School News

Stern's MS in Accounting program is featured in a trend story on the evolution of accounting education; Professor Alex Dontoh and Rabia Ahmed, executive director of MBA admissions, are quoted

MiM Guide logo
Excerpt from MiM Guide -- "'Big data collection and analysis has precipitated a profound change in the way companies conduct their business and has consequently triggered a seismic shift in skillsets professional accountants must possess to be successful,' says Alex Dontoh, director of Stern’s MS in Accounting course. ... Rabia Ahmed, executive director of MBA admissions at Stern, says: 'We are looking for students who exhibit strong IQ and EQ — the combination of intellectual and interpersonal skills needed to be successful in business.'"
School News

Research by the Center for Business and Human Rights on combating disinformation on social media platforms is referenced

Bloomberg Businessweek logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Businssweek -- "A new report by the Center for Business and Human Rights at New York University’s Stern School of Business argues that the platforms should indeed remove material that is 'provably untrue,' rather than just demote or annotate it as some do now. Anything that’s in the gray area between true and false could remain, it says."
School News

Professor Xi Chen Receives National Science Foundation CAREER Award

NYU flags outside of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
Professor Xi Chen, NYU Stern assistant professor in the department of Technology, Operations, and Statistics, has been recognized by the National Science Foundation (NSF) with its Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER).
School News

Professor and Vice Dean for Online Learning Kim Corfman is quoted in a trend story citing how Stern’s new online MS in Quantitative Management aims to attract a new market of students around the world

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "New York University’s Stern School of Business announced a radical new departure in its postgraduate teaching this year: its masters in management (MiM) degree was its first to be totally online. 'We are targeting a whole new market,' says Kim Corfman, Stern’s vice dean for MBA programmes and online learning. The aim, she adds, is to attract new student groups from outside the US, where MiM degrees are often more popular than the business school’s core MBA programme."
School News

Undergraduate student Joshua Williams is interviewed about his nonprofit organization, the Joshua's Heart Foundation

Miami Times logo
Excerpt from Miami Times Online -- "As he’s working toward a degree away from home at NYU Stern School of Business, he says he’s glad he set the stage for the other kids in the organization to take leadership roles, training them throughout the years to ensure that Joshua’s Heart would become a sustainable, social entrepreneurship. 'We grew up together, the foundation and me, but now it is its own entity,' said Joshua. 'It is important to learn how to pass on the torch to the next generation.'"
School News

Senior Research Scholar Steven Altman comments on globalization in Austria, referencing his joint research with Professor Pankaj Ghemawat and Associate Research Scholar Phillip Bastian

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Excerpt from Die Presse -- "'We were somewhat surprised how low Austria’s breadth is in international trade,' says Steven Altman of the New York University's Stern School of Business, which calculates the Global Connectedness Index every two years, to the 'Presse am Sonntag.'"
School News

Jonathan B. Williams, assistant vice president for undergraduate admissions at NYU, and Tiffany Boselli, assistant dean of Academic Advising & Judicial Affairs at Stern, share insights on the admissions process and orientation for undergraduate students

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "'Probably the most common mistake that applicants make is to try and be something that they are not in their application,' Williams says. ... 'In their Cohorts, students go through orientation, which includes Convocation with the Dean of the Undergraduate College, academic information sessions, club fairs, and even a trip to the U.S. Open. Throughout it all, we all do our best to make the summer months before their first year positive and productive.'"
School News

MBA student Alice Schnurman shares the factors that attracted her to Stern in an article offering advice to prospective students

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "To make my decision, I created an Excel spreadsheet that ranked schools by: prestige (based on U.S. News reports), academic flexibility (from school websites), leadership development opportunities (from school websites), job prospects (based on employment reports), alumni willingness to help (based on conversations with friends at those programs), social life (based on conversations with friends), cost, and closeness to family. Highest weightings went to job prospects/alumni, social life, and closeness to family."
School News

In a feature article, Professor and Vice Dean for Online Learning Kim Corfman highlights the benefits of the format and structure of Stern's new online Master of Science in Quantitative Management program for working professional students

Metro MBA logo
Excerpt from MetroMBA -- "'NYU Stern’s new Master of Science in Quantitative Management program is primarily designed for early-career non-business majors who are interested in gaining the fundamental business knowledge and high-demand business analytics skills essential for fast-tracking their careers,' says Corfman.'"
School News

Entrepreneur and investor Mark Cuban's fireside chat with Professor Greg Coleman, Q&A with the Stern community and "Stern Tank" featuring three NYU startups is featured in a news roundup from top b-schools

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "NYU Stern’s Entertainment, Media and Technology (EMT) program and W. R. Berkley Innovation Labs hosted entrepreneur, investor and ABC ‘Shark Tank’ judge Mark Cuban for a fireside chat with Professor Greg Coleman, a Q&A with the Stern community and a first-ever ‘Stern Tank,’ featuring three NYU startups."
School News

Senior Research Scholar Alain Bertaud is quoted in an article on New Zealand's housing crisis

Guardian logo
Excerpt from The Guardian -- "Alain Bertaud, a former World Bank principal urban planner, said despite New Zealand being an otherwise 'exceptionally well-managed country', its housing market was in a state of crisis. He said the government’s efforts were being closely watched because they were broadly following global best practice in improving housing affordability."
School News

MBA student Nica Langinger explains how Stern’s NYC location and focus on EQ attracted her in a trend article on choosing the right b-school

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "'It was important to me to experience something entirely new,' she asserts. ... 'Stern appealed to me because of its prime location and commitment to fostering emotional quotient within its student body,' she says."
School News

