School News

A talk by Venture for America founder, Andrew Yang, at NYU Stern is cited

Excerpt from MyBankTracker -- "Andrew Yang, who founded the nonprofit organization this summer, delivered the talk at NYU Stern Business School to eager young listeners like myself. He began by explaining that he became disenchanted by corporate America after a stint at a big law firm."
School News

NYU Stern's definition of price to earnings to growth ratio (PEG) is cited

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "PEG is the short name for the price to earnings to growth ratio. New York University’s Stern School of Business defines it as the ratio of market price to expected growth in earnings per share."
School News

Vice Chair of NYU Trustees & Vice Chair of the Board of Overseers Kenneth Langone is quoted

ValueWalk logo
Excerpt from ValueWalk -- "Kenneth Langone, Invemed Associates chairman/president, says people should stop complaining about what they want and work hard, adding that the Occupy Wall Street protesters are babies in adult bodies."
School News

NYU Stern is highlighted for participating in the first NYU Entrepreneurs Festival

Crain's New York logo
Excerpt from Crain's New York Business -- "Representatives from almost a dozen schools at NYU will be participating in the [NYU Entrepreneurs Festival], including from Stern School of Business, the College of Arts and Science, and Tisch School of the Arts."
School News

Vice Chair of NYU Trustees & Chair of the Board of Overseers William R. Berkley is cited

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "The recent flooding in Thailand could result in over $10 billion of losses for the global insurance industry, according to William Berkley."
School News

The NYU Stern V-Lab is highlighted as a source for tracking the stability of companies

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "Hersh Shefrin, a finance professor at Santa Clara University in California, says individual investors should look at New York University's Volatility Lab website (See to monitor factors such as leverage, along with a company's overall stability."
School News

The L2 Innovation Forum, co-hosted by NYU Stern on 11/10, is featured

Excerpt from -- "Along with academics at the NYU Stern School of Business, the L2 Innovation Forum will present a series of lectures from industry thought leaders, authors, marketing specialists and CEOs from a number of well-known retail brands, social media companies and marketing firms."
School News

NYU Stern is cited as a past winner of the ABI Corporate Restructuring Competition

Excerpt from Targeted News Service -- "Past winners of the Corporate Restructuring Competition include Columbia Business School, University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business, Northwestern University Kellogg Graduate School of Management (January 2007 and November 2008), New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business and the Stanford Graduate Business School."
School News

The Annual Association of Hispanic & Black Business Students Distinguished Alumni Award is featured

Excerpt from -- "'I am excited and honored to be recognized by AHBBS and the Stern School of Business,' stated Nana Baffour, CEO and Co-Founder of Midas Medici."
School News

NYU Life Trustee & Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Overseers Henry Kaufman on capitalism

Excerpt from EconoMonitor -- "In his foreword, Dr. Henry Kaufman warned 'Capitalism without owners will fail.'"
School News

Assistant Dean Isser Gallogly on the technology-driven additions to the Stern MBA application

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- “It gives them a chance to show us how they’re unique and different and how they’ll fit into the community." Additional coverage appeared in US News & World Report and Kashmir Monitor.
School News

Vice Chair of NYU Trustees & Vice Chair of the Board of Overseers Kenneth Langone on Simpson-Bowles

MSNBC logo
Excerpt from MSNBC -- "What happened with Simpson-Bowles? There was a perfect one; that was a home run! And they could all say, ‘look, here’s two bipartisan guys knowledgeable on the situation, no ax to grind, no re-election, none of that.’ And guess what? Nothing happened."
School News

Members of the Board of Overseers Kenneth Langone and Leonard Stern are featured in the Haute 100

Excerpt from Haute Living -- "The legendary Kenneth Langone was the former director of the New York Stock Exchange and a financial backer of Home Depot. Today, his focus is on philanthropic efforts. ... As Chairman and CEO of Hartz Mountain Industry and Hartz Group, Leonard Stern began the Hartz Mountain’s real estate operations in 1966 when he started to purchase land in New Jersey’s Meadowlands."
School News

