Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's book, "The Happiness Hypothesis," is highlighted

Excerpt from PyschCentral.com -- "Despite the emphasis our culture has on logic and self-control, the emotional part of everyone’s brain is pretty powerful, particularly given the right circumstances. Jonathan Haidt, in "The Happiness Hypothesis," talks about the brain being like an elephant with a rider."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's expertise was used in creating a study guide on unemployment

Excerpt from Kirkus Reviews -- "An evenhanded discussion and study guide on unemployment. Bittle and Johnson draw on solid statistical sources including the National Association of Manufacturers, trade-union organizations, the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute and the Economic Policy Institute, and they also rely on expertise from, among others, Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman of Princeton, Nouriel Roubini of NYU's Stern School ... "
Faculty News

An op-ed by Research Scholar Robert Frank on how to save the global economy

Foreign Policy logo
Excerpt from Foreign Policy -- We could enact a steeply progressive surtax on the annual consumption of the wealthiest households, while making sure it's scheduled for gradual phase-in only after the economy has returned to full employment.
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Jung is scheduled to speak at the McDonough School of Business in March

Excerpt from McDonough School of Business -- "Throughout the spring 2012 semester, the Center for Financial Markets and Policy will host a number of speakers at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Research Scholar Robert Frank on why a two-income household is no longer enough

Times of India logo
Excerpt from The Times of India -- "The increase in the toil index has been spectacular. From a postwar low of 41 hours a month in 1970, it rose to more than 100 hours in 2005. Although it has fallen since the housing bubble burst, the middle-class squeeze persists."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's moral-political psychology is featured

Psychology Today logo
Excerpt from Psychology Today -- "Haidt is blazing some very important trails. The five value systems approach is intriguing, his data sets are impressive and clearly he has added much to our understanding of differences between liberal and conservative values." Additional coverage appeared in Philadelphia Magazine.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on Italy's debt

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- “If the Italian yields start to rise, you could quickly turn a manageable situation into an insolvent one." Additional coverage appeared in Mindful Money.
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Nicholas Economides makes recommendations for the Greek economy

Kathimerini logo
Excerpt from Kathimerini -- "If it becomes uncontrolled bankruptcy, Greece will be cut completely from the international banking system, and will be forced to create a public sector surplus (Greek to English translation)."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's co-authored report on how to restore the global economy is featured

Excerpt from Financial Post -- "Professors Robert Hockett of Cornell University, Nouriel Roubini of New York University and Daniel Alpert, a partner with Westwood Capital ... outline the causes of the current fiscal calamity and propose sweeping global policies to repair and renovate the global economy."
Faculty News

Prof. Sylla will participate in "The Money Trust," a New York Historical Society event on 1/18

Excerpt from Amsterdam News -- "In addition to exploring the age of revolution, the Historical Society will host several other public events including 'The Money Trust' on Jan. 18 featuring James Grant, Paul Gigot and Richard Sylla."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Roy Smith says to break up the big banks

Financial News logo
Excerpt from Financial News -- "Based on changing markets and increasing regulatory pressures, it is time to unwind the mega-banks into smaller, simpler, less risky business models."
Faculty News

Prof. Richard Sylla on reasons for boosting 401(k) contribution rates

San Francisco Chronicle logo
Excerpt from San Francisco Chronicle -- "Professor Richard Sylla of New York University has studied stock market returns going back more than a century and has concluded that stocks have a solid chance of returning to posting 6.5% annual real returns, as they have historically."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Philippon on the size of the US financial sector

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project-Syndicate -- "Lahart cites the conclusion of New York University’s Thomas Philippon that today’s US financial sector is outsized by two percentage points of GDP."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Michelle Greenwald on the most questionable new products of 2011

Inc. logo
Excerpt from Inc. -- "Recently I gave a group of my MBA students at New York University’s Stern Graduate School of Business in New York this assignment: Identify the most questionable new products of the year and analyze what made them so ill conceived."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Nouriel Roubini discusses his outlook for the global economy in 2012

Livemint logo
Excerpt from Livemint -- "Decision-makers are running out of options again. Currency Impairment is a zero-sum game, because all countries can not devalue the currency and improve the export balance simultaneously." Additional coverage appeared in Dagens Næringsliv, Handelszeitung.ch, and The Irish Times.
Faculty News

Prof. Jacob Jacoby on consumer choices

Excerpt from PJStar.com -- "Yet the more information people were given about different brands of beer or cereal, the worse they did in terms of choosing well, said Jacob Jacoby, a marketing professor at New York University, according to Carlin Flora’s 2004 article in Psychology Today."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Evan Shapiro address both the TV lovers and haters

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "So, to those of you who hate TV -- I have to say, you really don't know what you're missing. To those of you who love TV -- it looks like a great year ahead."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's work on morality is highlighted

Excerpt from National Review Online -- " ... it is interesting to consider the vigorous virtues in light of Jonathan Haidt’s 'moral foundations' thesis. Specifically, loyalty to friends and robustness against enemies are qualities that are particularly prized by conservatives." Additional coverage appeared in American Thinker.
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Amity Shlaes on the US government's budget lingo

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Politics these days is dominated by phrases such as “baseline,” “progressivity” and “payroll tax.” These words are budget-ese, lexical obscurities." Additional coverage appeared in Yahoo! Finance and Brainer Dispatch.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on the outlook for Europe's economy

Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "Private investors and the markets in general are uncertain about whether this program will succeed and receive political support and do its job. They're also uncertain about the level of support that will be forthcoming from the ECB and Europe generally." Additional coverage appeared in CNC World.
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Daniel Altman on the erosion of meritocracy in America

BigThink logo
Excerpt from BigThink -- "Meritocracy is a fundamental driver of economic growth. It ensures that we take full advantage of the opportunities created in new business and industries. Without it, an opportunity that might have gone to a poor but talented person is more likely to go to a rich but not-so-bright person."
Faculty News

Prof. Amity Shlaes's book, "The Forgotten Man," is cited

Investor's Business Daily logo
Excerpt from Investors Daily Business -- "In a terrific passage from Amity Shlaes' great book about his era, 'The Forgotten Man,' President Roosevelt is shown one morning in 1933 romping in his bedroom in the White House with his grandchildren." Additional coverage appeared in Culpeper Star Exponent and PhillyBurbs.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini shares his economic outlook for 2012

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Nouriel Roubini ... is calling for 'a recession in Europe, anemic growth at best in the United States, and a sharp slowdown in China and in most emerging market economies.'" Additional coverage appeared in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and The Atlantic.
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran on the revenue growth rate of companies that have undertaken an IPO

The Australian logo
Excerpt from The Australian -- "Aswath Damodaran, professor of finance at New York University's Stern School of Business, says the revenue growth rate of the 'median' IPO company is 15 per cent higher than the revenue growth rate of other companies in the sector one year after the IPO."
