School News

Research Scholar Patrick Lamson-Hall's remarks on urban planning at the World Urban Forum 9 are highlighted

Malaysia Star logo
Excerpt from The Star -- "'Technically, all development is a form of TOD. Otherwise, you would never have development in a place without adequate transportation. Unless it is built with subsidies for example,' said Lamson-Hall, who has a master’s degree in Urban Planning from the NYU Wagner School of Public Service."
School News

Professor Michael Posner is quoted in a feature story on ethics training in b-schools, highlighting the Center for Business and Human Rights' offerings

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- “Our business and human rights courses and research opportunities explore how businesses can proactively address issues that may have an impact on the bottom line such as: the risks in global manufacturing supply chains, the exploitation of migrant workers or the dangers to leading Internet companies posed by harmful content online.”
School News

MBA student Adam Scheer is highlighted as one of "10 Military Veterans to Watch from the Class of 2019"

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "While the Big Apple may be the perfect starting point for a finance career, Scheer credits something altogether different for his decision to enroll at Stern. 'It was the passion, warmth, and propensity for mentorship displayed by the Stern Military Veterans Club that made the choice easy,' he writes."
School News

Professor David Yermack is quoted in a feature story highlighting Stern as a top b-school for blockchain courses

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "Citing preeminent nearby firms such as Union Square Ventures, IBM Blockchain Garage, the Digital Currency Group, [Yermack] adds that 'the main financial markets of the world and many of the important regulators are also in New York. It would be inexcusable for us not to tap into all the expertise and innovation that is occurring on our doorstep.'"
School News

Undergraduate student Alex Grieco highlights her favorite aspects of attending Stern

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "NYU has given me so many unbelievable opportunities and experiences that I know could not happen in any other university. ... Just last month, I was able to attend a Ranger’s ice hockey game at Madison Square Garden! Another exclusive Stern opportunity I am looking forward to: Hong Kong for our spring break as part of our International Studies Program (more details to come on this in the spring)!"
School News

Roxanne Hori, Associate Dean of Corporate Relations, Career Services and Leadership Development, is quoted in a feature story on the increased emphasis on diversity in the workplace among employers

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Although recruiters talk about the need to have a diverse environment, Hori still believes that the primary motivation is not to miss out on the best graduates. 'I’d like to think it’s a heart and soul move,' she says. 'But there are many more options today for the top talent on MBA programmes.'"
School News

The decision by the city of Valledupar, Colombia, to accept recommendations for a new public space economic model from a group of MBA students and Research Scholar Nicolás Galarza as part of a Stern Solutions experiential learning project is featured

El Pilon logo
Translated excerpt from El Pilon -- "Nicolás Galarza explained, 'during the investigation we realized that there are several collaborative schemes in which the private sector manages and is responsible for the maintenance of parks, freeing those burdens from the mayorships. This is a win-win scheme: from the point of view of the private sector, this means that it will be a park that will have more people visiting, improves security, improves traffic, businesses increase their sales, improves the value of the properties; and from the point of view of the administration, significant resources are saved to be allocated to other priorities for the city...'"
School News

Senior Research Scholar Alain Bertaud shares insights on urbanization in China

South China Morning Post logo
Excerpt from South China Morning Post -- "'Urbanisation didn’t happen (in China) because the government wanted the country to urbanise,' noted Alain Bertaud, urban planner and senior research scholar at the US’s NYU Stern Urbanisation Project. 'The economy asked for it, and the people voted with their feet. The government have had to cope with urbanisation rather than it being a deliberate policy decision. In a way, they are paying the price of this rapid urbanisation now.'"
School News

Beth Briggs, Assistant Dean of Career Services, is interviewed about MBA career trends ​in finance​

TopMBA logo
Excerpt from TopMBA -- "'Because of our exceptional finance faculty, NYU Stern continues to work closely with many investment banking partners and to attract students who are focused on roles in the industry,' adds Briggs. 'We have seen a consistently strong level of interest over the past five years, with growing concentrations of students leveraging this finance foundation to move into roles in the technology sector.'"
School News

