Faculty News

In a video interview, Professor Rosa Abrantes-Metz discusses the difficulties in preventing and investigating gold spoofing and other forms of precious metals market manipulation

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Excerpt from BNN Bloomberg -- "Rosa Abrantes-Metz, adjunct associate professor, NYU's Stern School of Business discusses the difficulties in preventing and investigating gold spoofing and other forms of precious metals market manipulation."
Faculty News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett's comments on an increase in domestically sourced misinformation are highlighted; Research from the Center on disinformation and its impact on the 2020 elections is mentioned

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Excerpt from Business Insider -- "Paul Barrett, the deputy director of the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, told Business Insider in April that he'd seen an explosion of domestically sourced dis- and misinformation in recent months. Barrett also released a report last year detailing how dis- and misinformation would play a role in the upcoming election. 'In terms of sheer volume, domestically generated disinformation now exceeds malign content from foreign sources and will almost certainly be a factor in the next election,' the report said."
Faculty News

In a video interview, Professor Nouriel Roubini explains why he believes markets don't accurately reflect the economic risks associated with COVID-19

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The global economy faces a risk of a slow recovery or even another slump along the way unless a vaccine is found, according to Nouriel Roubini. Speaking on Bloomberg Television on Friday, Roubini predicted that the shape of the recovery, which some predicted to be V, 'is becoming a U and the U could become a W if we don’t find a vaccine and don’t have enough stimulus.'”
Faculty News

Professor Tensie Whelan notes that consumers want to buy sustainable products and e-commerce retailers can help them do so by sharing environmental and social data on their online platforms

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Excerpt from GreenBiz -- "'Consumers want to buy sustainable products and e-commerce retailers can help them do so by sharing environmental and social data on their online platforms,' said Tensie Whelan, professor and director of the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business, and author of the report’s foreword, in a statement. 'Whether companies choose to jump at this opportunity will determine their ability to cultivate the consumer and remain competitive over the long-run.'"
