Faculty News

Professor Robert Lamb comments on CVS Health's acquisition of Aetna

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Excerpt from CT Post -- "'The patient is sort of caught in this vice,' said Robert Lamb, a professor of finance and management at the Stern School of Business at New York University, who studies mergers. 'The specific arrangement that the two organizations have with each other means that you don’t have, one, freedom of choice but two, they’ve already made an agreement that there will not be outsiders, there cannot be outsiders. … That’s the problem.'"
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides argues for why repealing net neutrality will harm the tech sector

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Excerpt from AM New York -- "'They don’t have the money that [ISPs] will demand,' Nicholas Economides, a professor of economics at the NYU Stern School of Business said. 'Killing net neutrality automatically puts them at a disadvantage.'"
Faculty News

Professor Kathleen DeRose shares insights on Synchrony Financial's partnership with PayPal

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Excerpt from the Stamford Advocate -- "'We’re looking at the end of the cash era, and that means everyone in the payments stack is looking to position themselves,' said Kathleen DeRose, a clinical associate professor of finance in New York University’s business school. 'From Synchrony’s perspective, they benefit from economies of scale.'"
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry is profiled by his alma mater

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Excerpt from Carolina Alumni Review -- "Somehow, we've forgotten that trade, capital flows and immigration are the keys to driving greater shared prosperity -- whether you're in Akron, Ohio, or Accra, Ghana. We need more of those things, not less. I want to get back to advocating for that, and I feel like the best way for me to do that is through my research and teaching -- engaging with students, scholars and even the broader public. Thanks to technology, the classroom's now the world, and the possibilities are endless."
Faculty News

Professor Samuel Craig is interviewed about Meredith Corp.'s acquisition of Time Inc.

Excerpt from the Des Moines Register -- "'I think they basically flew under the radar,' said Craig, NYU's Catherine and Peter Kellner Professor of Entrepreneurship and Arts and Media Management. 'If you ask people who publishes Better Homes and Gardens, they would say, "I don’t know."' He expects that all to change now that the Des Moines-based Meredith has acquired industry giant Time Inc. 'I d­­­o think this catapults Meredith to the front of the line,' Craig said."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack comments on the risk associated with investing in bitcoin

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Excerpt from Marketplace -- "I think people who own these things have a certain appetite for risk...What you're talking about with digital currencies is much more idiosyncratic risk which is unique to the asset but not tied to the overall economy."
Faculty News

Professor Susan Stehlik explains why companies need to start rebuilding trust with their workers regarding sexual harassment in the workplace

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Excerpt from NY1 -- "Most of these companies have policies in place and if it gets that outrageous that they have to fire people in 24 hours, then I have to question whether those policies are working. ... Companies need to start rebuilding trust with their workforce and if they have a policy in place and someone's complaining, they're supposed to do an investigation, they're supposed to get back to the person who's accusing and they're supposed to get back to the person who's been accused."
Faculty News

Professor Eli Bartov's joint research on the impact of late SEC filings is featured

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Excerpt from CFO -- "Companies’ share prices plummet when they file Form NT ('non-timely'), despite stated expectations to meet their deadlines, according to a paper published by professors Eli Bartov of New York University and Yaniv Konchitchki of the University of California at Berkeley in the December issue of the American Accounting Association’s journal Accounting Horizons."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides argues that eliminating net neutrality will negatively impact consumers and startups

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Excerpt from Quartz -- "He believes that payments from content companies to internet providers would end up in the pockets of the internet provider’s stockholders, and not be passed on consumers. 'Right now we don’t see companies like Microsoft, Google and Amazon coming to AT&T begging for prioritization,' Economides told Quartz. He said that instead, we see AT&T coming out and saying we want a new revenue stream."
Faculty News

In an in-depth Q&A, Professor Scott Galloway discusses how Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook are reshaping cities, from his book, "The Four"

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Excerpt from CityLab -- "Find the universities that are gaining the most traction in engineering or STEM and you’re going to find an ecosystem that can produce a unicorn. My money would be on St. Louis, because of Washington University, which is starting to attract the finest human capital in the nation. Whoever gets the smartest 18-year-olds, 10 years later, they get a unicorn. Pittsburgh is also a great candidate because of Carnegie Mellon. You know how they say 'follow the money'? I say follow the university rankings, specifically for engineering schools."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack discusses the evolution and expansion of Stern's cryptocurrency course offerings

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Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Prof Yermack at NYU Stern says blockchain technology 'is really changing every industry'. Describing its potential as 'probably as important as the introduction of double-entry bookkeeping', he says there is 'enormous student interest for this, for the jobs it offers'."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack is interviewed about bitcoin's security

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Excerpt from the Australian Financial Review -- "'Bitcoin is by consensus the most secure computer network ever developed,' says Professor David L. Yermack, chairman of the finance department at New York University's Stern School of Business. 'Many financial institutions have recognised that blockchains are potential conduits for many assets, including digital currency, shares of stock, real estate titles, and the like. Rather than constructing a blockchain from scratch, one might use an existing blockchain as the infrastructure upon which new markets can be layered.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway shares his views on the Honest Ads Act and regulation of Facebook

