Faculty News

Profs Paul Romer and Luke Williams on innovation

Excerpt from the Innovation Investment Journal -- "'Ideas are the recipes we use to rearrange things to create new value and wealth,' Frog Design Fellow Luke Williams reading of economist Paul Romer. "
Faculty News

Prof. Amity Shlaes's book, "The Forgotten Man," is cited

Excerpt from Financial Post --"In her excellent book, 'The Forgotten Man,' Amity Shlaes notes that the 1932 tax increases were not the result of any 'fundamentalist' commitment to balanced budgets, but of fears about a run on the dollar."  Additional coverage appeared in The Phoenix and American Spectator.
Faculty News

Prof. David Poltrack commemorates Arthur C. Nielsen Jr.

AdAge logo
Excerpt from AdAge -- "While Nielsen today is a major public corporation, it is still imbued with the spirit of a proud family-owned business dedicated to the best principles and practices of the research profession."  Additional coverage appeared in the Associated Press.
Faculty News

Prof. Sharon Badal is cited for her support of director Hugo Fernandez

Excerpt from AddPR -- "Hugo’s screenplays had been cycling in industry circles and widely revered by film industry connoisseurs such as director/UCLA professor Philip Frank Messina, Tribeca Film Festival co-founder Sharon Badal ... "
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Daniel Altman on Fed policy and Duvvuri Subbarao's recent NYU Stern speech

BigThink logo
Excerpt from BigThink -- "Last week my colleagues at New York University’s Stern School of Business hosted a lecture by the governor of the Reserve Bank of India, Duvvuri Subbarao, in which he openly sympathized with Bernanke’s plight. ... Flooding the economy with money is all Bernanke can do."
Faculty News

Prof. Viral Acharya on liquidity risk

Excerpt from RepoWatch -- "Liquidity risk – which was at the heart of the September 2008 financial meltdown and explains regulatory concerns about a Greek default today – remains an open issue in financial regulatory reform."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on Steve Jobs's love-hate relationship with fame

ABC News logo
Excerpt from ABC News -- "He wasn't flaunting it like Donald Trump. ... He didn't do Architectural Digest. Do you even know what his wife looks like?"  Additional coverage appeared in Deseret News, Moneywatch and San Antonio Feeds!
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence's research on US job growth is referenced

Excerpt from The Economist -- " ... the vast majority of job growth has been in areas like education and health care, where productivity and wages are stagnant, a trend well documented by Michael Spence."  Additional coverage appeared in The Washington Post.
Faculty News

Prof. David Poltrack on word-of-mouth vs. social media advertising for TV

Excerpt from GigaOm -- “If the conversation is on the Internet instead of in the workplace, you can immediately go and find that show."
Faculty News

Prof. William Baumol is cited for his separate definitions of invention and innovation

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "We should divide 'technological advance' into two sections, as William Baumol (the goto economist on these matters) does. In his definitions, there is invention, which is the creation of spiffy new things. There is also innovation, which is using either these spiffy new things to do interesting things"
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the ECB's policies

Excerpt from Bloombrg TV -- "Credibility means you decide, and then you speak. Today in the eurozone it's the opposite - everybody is talking, there's a cacophony of voices, and no decision is being taken."  Additional coverage appeared in The Washington Post, The Australian, Business Spectator, Dario Economico, five Bloomberg pieces, three Bloomberg Businessweek pieces, TIME, CNBC and The Wall Street Journal.
Faculty News

Prof. Ilan Lobel's research on learning in social networks is featured

Excerpt from Vimeo -- "We study what are the determinants of information aggregation in social networks, establishing what properties of the network topology, the agents’ information structure and the agents’ preferences drive (or preclude) learning in large networks."
Faculty News

Prof. Craig Stacey on the power of word-of-mouth communication

Excerpt from ContentLead -- “There has been evidence from survey and experimental research for more than 50 years to demonstrate the power of word-of-mouth communication."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Amity Shlaes on Barney Frank's policies

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Frank has got it wrong. After a while dumping money into the economy doesn't bring recovery, it just widens the potential for inflation."
Faculty News

Prof. Eric Greenleaf on downtown Manhattan's overcrowded elementary schools

Excerpt from Downtown Express -- “At this rate, in a few years, every single Downtown school will have a waitlist — even the incubator Peck Slip school"  Additional coverage appeared in Our Town Downtown, Tribeca Trib and DNAinfo.
Faculty News

Prof. William Baumol's Cost Disease is applied to software application development

CIO logo
Excerpt from a CIO blog -- "It's called Baumol's Cost Disease because Baumol realized something more -- that competition in the labor marketplace isn't limited to neatly confined distinct positions within which individual candidates compete for work. It's broader than that."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on the likability of small-business entrepreneurs

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "Small businesses, entrepreneurs are the corporate equivalent of dolphins. Everybody likes dolphins ... It's a good group to associate with." Additional coverage appeared on Canada.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway says magazine brands must embrace social media

AdAge logo
Excerpt from AdAge.com -- "Social media is the corporate equivalent of skinny jeans, making you look hip, Mr. Galloway added."  Additional coverage appeared in Folio Magazine and AdAge.
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on the long-term value of Facebook

New York Post logo
Excerpt from New York Post -- "[I]n the next 10 to 20 years, I don’t think [Facebook] will be in the top 100' most valuable companies." Additional coverage appeared on Forbes.com and Innovation Excellence.
Faculty News

Prof. Paul Romer's "good bank" proposal is highlighted

The Telegraph logo
Excerpt from The Telegraph -- "The thought at that time was that, if governments felt they had public money to use in supporting the banking sector, it would be far better to use that money to establish a new 'good' bank than waste it keeping alive 'bad' broke banks."
Faculty News

Profs Alexander Tuzhilin and Anindya Ghose on the growth of high-tech firms in NYC

Excerpt from Washington Square News -- "'New York City has two first-rate schools directly in the city and Yale and Princeton nearby,' Tuzhilin said. ... Anindya Ghose ... said firms like Twitter, Meetup, Foursquare and Tumblr have set up offices in the city to tap into the abundance of resources that are readily available."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway will present his L2 Digital IQ rankings of magazine brands at AMC 2011

Excerpt from States News Service -- "More than 450 top-level magazine executives, editors and other notable media heavyweights have gathered at the Grand Hyatt New York to attend the 2011 AMC - The Magazine Media Conference, which runs October 4 through 5."