Undergraduate student Alex Grieco, representing Stern as a "campus correspondent" for the semester, is profiled

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "I studied at NYU’s campus in Florence, Italy (which is located on a hilltop overlooking downtown Florence) for my sophomore Fall semester. I got to learn Italian, eat with local Florentine families, and teach English to young Italians, all while taking some business coursework such as Intro to Marketing and Organizational Communications."
School News

Joint research from the NYU Pollack Center for Law & Business is featured

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Excerpt from NJ Today -- "The report, SEC Enforcement Activity: Public Companies and Subsidiaries, Fiscal Year 2017 Update, analyzes data from the Securities Enforcement Empirical Database (SEED)."
School News

NYU Stern Students Win First Place in Eighth Annual MBA National Case Competition Sponsored by Deloitte

MBA National Case Competition Winners
A team of NYU Stern MBA students won the eighth annual MBA National Case Competition sponsored by Deloitte. The team, including Eric Gioseffi (MBA ‘19), Denitsa Kosharova (MBA ‘19), Utkarsh Satyawadi (MBA ‘19) and Kelly Williams (MBA ‘19), earned a combined scholarship of $20,000 for their presentation, which took the top honors, marking Stern’s first win in the competition.
School News

Stern ventures Keen Home and Smart Vision Labs and Spring, Inc. are highlighted as "Top MBA Startups"

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "Each year, we scour the internet and reach out to the world’s most elite business schools to find startups launched in the past five years with at least one founder who graduated with an MBA in the same time period. We then rank them on one standard: how much funding each new venture has raised."
School News

Senior Research Scholar Alain Bertaud is interviewed about the link between public policy and affordable housing in cities

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'Poor planning regulations are responsible for unaffordable housing in many prosperous cities,' Bertaud told the Thomson Reuters Foundation."
School News

Jamie Tobias, Assistant Dean of Student Engagement, highlights the value of Stern's ​engagement in the Citi University Partnerships in Innovation & Discovery program

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Excerpt from Finextra -- "Jamie Tobias, assistant dean, NYU Stern, adds: 'NYU Stern students are really responding to the opportunity to work on these types of real-world innovation projects, and doing so at a global bank will not only help them hone their skills in strategy and technical product development, but also expand their awareness of future career opportunities at Citi and beyond.'"
School News

Stern's Advancing Women in Business Scholarship and Fertitta Veterans Program are highlighted in a feature story on b-school scholarships; Paula Steisel Goldfarb, Associate Dean of MBA Admissions, Financial Aid and Academic Affairs, is quoted

TopMBA logo
Excerpt from TopMBA -- "'Given the importance among MBA students to seek a return on investment for their degrees, Stern has been proud to offer a diverse set of funding options for well over a decade and has expanded our funding options over time,' says Paula Steisel Goldfarb, associate dean of MBA Admissions, Financial Aid, and Academic Affairs at Stern."
School News

Stern's Undergraduate College is featured as one of "10 Undergraduate Business Schools to Watch in 2018"

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "One of the school’s most unique features is its global immersion program. A semester-long required course, juniors complete field studies overseas to gain a deeper understanding of globalization and differing business cultures and economic systems. In a world gone global, Stern’s International Studies Program offers graduates a decided edge in the marketplace. The same is true of global exchange programs, where an impressive 56% of graduates spend a semester studying abroad."
School News

MBA students Vikram Gulati, Hamilton Jordan​ and Calan Underwood share tips for prospective applicants

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "Vikram Gulati, now in his first year at NYU Stern School of Business, also advised getting an earlier start. ... 'I highly recommend making the effort to visit business schools you’re interested in before submitting your applications, permitting you have the vacation time and resources to do so.' - Calan Underwood ... 'If you have something in your life that helps you relax or puts your mind at ease, do it,' he said. 'For me it was exercising, and I should have done more of it. I stressed myself out a few times throughout the process. It’s a lot of work, but looking back, I had the time to take a couple of breaks here and there.' - Hamilton Jordan"
School News

