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Undergraduate Current Students | Stern Around the World in Japan

Image of Tokyo, Japan skyline
Stern Around the World in


MULT-UB 135: Economy & Business in Japan | Explore the different facets of management, society, the economy and politics in Japan.  

Stern Around the World in Japan - SPRING 2025

This course explores different facets of management, society, the economy and politics in Japan. Japan's successful and state-led development model has served as a blueprint for many countries, especially influencing nearby countries in Asia like Korea, Singapore and China. However, in recent decades Japan's economy has slowed markedly and its population is set to fall rapidly in coming decades as the country ages. What can we learn from Japan's economic successes as well as the more recent economic troubles?

This Spring 2025 semester course takes place in New York. Then from Monday, May 19th – Saturday, May 24th, 2025, you will take a class trip to Tokyo, Japan.

Japan's management practices as well as financial and corporate governance systems remain profoundly different from those found anywhere else.  Its famous focus on quality control and lean manufacturing transformed entire industries like automobiles. It's cultural influence from manga and anime to fashion and film far outstrips its size. What lessons can we learn from Japan?

This course and trip are designed to equip you to understand, invest and work in this unique country.

Course Overview

MULT-UB 135: Economy & Business in Japan
3 credits | Class Days/Times -Tuesdays, 3:30pm-4:45pm
Course: Full Semester | Travel: Required trip to Japan in May 2025
Instructor: Professor Joseph Foudy (

What are the key strengths of Japan from a business perspective? How has its business culture helped and hindered business? Widely credited for managing the Covid epidemic, it has also struggled to adapt existing institutions and open its doors to immigration. As the oldest society in the world and with its population set to fall significantly in the coming decades, Japan serves as a testbed for the demographic changes sweeping the world.  Officially pacifist, how has the Japanese government managed foreign policy challenges and the rise of China?

This 3-credit course can count towards:

  • Business Economics Concentration Elective
  • General Stern elective

*Please note: a max of one SAW travel course can be applied per concentration or minor


This course is open to NYU Stern students who meet the following prerequisites:

  • Must be in good academic and judicial standing with Stern and NYU
  • Must be enrolled at Stern in New York City during the semester you take the course
  • Important Notes:
    • This course is only open to NYU Stern students.
    • Seniors who plan to graduate in May - the final grade for this course will not be available until after the May trip
  • No application required! But attending or viewing an Info Session is required when enrolling in this course (requires Zoom sign-in via NYU SSO - see date below)
  • Enrollment is done through Albert for this course. This SAW course has two registration periods:
    • Priority Registration: During the first week of course registration, only Stern students who meet the requirements listed above, and also have NOT already completed or are NOT currently enrolled in a SAW course, will be able to register or waitlist for this course.
    • Regular Registration: Starting the second week of registration, the course registration and waitlist will open to Stern students who are currently or were previously enrolled in a SAW program - pending available space in the course and/or waitlist.
      • Enrollment is open to all NYU Stern students and is first-come, first-served, based on your registration time and the registration schedule listed above.
      • If the course fills up, there will be a Waitlist. Set up ‘Edit Swap’ function on Albert to ensure you’re not stuck on the waitlist
      • If you successfully enroll, you will be contacted via email with next steps. See additional details below.

Program Timeline

Week of November 18th

During registration for Spring 2025, you will register yourself via NYU Albert. (Enrollment/waitlist according to the Priority and Regular registration schedule listed above as long as space remains available).  

Attending or viewing an Info Session is required when enrolling in this course (requires Zoom sign-in via NYU SSO).

