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Volatility and Risk Institute

An interdisciplinary center for research on financial, geopolitical, cyber, and climate risks by scholars, practitioners, and policymakers


The Volatility and Risk Institute is an interdisciplinary center for research and analysis of financial and nonfinancial risks. It serves as a designated hub to support risk-related research and collaboration among scholars, practitioners, and policymakers. It supports, promotes, and facilitates risk analysis, assessment, and measurement, and creates a bridge between faculty research and a specialized group of practitioners and market participants on the cutting-edge of real-world risk issues. To assess and analyze these risks, we are employing new data and analytical tools including those from data science and a wide range of machine learning technologies. Our Faculty Board is composed of members from the Tandon School of Engineering, the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, the Wilf Family Department of Politics in the Faculty of Arts & Science, the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, the School of Global Public Health, the Law School, and the Stern School of Business. Our focus is on newly emerging forms of risk including climate risk, geopolitical risk, cyber risk, more recently pandemic risk, as well as new topics in financial risk.


Register Now: Sixth Annual VRI Conference on "Nonbank Financial Intermediation and Financial Stability" - April 25, 2025

The Volatility and Risk Institute will host its annual conference on Friday, April 25, 2025. The topic is "Nonbank Financial Intermediation and Financial Stability." Our full conference program and description of the theme are available on our conference website.

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BoE Watchers' Conference 2024

Professor Berner moderates panel on "Liquidity risk in the Financial System" at Bank of England Watchers' Conference

Professor Berner moderated panel on "Liquidity risk in the Financial System" at Bank of England Watchers' Conference on November 25, 2024 in London. You can watch the full panel on YouTube via the link below. 

Volatility and Risk Institute Logo

QFE Seminar with Andrew Lo (MIT) on Monday, 12/9 at 12:30pm

Professor Andrew Lo (MIT)  presented a QFE Seminar on "Financing Deep Tech" on Monday, 12/9 at the Volatility and Risk Institute. 

VRI Seminars
Rob Engle at ECGI

Robert Engle's Keynote Speech on "Termination Risk and Sustainability" at the 2024 ECGI Summit

Robert Engle presented his paper, "Termination Risk and Sustainability" at d the 2024 ECGI Responsible Capitalism Summit, "A Decade After Paris: Accelerating Progress Towards Net-Zero", hosted by the French Embassy in Berlin on 10 September 2024.

Watch Here

Remarks and Q&A with Mary Daly (President & CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco) - Tuesday, 10/15

Mary Daly (President & CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco) joined us for Remarks and Q&A on Tuesday, 10/15 from 11:30am - 12:30pm ET.

You can watch a full video of the event here.


Event Details
Bretton Woods Logo

Bretton Woods Publishes Richard Berner's co-authored article on "Fragile Global Liquidity: Sources and Policy Implications”

The Bretton Woods Committee released Richard Berner and Michael Granito's publication “Fragile Global Liquidity: Sources and Policy Implications” which explores the sources and consequences of vulnerabilities affecting global liquidity and recommends actionable steps for central banks to improve its resilience.

Read Here
Review of Financial Studies Cover

Engle and Acharya's "Why did bank stocks crash during COVID-19?” featured as Editor’s choice in the latest issue of the Review of Financial Studies

VRI Professors Viral V Acharya and Robert Engle's article, "Why did bank stocks crash during COVID-19?” (co-authored with Maximilian Jager and Sascha Steffen) is featured as Lead Article and was selected as Editor’s choice in the latest issue of the Review of Financial Studies

Read the article
Volatility and Risk Institute Logo

Symposium on Market Microstructure and Financial Stability - July 8th

The VRI co-hosted a symposium on Market Microstructure and Financial Stability with the Jain Family Institute (JFI) and the Yale Program for Financial Stability (YPFS) on Monday, July 8, 2024 from 9:00am to 4:30pm.

More information
Portfolio Managment Research

Professor Engle receives an Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award for his article "Compound Tail Risk"

Professor Robert Engle's was awarded an Outstanding Article Award for the 25th Annual Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Awards for "Compound Tail Risk."

The Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Awards are selected by members of the Portfolio Managment Research community  and highlight the most innovative research published in The Journal of Portfolio Management.

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Robert Engle portrait

Robert Engle

Robert Engle is Professor Emeritus of Finance at NYU Stern and was awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize in Economics for his research on the concept of autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH).
Richard Berner portrait 2019

Richard Berner

Professor Berner is a Clinical Professor of Management Practice in Finance at NYU Stern and served as the first director of the Office of Financial Research (OFR) from 2013 until 2017.


Financial data on screen


Our research focuses on emerging forms of risk including climate risk, geopolitical risk, cyber risk as well as new topics in financial risk.


Our research focuses on emerging forms of risk including climate risk, geopolitical risk, cyber risk as well as new topics in financial risk.
Screenshot of VLab's Global Volatility analysis page


The Volatility Laboratory (V-Lab) provides real time measurement, modeling and forecasting of financial volatility and correlations for a wide spectrum of assets. 

Bryan Kelly at VI Conference (Crop)


The Volatility and Risk Institute hosts Quantitative Finance and Econometrics seminars (QFE) and conferences