Isser Gallogly, Associate Dean, MBA Admissions and Program Innovation, underscores the value of the EQ endorsement in assessing MBA applicants

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "According to Gallogly, the EQ endorsement has indeed been 'adding a whole new vantage point through which we can assess the applicant. We felt like there was a gap in the kind of information that could be gathered about an applicant,' Gallogly says today (January 12) in an email exchange with Poets&Quants. 'The EQ endorsement is really a character reference from someone who believes in the applicant’s EQ. It’s an additional dimension that a professional recommendation doesn’t provide by its nature. We’ve received EQ endorsements from mentors, lifelong friends, some from the professional arena — they provide an emotional resonance.'"
School News

MBA students Eric Gioseffi, Denitsa Kosharova, Utkarsh Satyawadi and Kelly Williams win first place in the Deloitte MBA National Case Competition

Accounting Today logo
Excerpt from Accounting Today -- "NYU team members Denitsa Kosharova, Kelly Williams, Eric Gioseffi and Utkarsh Satyawadi won scholarships totaling $20,000 for their presentation on how to grow the coffee company Chameleon Cold-Brew. Members of the 26-person judging panel included the president and CEO of Chameleon, Chris Campbell, as well as other industry leaders from Deloitte and beyond."
School News

Isser Gallogly, Associate Dean, MBA Admissions and Program Innovation, is quoted in a feature trend story on how business schools vet application essays

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "'There are definitely ways in which we can see when something looks suspect,' says Isser Gallogly, Stern’s associate dean of MBA admissions and programme innovation. 'Every individual has their own writing style so if we spot similarities, that is cause for concern.'"
School News

Cynthia Franklin, director of Entrepreneurship at the W. R. Berkley Innovation Labs and Allie Esslinger (MBA '18), a finalist in the 2017 New Venture Competition, are quoted in a trend story about support for entrepreneurship in business schools

TopMBA logo
Excerpt from TopMBA -- "'The entrepreneurship process has been demystified. Never before has there been such broad and easy access to the critical resources needed to start a venture—whether technology, capital—both cash and human, support networks, know-how, etc.,' says Franklin. . ... 'the founding team [of LGBTQueue, co-founded by Allie Esslinger (MBA '18)] is excited to have the benefit of having come together under a different umbrella, use those metrics to guide our first decisions about product and branding, and work together more collaboratively to build something from the ground up.'"
School News

The appointment of ​Raghu Sundaram ​as Dean ​is spotlighted

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "In naming an insider to succeed Henry, NYU is going with a highly talented and well-liked professor who has been behind some of the more innovative changes at Stern in recent years. He is also yet another example of a highly successful Indian-born scholar who has moved up the ranks to head one of the world’s best business schools, following in the footsteps of Nitin Nohria at Harvard Business School, Sumatra Dutta at Cornell’s SC Johnson College of Business, and Sri Zaheer of the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management."
School News

A discussion of new FASB regulations at Stern's Ross Roundtable is highlighted

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The work should yield some of the first pieces of guidance on the rules in the next couple of months, as disagreements over unanswered questions are hammered out through the FASB Transition Resource Group on Credit Losses and American Institute of CPAs forums, [Frederick, partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP] Currie said in a Dec. 4 roundtable discussion by the Ross Institute of Accounting Research at the New York University Stern School of Business."
School News

Stern's new Fubon Center for Technology, Business, and Innovation at Stern, made possible through an $8 million endowed gift from alumnus Richard Ming-Hsing Tsai (MBA ’81), is featured

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "The Fubon Center will support and facilitate collaboration in areas such as fintech, business analytics, technology, and entrepreneurship. It will also serve as a new nexus for continuous innovation at NYU Stern by strengthening industry ties and promoting cutting-edge research. Additionally, the Fubon Center will help to shape future coursework and encourage academic collaboration between NYU Stern and National Taiwan University, Tsai’s undergraduate alma mater."
