Welcome for more important deadlines in June and July.


Review and complete June/July to-dos.


Thursday, August 1 | Complete Required Academic Integrity Tutorial

Being a member of the NYU community means demonstrating a commitment to learning, as well as to the creation of knowledge. It also requires a commitment to academic integrity. Be sure to complete the required Academic Integrity Tutorial, due August 1st.  


Early August | Email from NYU Stern on NYU Stern Pre-Orientation and Orientation

It's getting close! Towards the middle of August, your detailed NYU Stern Orientation schedule is slated for release on NYU Mobile. Check your email for instructions on how you can access the full schedule of NYU Stern activities. All new NYU Stern first-year students must participate in NYU Stern Orientation, as well as NYU Stern Pre-Orientation.


Mid-August | Review and Ensure You Meet NYU Stern's Laptop Requirement 

NYU Stern requires all students to have their own laptop computer. If you already have a laptop, your current model may be sufficient, or you may want to upgrade at some point. Now is also a good time to review the NYU Tech Guide for Students. For any questions, please reach out to


Mid-August | Order Your Textbooks

The NYU Bookstore will post the required (and any optional) textbooks or materials for your fall semester classes by mid-August. Although some course materials are only available at the NYU Bookstore (for example, certain "coursepacks"), in general, you're not required to purchase widely available books through the NYU Bookstore.

Monday, August 19 | NYU Stern Pre-Orientation Opens

NYU Stern Pre-Orientation is an online platform designed to introduce you to the resources, information, and expectations that span the five pillars of the NYU Stern Undergraduate College experience. Please check your email for the link to access it. Your Pre-Orientation will take about 90 minutes in total to finish including watching videos, reading, and completing quizzes. Additional details can be found on the New Student Orientation page.


Week of August 19 | Email from NYU Stern Introducing You to Your Assigned Academic Adviser

Your assigned academic adviser will be your go-to person at NYU Stern for any academic questions you have throughout your time as a Stern student. And although you're assigned a specific adviser, you will still be able to meet with any other academic adviser as well. 


Week of August 19 | Email from NYU Stern Announcing Your Cohort

Your Orientation Leaders will announce your cohort and share how you can start getting connected to your cohort community!


Saturday, August 24 | Deadline to Complete NYU Stern Pre-Orientation

This is the date by which you should complete NYU Stern Pre-Orientation.


Monday, August 26–Friday, August 30 | NYU Stern New Student Orientation

Orientation marks the beginning of your experience as an NYU Stern student! During Orientation, you will be guided through various sessions and activities that will introduce you to the NYU Stern community, allow you to meet your cohort, and begin building connections with your peers and Orientation Leaders.

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Please review NYU Welcome for more important deadlines in August.

Fall Semester

Tuesday, September 3 | Classes begin

Fall 2024 classes begin.


Friday, September 6–Friday, October 4 | Constructive Dialogues Institute

As part of your Cohort Leadership Program (CLP) you will participate in the Constructive Dialogues Institute (CDI) Perspectives program. This University-wide initiative is designed to equip you and all first-year NYU students with the tools to engage with diverse opinions and respond instructively to challenging situations. 


Monday, September 16 | NYU Reads author Hua Hsu at Skirball

Hua Hsu, author of this year's NYU Reads book Stay True, will join the NYU community for an evening at the NYU Skirball Center on September 16, so be sure to register! Remember that you can access the book in several ways from the NYU Libraries. 


Saturday, October 26–Sunday, October 27 | Families Weekend

Join us for a weekend in Washington Square connecting with NYU alumni, parents, students, faculty, and staff. Your parents and families are encouraged to come and learn about what you've been up to!


Mid-to-Late December | Last Day of Fall Semester and Final Exams

Some classes will have final exams on the last day of the fall semester. Prior to making any travel arrangements, check with professors about the timing of all your final exams. You can find the official final exam schedule on the Registrar's website.

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Please review NYU Welcome for important dates in the fall semester.

Line image of NYC skyline

NYU Welcome

Additional deadlines and to-dos

When do I get my housing assignment? When is tuition due? NYU Welcome is your resource for important deadlines, links, and resources to help you get ready for other aspects of your NYU experience.

Have a question about registration, AP scores, or something else related to your academics? Our team of advisers can help.

Academic Advising

Have a question but don't quite know where to direct it? That's ok! We'll help point you in the right direction.

Get in touch.