CITL Assistant Director Maya Georgieva on developing digital apps

Excerpt from Campus Technology -- "The development of the app should not simply seek to duplicate what already exists in terms of web resources. ... Rather, it should make services/data easier to access and interact with."
School News

NYU Stern hosted the Dream it Do it High School Challenge on 11/13

Excerpt from New York Daily News -- "First series of “Dream It Do It” workshops with high school students hosted at NYU Stern."
School News

PhD student Solon Barocas on data mining

O'Reilly Data Show logo
Excerpt from O'Reilly Radar -- "It's really difficult to explain what data mining actually is. I think of it, in a sense, to be a particular form of machine learning. And these are complicated things — very, very complicated." Additional coverage appeared in Forbes.
School News

An interview with MBA student Rak-Joon Choi on Korean food

MBA student Rak-Joon Choi (MBA '12) was interviewed by Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) for a documentary on how Korea is perceived by other cultures. Choi's segment focused on Korean food.
School News

CEO of Neiman Marcus Group Karen Katz's speech at the Stern Luxury & Retail Conference is featured

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- "The consumer is the center of a company’s business and an 'omni-channel presence' must be implemented to ensure that the customer experience is at its peak, the top Neiman Marcus Group executive said at the NYU Stern School of Business Luxury & Retail Conference 2011."
School News

Vice Chair of NYU Trustees & Vice Chair of the Board of Overseers Kenneth Langone is interviewed

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "I don't think you can say today is as a result of anything in europe. Just like you can't say today is totally the result of MF [Global]."  Additional coverage appeared on, and CNBC.
School News

Vice Chair of NYU Trustees & Chair of the Board of Overseers William R. Berkley is cited

Excerpt from The Hoya -- "The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs also took in $5 million from its original backer William Berkley, also a member of the board."
School News

The Future of TV Conference, hosted by NYU Stern on 11/17-18, is featured

Associated Press logo
Excerpt from AP Planner -- "10th annual Future of Television Forum - executive conference presented by NYU Stern School of Business, Digital Media Wire, and Consumer Electronics Association, designed for decision-makers from cable and broadcast networks, cable and satellite operators, high-tech and advertising."
School News

Executive Director of Admissions Paula Steisel Goldfarb on NYU Stern's relationships in Brazil

Excerpt from Valor Economico -- "In Brazil, we partner with Getulio Vargas, known throughout the country and Latin America for its instruction in management. Additionally, we offer both full-time and part-time MBA students the opportunity to enroll in one or two week intensive courses called Doing Business In (DBi) as part of the Stern MBA curriculum. Students visit the country to engage in local business, policy and culture while earning course credit. Brazil is a regular destination; Stern students who enroll in DBi will go to Brazil this coming January."
School News

Stern's undergraduate program is highlighted for incorporating liberal arts & business education

Excerpt from Bangor Daily News -- "The report points to model programs including NYU’s Stern School’s four-course liberal arts sequences and its capstone course on Professional Responsibility and Leadership, a case-based approach that exposes students to the three modes of liberal education: analytical thinking to move from the particular to the generalizable, multiple framing to see things in different contexts, and self-reflection to explore meaning, values and commitment."
School News

MBA Student Courtney Reagan on the art of negotiation

NBC logo
Excerpt from the NBC Today Show -- "If you think about it, most people negotiate or bargain in some aspect of every day life. I mean, whether it's buying a house you negotiate the terms and the price or even calling your cable operator seeing if you can squeak out a couple extra channels for paying that same fee. ... being a better negotiator will help you get that better deal every time without compromising too much."
School News

MBA Student Alex Brousseau on NYU Stern's upcoming Luxury & Retail Conference on 10/28

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- “We’re trying to get at this idea of how technology and globalization connectivity has changed the shopping experience and looking at that from a number of lenses whether that is straightforward ecommerce, social or mobile, but also angles such as sustainability and changeable markets."