Late NovemberYou will receive an email with next steps - including information on confirming your spot by submitting the program contract along with a copy of your valid passport (see passport information below). *All Stern undergraduate students who are registered for this course will be automatically evaluated for the need-based SAW: Japan Stern Global Immersion Scholarship. You will be notified in the next steps email if you have received a SAW: Japan Stern Global Immersion Scholarship - and if so, the amount. 
Late NovemberSpring NYU Bursar bills post  - will reflect program fee (see "Estimated Expenses" below)
Mid-DecemberYou will be notified if you have received a SAW: Japan Stern Global Immersion Scholarship. If so it will be automatically applied to your Spring Bursar bill to offset the program fee.
Mid-DecemberDeadline to submit contract with copy of your valid passport
Early JanuarySpring NYU Bursar bills due 
January 21, 2025Class begins in NYC
February 11, 2025Deadline to purchase flights and submit travel information to the Japan team
April 29, 2025Mandatory In class trip pre-departure session
May 19 - 24, 2025Required Japan trip

**You will arrange your own flights to and from Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo has two airports, and we highly recommend you fly into Tokyo Haneda airport. Please view the sample itinerary below, note the required program start and end times and plan your flights accordingly to account for travel time to Japan, customs and transportation to the hotel. You must plan to arrive into Tokyo early enough in the day so that you can check in on time for the official start of the program at the group hotel. Late arrivals and early departures are not permitted. You will be expected to stay with the group until the official end of the program. 

Estimated Expenses

Please note: Although you will register for this 3-credit course as part of your Spring schedule, NYU tuition and registration fees do not cover the additional fees for the trip to Japan.

Estimated Expenses
You are Responsible For:Estimated Expenses:Notes:
Housing & Program Fee*$2,600Does not include flight. Global Immersion Scholarships available (see below).
Round Trip Flight*$1,200*Estimate. You will make your own flight arrangements.
Passport Renewal/Visa*$150 – 175*Estimate. Your passport must be valid for six months after the trip concludes. Visas are not required for US Citizens.  
Vaccinations/Travel Medication*$50 – 200*Estimate. Vaccinations are not required for US Citizens, though recommended by the CDC.
Personal Expenses*$500 – $600*Estimate.

The Housing & Program Fee will be required of all participants* (see scholarship info below). It will be added to your Spring 2025 Bursar bill, which we anticipate will be due in early January. Please check the NYU Bursar’s website for the Spring 2025 payment deadline. Please note: the Housing & Program Fee is non-refundable after the Spring 2025 drop/add period unless the trip is canceled by NYU Stern.

The Housing & Program fee covers:

  • Group Hotel in Tokyo, Japan (5 nights)
  • Daily breakfast in hotel, other meals as listed on itinerary
  • Local group transportation
  • Group excursions

Need-based Travel Scholarships

*All Stern undergraduate students who register for this course will be automatically evaluated for a Stern Global Immersion Scholarship. 

  • This need-based award is to help cover the additional travel cost of participating in this program. Awards granted to eligible students with demonstrated need will cover up to the cost of the Housing & Program fee for the travel portion of the class. Following is the SAW: Japan Housing & Program fee and (if awarded) the allocation for the air travel (Travel allocation) for May 2025:
    • Housing & Program Fee (does not include flight): Japan: $2,600 
    • Travel allocation (if awarded): Japan: Estimated $1,200 
           *You will arrange your own flights to and from Tokyo, Japan. 
  • Students must have a current FAFSA or CSS Profile application on file with NYU to be considered for an award. Students will be notified if they will receive a Stern Global Immersion Scholarship - and if so, the amount - according to the schedule above. 
  • *Note: Only one SAW Global Immersion Scholarship will be granted per qualifying student.  If you have already applied a Global Immersion Scholarship to a different SAW course you will not receive any Global Immersion Scholarship funds for this course.  

Passport and Visa Requirements for All Participants

Passports: You must have a passport valid for more than six months beyond the dates of the trip. More information on how to renew or obtain a U.S. passport can be found on the U.S. Department of State's website. If you are an international student please contact your Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  All NYU students are welcome to contact the NYU Office of Global Services (OGS) for assistance as well.

Visas: U.S. passports valid for more than six months beyond the dates of travel do not need a visa to enter Japan. If you are not a U.S. citizen, please consult Japan’s visa requirements. If you have questions, please contact the NYU Office of Global Services (OGS).

It is your responsibility to apply and receive the appropriate visas for your passport in a timely manner for the trip. Trip Program Fee refunds are not provided if you fail to secure your visa.