Stern Stories
Risk Possible
On November 8th, Nassim N. Taleb, NYU-Poly professor and author of The Black Swan and Antifragile, spoke to an audience of 75 MS in Risk Management students and alumni.

On November 8th, Nassim N. Taleb, Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering and Co-Director for the Research Center for Risk Engineering at NYU-Poly and author of The Black Swan (2007) and Antifragile (2012), spoke to an audience of about 75 MS in Risk Management students and alumni and TRIUM alumni hailing from multiple locations around the world including Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
During the first half of his talk, Professor Taleb outlined a technical explanation of the riskiness of statistical models and fat tails. In the latter half of his talk, he discussed his new research on fragility and explained how fragility can serve as a tool for risk management. "My project on fragility is to highlight the evidence of absence and the absence of evidence," he noted, stressing the significance of linking risk analysis to all business decision-making processes since the former can inform the latter to prevent fragility.