Senior Research Scholar Steven Altman is quoted in a feature article on his work with Professor Pankaj Ghemawat and Associate Research Scholar Phillip Bastian on the DHL Global Connectedness Index

The New Times logo
Excerpt from The New Times -- "'Surprisingly, even after globalisation’s recent gains, the world is still less connected than most people think it is,' commented GCI co-author Steven A. Altman, Senior Research Scholar at the NYU Stern School of Business and Executive Director of NYU Stern’s Center for the Globalization of Education and Management."
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Sani Fellow Casey O'Connor shares findings from her joint research on ESG governance

Directors & Boards logo
Excerpt from Directors & Boards -- "Practically speaking, directors can most easily identify the issues they ought to focus on by looking at the principle profit drivers of their industry and assessing when and how those are in tension with desired social outcomes."
School News

Senior Research Scholar Steven Altman shares takeaways from his work with Professor Pankaj Ghemawat and Associate Research Scholar Phillip Bastian on the DHL Global Connectedness Index

Quartz logo
Excerpt from Quartz -- "'A very high proportion of what we are talking about as globalization is really activity that takes place in regions or among neighbors,' Steven Altman, a New York University researcher who helped develop the index. 'The international flows themselves are smaller than people think.'"
School News

Professor and Vice Dean for Online Learning Kim Corfman is interviewed about Stern's new online Master of Science in Quantitative Management program

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "'We assessed the competencies that give graduates of our MBA programs a measurable advantage in the marketplace and set out to develop an online program that delivers those high-demand skills with our MS in Quantitative Management,' Corfman adds. 'Our newest offering is ideal for non-business majors who seek knowledge, credentials and the flexibility of an online degree at this crucial stage in their career development.'"
School News

Stern is highlighted as one of the best business schools for finance

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "Of its 25 specializations, seven in particular—Banking, Corporate Finance, Finance, Financial Instruments and Markets, Financial Systems and Analytics, Quantitative Finance, and FinTech—fall into this category, and Stern students can take up to three. Stern also offers a number of individual courses focused on the investment banking field, including 'Law and Business of Investment Banking,' 'Investment Banking,' 'Private Equity in Entertainment and Media' and 'Entertainment Finance.'"
School News

Senior Research Scholar Alain Bertaud's work on spatial organization in cities is referenced in an article on the Green New Deal

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "A city’s form matters because as urban planner and researcher Alain Bertaud points out, rail '…is incompatible with low densities and urban spatial structures that are dominantly polycentric.'"
School News

In a joint op-ed, MS in Risk Management alumni Sean Holland and James Laurie argue for public pension reform and greater transparency, based on their work with Professor Ingo Walter

The Hill logo
Excerpt from The Hill -- "This is a deep-rooted and complex financial predicament with potentially calamitous economic, social and political ramifications. For all stakeholders, the cure may be worse than the malady in that all potential solutions will involve some degree of prolonged financial sacrifice and suffering, especially for those least prepared."
School News

In a contributed article, Fashion & Luxury MBA student Denise Zhu shares highlights from her international immersion course in Milan

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "Prior to the trip, I didn’t necessarily think how similar the luxury car and clothing industries were to each other. We spent the morning at the Lamborghini Museum, where we saw how each car is produced. Watching the whole supply chain was truly an eye-opening experience; from seeing the seamstress hand stitch pieces of leather for the seats to watching the engineers assemble the engine, each Lamborghini station was filled with superb craftsmanship and precision."
School News

Stern's Data Bootcamp course for students who are interested in learning Python is mentioned in a roundup on coding courses at top b-schools

eFinancialCareers logo
Excerpt from eFinancialCareers -- "Meanwhile, NYU’s Stern School of Business, one of Wall Street’s biggest feeders of front-office talent, introduced a non-credit elective course for students who want to learn Python, a programming language that is quickly becoming a favorite of banks."
School News

Assistant Dean of Career Services Beth Briggs explains how NYU Stern’s Office of Career Development gives MBA students an early start on career exploration by engaging with them before classes begin

TopMBA logo
Excerpt from TopMBA -- “‘This initial engagement helps students define what their career goals are and helps them clearly articulate their skill sets,’ says Briggs.”
School News

Senior Research Scholar Alain Bertaud is quoted in a feature story about New Zealand's housing market

Guardian logo
Excerpt from The Guardian -- "Alain Bertaud, a former World Bank principal urban planner, said that despite New Zealand being an otherwise 'exceptionally well-managed country' its housing market was in a state of crisis. He said the government’s efforts were being closely watched because they were broadly following global best practice in improving housing affordability."
School News

Stern's "Pick Six" visual admissions essay is highlighted in a trend story on innovation in b-school admissions; MBA student Alice Schnurman is quoted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Alice Schnurman, an MBA candidate at Stern, picked a photo of a poster for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland that has hung in her bedroom since she was a child — a reminder that life is unpredictable. It helped the 27-year-old American convince Stern she was determined and resilient. The application required extra effort, but she was excited to do it. 'Nowadays people feel comfortable with visual media,' she says. 'It made me like Stern a little bit more.'"
School News

Senior Research Scholar Alain Bertaud's joint research on affordable housing is featured

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "'The solution to unaffordable housing does not consist in inventing clever regulatory gimmicks or in designing massive subsidies to be paid by the taxpayer or by a few wealthy households. The answer will always consist of increasing the supply of land and floor space and removing any land and floor regulatory straight jacket,' says Alain Bertaud, one of the authors, in the report."