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Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Scott Galloway, a professor of marketing at New York University and the author of The Four, a book about Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, says the Honest Ads Act is simply 'window dressing' to make the Senate look like it is doing something. He points out that regulators have failed to shake up Facebook, which benefits from a large cash pile and earnings momentum that is unlikely to be lost any time soon."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White discusses the impact of hurricanes on small business insurance premiums

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Excerpt from CNNMoney -- "Businesses in hurricane-prone zones could also see their premiums go up, White warned. 'Insurance is all about the insurer’s perception of forward-looking risk,' said White. If a hurricane like Harvey makes insurers believe that Houston is more likely to be hit again, 'then for sure someone’s premiums are going to go up.'"
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose provides advice on how to avoid fake mobile shopping apps

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "'Even if they're not using credit card information, [imitating a popular app] makes the app a suitable publisher for viewing different kinds of display ads or banner ads,' explains Anindya Ghose, the Heinz Riehl chair professor of business at New York University's Leonard N. Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan highlights the benefits of a non-for-profit course for gig economy workers

San Francisco Chronicle logo
Excerpt from the San Francisco Chronicle -- "'We’ve already got very well-developed curricula to prepare people for full-time jobs,' he said. 'But the science of education to transition to something other than being a full-time employee is more nascent. The true promise here is laying the foundation for a much broader audience for this kind of education.'"
Faculty News

Professor Foster Provost's joint research on social media, privacy and advertising is featured

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Excerpt from NBC News -- "The study entitled 'Enhancing Transparency and Control When Drawing Data-Driven Inferences About Individuals,' is a joint research material by Daizhuo Chen from Columbia Business School, Northeastern University's Samuel Fraiberger, Robert Moakler and Foster Provost from Stern School of Business, New York University."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose is interviewed about the role of mobile marketing in holiday shopping

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Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "'Mobile devices have become a blessing in disguise for offline retailers,' said Ghose. Initially, they were used by bargain-hunting shoppers who ultimately spent their money on Amazon.com Inc. or some other site with a better price. 'Now the same mobile device is giving them an instrument to get location-based, context-based coupons,' said Ghose. 'It can prevent poaching by sending shoppers an offer that surprises [and] makes them happy.'"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan shares insights on how digital platforms can combat fake news and propaganda

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "I certainly think that the role of the government here is going to be to step to the line but not cross it so to speak, to put enough pressure on the large platforms to come up with good effective ways of investing many more resources into their governance. Honestly, I don't think anybody has the right answer to how to prevent something like this from happening. It is clear Facebook has to do more, it is clear that Google has to do more...smart strategy at this point would be to put short term profitability on hold while you make sure that more aggressive government regulatory action doesn't affect you adversely in the long run."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan comments on Uber's growth and customer data breach

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "'They’ve enjoyed tremendous success, but it’s come at a significant cost,' said Arun Sundararajan, professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'It’s important that they don’t lose sight of the fact that there’s important work to be done to justify their extremely high valuation and the tremendous amount of private venture capital they’ve raised pre IPO.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari is interviewed for a feature story on the evolution of luxury

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Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "'If someone is allowed to participate in luxury, not even own it, but to look at it, your heart opens up and your spirit is lifted,' Serdari says. When she lectures on luxury, she encourages executives to ask themselves: 'Can your company produce the next item that will be in the Met in 200 years?' Luxury is not merely something that’s expensive or something that bears a famous name. And it is not an indictment of a rigged economic system. It’s one of the things that makes the system worth fixing. Luxury products are those 'things that will speak of our civilization in 200 years,' Serdari says. 'Luxury is an expression of civilization at its best.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway shares his predictions for the home technology market

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Excerpt from Fox News -- "The new battleground I believe is going to be the home. It is the only place that you don't have your phone attached to your hand and it's a place where you make a lot of purchase and media decisions, what you are going to watch and what you are going to buy. Who owns the home now? The buttery voice of Alexa."
Faculty News

Professor Michael Spence shares his views on the global economy, the Federal Reserve leadership transition and China's debt

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- ".. if you are a skeptic about the turbulence and populism and so on we see, you could look at the global economy and markets and say things are going well. We have a synchronized growth acceleration, pretty much globally, markets are at all-time highs, show low volatility, relatively little nervousness, reasonably calm reaction to the withdrawal of monetary stimulus, and so on. So it looks like we are in much better shape than we were ten years ago. So the question is, what disorder? And I think the answer has to do with the rising tide of political and social polarization, especially in the west..."
Faculty News

Professor Jacob Jacoby comments on Black Friday holiday shopping promotions

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Excerpt from the Findlay Courier -- "...shopping in brick-and-mortar stores over Thanksgiving/Black Friday is still a big deal, said Jacob Jacoby, marketing professor at New York University. Stores will be offering deep discounts on some items to draw crowds, who will invariably buy additional goods."
