School News

Stern's new Loan Assistance Program for MBA graduates with careers in social enterprise is featured

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "The New York University Stern School of Business, with its Social Enterprise Association MBA Club, recently established a Loan Assistance Program for full-time, part-time, and EMBA graduates who pursue careers in social enterprise. Unlike most programs of its kind, this one makes more people eligible."
School News

MBA Students in the Stern Consulting Corps work with emerging designers to develop business plans

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "The exercise was part of an unusual collaboration between New York University's Stern School of Business and the Council of Fashion Designers of America's two-year-old Fashion Incubator program, which gives emerging designer labels mentoring from established fashion executives and designers, networking opportunities and office space in New York's garment district."
School News

Director of CCWP Abigail Kies on dressing for a job interview

 Excerpt from New York Daily News -- "The more you can blend in for an interview looks-wise, the better (it is) so they can focus on what you're saying and the value you'll add."
School News

Executive MBA student Robert Amler on the financial state of the healthcare industry

Excerpt from Westchester Magazine -- "More and more physicians are captive in practices that are now owned or operated by the hospital in which they work. Let’s face it: Their professional responsibility may be to the patient, but their responsibility as employees is to their employer."
School News

Assistant Dean Pamela Mittman on job opportunities for MBA grads

Excerpt from Econoplay -- "' ... we saw an increase in activity in the media/entertainment/technology sectors, and luxury retail – which tracks with our educational offerings in these areas,' Mittman said. 'We anticipate our graduation employment report to show a smoothing out in the balance of industries as a result.'"
School News

The Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards, held at NYU Stern on April 27, are featured

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "The Tribeca Film Festival, in association with Harvard Professor Clayton Christensen and the Disruptor Foundation, honored 18-year-old Bieber, along with his manager Scooter Braun, were honored [SIC] for breaking the music industry mold. Bieber, wearing his favorite varsity jacket, was on hand at New York University's Stern School of Business to accept his award."
School News

NYU Stern is highlighted for offering a variety of social media and social business focused courses

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "According to ComScore, social media now reaches over 82% of the worlds online population. Nearly 1 out of every 5 minutes spent online is used to engage on Facebook, tweet on Twitter, connect on LinkedIn – along with other social media activities."
School News

Prof. Eitan Zemel on Stern's new MS in Business Analytics degree, offered at NYU Shanghai

Excerpt from Washington Square News -- "'We see the MS in business analytics as a market-driven new offering that responds to the incredible explosion of data and the new ways in which data is being used in making strategic business decisions,' Zemel said."
School News

Stern's new MS in Business Analytics, NYU's first degree offered in Shanghai, is featured

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "The Stern School of Business at New York University is to launch a Master of Science in Business Analytics degree in both New York and Shanghai, making Stern the first school at the university to launch a degree on its Pudong campus, now under construction."
School News

ECB governing council member Ewald Nowotny's speech at NYU Stern is highlighted

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "The new policy measures could be taken if stress makes a comeback in Europe, 'but I don't see a need now,' Nowotny said in a speech at New York University [Stern School of Business]."
School News

Prof. Jeffrey Carr on Stern's annual New Venture Competition

Crain's New York logo
Excerpt from Crain's New York Business -- "'We'd found that it was hard to choose winners,' said Jeffrey Carr, who heads NYU Stern's Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. 'So we decided last year to pull out the tech competition [into a standalone category].'"
School News

A conference hosted by Stern's new Center for Real Estate Finance Research on May 15 is highlighted

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "New York University’s Stern School of Business will launch the Center for Real Estate Finance Research on May 15 with a conference featuring New York City commercial real estate leaders and new research."
School News

Prof. Al Lieberman on NYU Stern’s “The Craft and Commerce of Cinema: Cannes Film Festival” course

Excerpt from Variety -- "As with all school programs, the key incentive is the leg-up it gives students. 'It's an important part of their educational experience,' says NYU's Lieberman. 'People come back and say, 'This changed my life.'"
School News

Dean Peter Henry on NYU Stern's part-time MBA program in Westchester

Excerpt from The Journal News -- “Students are looking more and more for programs that can provide the kind of flexibility that 21st-century careers and lifestyles demand, so we’re working hard to do that.”
School News

Dean Peter Henry's ringing of NASDAQ's closing bell is highlighted in a "B-school Twitter Round-up"

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "Dean Peter Henry and MBA students from NYU’s Stern School of Business, head to Times Square to ring the Nasdaq closing bell (@nyustern, April 13)"
School News

Prof. Jill Kickul on NYU Stern's social impact initiatives

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "The size and complexity of the problems—and opportunities—facing business today require leaders who understand the linkages between the financial and the real economy, between business and policy, and who can balance the quest for profit with a responsibility to the public good."
School News

NYU Stern's new Center for Real Estate Finance Research is featured

The Real Deal logo
Excerpt from The Real Deal -- "'We learned from the global financial crisis of the systemic importance of real estate finance and continue to see how housing influences the direction and speed of the economic recovery,' said Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, a professor of finance at NYU’s Stern school and the director of the Center for Real Estate Finance Research."
School News

Dean Peter Henry to ring NASDAQ Stock Market Closing Bell

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "NYU Stern School of Business will visit the NASDAQ MarketSite in New York City's Times Square to kick off 'Pre-View weekend' for students admitted to the Stern Full-time MBA Class of 2014."
School News

In this iPad age, MBA student Zoe Feldman is highlighted for utilizing the letterpress

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "Zoe Feldman rents time at The Arm every few weeks to print cards ... and sells them on Etsy. ... The former Pepsi executive and MBA candidate at New York University’s Stern School of Business says she may forsake corporate life if the nascent business takes off."
School News

NYU Stern to host the third annual Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards on 4/27

Excerpt from -- "The Tribeca Film Festival (TFF), in association with noted Harvard Business School Professor Clay Christensen and the Disruptor Foundation, announced it will hold the third annual Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards, hosted by NYU Stern School of Business, on April 27. The 11th edition of TFF runs April 18 to 29."
School News

MBAs in the Stern Consulting Corps work with City Harvest to develop healthy snacks for NYC kids

New York Post logo
Excerpt from New York Post -- "MBA students in the Leonard N. Stern School of Business’s Consulting Corps (SCC) program have taken on City Harvest, New York City’s food rescue organization, as a client. As part of their pro-bono work and learning experience, SCC students tackle real business challenges and opportunities outside of the classroom, as well as receive mentoring from leaders at top-tier consulting firms and from faculty advisors."
School News

Winner of 2004 New Venture Competition, Rickshaw Dumpling, founded by alums David Weber & Kenny Lao

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Mr. Weber, a former World Bank consultant with an M.B.A. in management from the Stern School of Business at New York University, believes that food trucks 'can help create neighborhoods.'"
School News

Vice Chairman, NYU Trustees & Chairman of the Overseers William Berkley (BS '66) is featured

Excerpt from Leaders Edge Magazine -- “The fact that I ended up going to NYU because someone I never knew decided that I should get financial aid was a real eye-opening experience,” Berkley says. “What an incredible thing to have happen. It’s something I remember all the time.”
School News

Maria Bartiromo is highlighted as the 2012 NYU Stern Graduate Convocation speaker

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "NYU Stern School of Business, Maria Bartiromo, anchor of CNBC’s Closing Bell and anchor/managing editor of the Wall Street Journal Report with Maria Bartiromo, on May 17."
School News

Data compiled by NYU Stern faculty on US treasury returns is cited

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "Bonds have rallied too, with US treasuries returning an average of 8.5 percent in 2010 and 16 percent in 2011, according to data compiled by New York University's Stern School of Business."
