Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith on "Big Bang," the opening of computerized trading in the London Stock Exchange

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "Big Bang was clearly the origin of the universe of the modern stock market and all financial transactions in Europe since then."  Additional coverage appeared on CNBC, Portfolio.com and FOX Business.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the euro zone's plan to solve its debt crisis

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "The recession is already ongoing in the euro zone. People are going to say it's good financial engineering, but unless you have economic growth there is going to be a train wreck."  Additional coverage appeared on Bloomberg, Bloomberg Businessweek, two Reuters pieces and The Huffington Post.
Faculty News

A paper by Prof. Paul Romer on the state of growth economics is cited

Excerpt from The American -- "A 2009 paper by Stanford economists Paul Romer and Charles Jones summarized the state of growth economics. Two of the levers for growth policy (a meme worth replicating) are market scale and human capital."
Faculty News

Findings from a growth commission, headed by Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence, are cited

Excerpt from Business Recorder -- "The Growth Commission headed by Michael Spence showed that post-World War-II period, there were 13 countries that sustained above 7 percent growth rate across two decade or more which in turn brought down poverty."
Faculty News

An interview with Prof. Lawrence White on the European Union's ongoing debt crisis

Xinhua logo
Excerpt from Xinhua/CNC World News -- "First, there is disagreements over who is going to bear the losses. There's going to be some losses. Greece cannot fully repay its debts. So then the question is: Who is going to bear the losses?"
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on how Netflix can win back customers

Excerpt from New York Daily News -- "Netflix needs to get into damage control mode, perhaps by offering back the old pricing plans, maybe even discounting it."
Faculty News

Prof. Baruch Lev's research on investor relations from his new book, is highlighted

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "Investors, at least in conference calls, are less interested in these big movements from managers. They want managers to focus on the specifics of the business."  Additional coverage appeared on MoneyControl.com, NewsDaily.com, Real Clear Markets, Yahoo! Finance, CNBC, Portfolio.com and Zimbio.
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Amity Shlaes says to cut capital-gains taxes to create jobs

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- " ... sparing the rich from paying taxes creates jobs. This is especially true for the capital-gains tax, the levy that defines the rentier class that the protesters resent." Additional coverage appeared in Bloomberg Businessweek, iStockAnalyst and San Francisco Chronicle.
Faculty News

Profs Anindya Ghose & Panagiotis Ipeirotis's research on the value of customer reviews is featured

Knowledge at Wharton logo
Excerpt from Knowledge@Wharton -- "We have shown how textual data can be used to learn consumers' relative preferences for different product features and also how text can be used for predictive modeling of future changes in sales."
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on housing finance reform

Reuters logo
Excerpt from a Reuters blog -- “Allowing underwater homeowners to refinance is really the definition of no-brainer." Additional coverage appeared in Ethiopian Review.
Faculty News

An op-ed by Profs Viral Acharya & Matthew Richardson on the Dodd-Frank legislation

VoxEU logo
Excerpt from VoxEU -- "There are two especially worrying outcomes of the Dodd-Frank Act and its implementation. One concerns the ex ante rather than ex post charges for systemic risk. The second concerns the calculation of capital charges for systemically important financial institutions." Additional coverage appeared on MoneyScience.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini is highlighted as a member of a Berggruen Institute council

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "In early September, the institute assembled a group called the Council for the Future of Europe. It includes former government leaders Gerhard Schroeder of Germany and Felipe Gonzalez of Spain, former European Commission President Jacques Delors, as well as economists Nouriel Roubini ... " Additional coverage appeared in Bloomberg Businessweek.
Faculty News

Profs Elizabeth Morrison and Kelly See's joint research on power and advice is cited

Excerpt from LehighValleyLive.com -- "While attaining her Ph.D. at New York University, Rothman and colleagues Elizabeth Morrison (NYU), Kelly See (NYU), and Jack Soll (Duke University) joined forces to develop research regarding power, confidence and the likelihood of one in power to seek advice."
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on credit rating agencies

Excerpt from Insurance News Net -- "The only thing that would allow SEC to strip you of (NRSRO status) would be a malfeasance in the filing, not incompetency in the rating."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt on decision-making in behavioral finance

Excerpt from Financial-Planning.com -- "In behavioral finance, decision-making usually comes down to getting an investor’s rational functions to override impulsive behavior and steer the investor toward better decisions ... Jonathan Haidt ... James called it “the elephant and rider dynamic."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on China's economy

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from FOX Business -- " ... economist Nouriel Roubini ... said that China faces the risk of a hard landing in coming years as the world economy slows."  Additional coverage appeared on a Financial Times blog, Reuters Africa and Livemint.
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran on relative valuation

Excerpt from GuruFocus -- "As Aswath Damodaran pointed out ... the danger of relative valuation is the mere fact its use makes implicit assumptions on growth."
Faculty News

An interview with Prof. Richard Sylla on the history of Wall Street

NPR logo
Excerpt from NPR -- "Wall Street just got to be the place where you went to do your banking, when you went to buy and sell your stocks and bonds. The House of Morgan was here, National City Banks was here. The First National Bank was here." Additional coverage appeared on WNYC.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on emerging markets

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "The slowdown in emerging market economies has been moderate so far, Nouriel Roubini, co-founder and chairman of Roubini Global Economics LLC, said in a speech in Jakarta today, adding that such economies are strong and resilient."  Additional coverage appeared in Bloomberg Businessweek and two Bloomberg pieces.
Faculty News

In an op-ed Prof. Jacob Jacoby says Obama & Democrats must adopt new communication strategies

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "To move the electorate, an effective response requires adopting more rational, scientifically-based communication strategies, regrettably, something missing from the 2010 campaign."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Adam Alter on measuring beauty, happiness and wealth

Psychology Today logo
Excerpt from Psychology Today -- "Many of the concepts that we measure in the social world are difficult to measure objectively, in the absence of reference points, so we're compelled to rely on constantly changing yardsticks."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on the chance of another recession

Excerpt from The Takeaway -- "[Spence] thinks there is a fifty percent chance of the global economy slipping into another recession."
Faculty News

A lecture by Prof. David Backus on the current economy is featured

Excerpt from Targeted News Service -- "The students on Hamilton's NYC program attended a lecture at NYU's Stern School of Business, hosted by David Backus '75, a professor of economics at Stern."
Faculty News

Executive Board Member and Prof. Richard Bernstein advises US investors

USA Today logo
Excerpt from USA Today -- "Europe is a short-term trading issue ... U.S. investors with any reasonable time horizon should focus on economic indicators and not the yelling about European banks."  Additional coverage appeared on iStockAnalyst.
