Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Ralph Gomory on how citizens can make corporate actions more visible

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "This article suggests something citizens can do to spur these needed discussions and to make visible what corporations are actually doing and the effects of their actions."
Faculty News

Prof. Vicki Morwitz on alternative ways to keep track of your cell phone

Excerpt from SmartMoney blog -- "'You can teach yourself to be more mindful,' [Morwitz] says. 'After losing my favorite hat in a taxi, I now mindfully check the taxi seat every time after I get up and before I close the door.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Viral Acharya's co-authored research on the repo market is cited

Excerpt from Bloomberg Business -- "Viral Acharya and T. Sabri Oncu of New York University’s Stern School of Business detail the risks in the repo market."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's book, "The Righteous Mind," is reviewed

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "In 'The ­Righteous Mind,' Haidt seeks to enrich liberalism, and political discourse generally, with a deeper awareness of human nature. Like other psychologists who have ventured into political coaching, such as George Lakoff and Drew Westen, Haidt argues that people are fundamentally intuitive, not rational."
Faculty News

Prof. Rosa Abrantes-Metz on an investigation of the handling of LIBOR

Excerpt from Le Temps -- "'It's hard to believe that eighteen banks have had interest, exactly the same time, to see the Libor decrease or increase,' says Rosa Abrantes-Metz. ... 'In terms of investment and risk reduction, it is a huge advantage to know in advance which way the rates evolve the next day (French to English translation).'"  Additional coverage appeared in La Tribune and MLex Magazine.
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway's digital IQ ranking of hotels is featured

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'The number one score [on L2 Think Tank's Digital IQ Index: Hotels report] by Four Seasons reflects the brand's robust presence on social media platforms coupled with what we believe is the best website in the industry,' said Scott Galloway, L2 founder."
Faculty News

Research Scholar Robert Frank on the effects of income inequality

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'There has been extraordinary growth in the 1 percent,' Frank said. 'Ordinary people don’t want to emulate them, but what happens is that the people who are next to them want to emulate them, and so on. That social cascade ultimately explains why the middle-class home got 50 percent bigger in the past three decades.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Sam Craig on marketing efforts for "The Hunger Games"

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "You've got trailers for the web, you've got games for the iPhone, you've got Twitter, you've got Facebook and they did one clever thing: they had a contest, they invited some fans to the set to get them involved so these kids are really honored to be there and they want to tell everyone else."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Joel Rubinson on rethinking brand marketing

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company -- "When you market from the other end of the funnel, everything is flipped in what Procter and Gamble calls “store back” marketing. The brand narrative, brand values, social media engagement, even TV commercial impact come AFTER the purchase, so they solidify rather than precondition the brand-customer relationship. In this model, shopper marketing cues must be mastered as the main trial generator."
Faculty News

Prof. Edward Melnick's research on the correlation between US production and gas prices is cited

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "'When US production goes up, the price of gas 'is certainly not going down,' Melnick said. 'The data does not suggest that whatsoever.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Nathan Pettit's research on status is featured

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "The findings show there is a strong psychological reward for those who perceive themselves to be of higher status, says Nathan Pettit, the study's lead author."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on gas prices and politics

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "When prices go up, a president’s poll ratings go down. But, in view of America’s long history of neglect of energy security and resilience, the notion that Barack Obama’s administration is responsible for rising gas prices makes little sense."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Nobel Laureate Prof Thomas Sargent & Prof William Silber on the Fed

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Public pressures – as well as confrontations with presidents and Congress – to avoid high interest rates have derailed the Fed’s best intentions throughout history."
Faculty News

Prof. Hal Hershfield's research on saving for retirement is featured

Excerpt from MSN Money Frugal Cool blog -- "'We'd rather have something now than wait for (the reward) to be bigger in the future. The future exists in a vague and murky way,' notes Hershfield, an assistant professor of marketing."
Faculty News

A co-authored article by Prof. Paul Romer on financial fraud is cited

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "George Akerlof, Nobel Laureate in Economics (2001), and Paul Romer wrote the definitive economics article on financial fraud in 1993 ('Looting: the Economic Underworld of Bankruptcy for Profit')."
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith sees new opportunities for boutique financial firms

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times DealBook blog -- "'The industry is suffering from a reputation problem,' said Roy Smith, a professor at the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University. 'This creates an opportunity for boutiques.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Edward Altman's Z-Score is used to determine the probability of a Sprint bankruptcy

TheStreet logo
Excerpt from TheStreet.com -- "Most of the U.S. wireless companies are at risk of bankruptcy based on this Altman Z dividing line, though Sprint is the only carrier that has an Altman Z score that is negative."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Michelle Greenwald on what it takes to be truly eco-friendly

Inc. logo
Excerpt from Inc. Magazine -- "There are many ways to make products more sustainable, but if you want to do as much as possible and benefit financially as much as possible, sustainability should be the goal at the start of product development."
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith on how regulatory constraints will affect trading

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "We are going into a dark tunnel of regulatory constraints on trading, and the effects on markets are still uncertain. ... We've been on a 20-year journey towards more deregulated markets, but the pendulum is swinging back towards more regulation."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Sinan Aral on using our social networks to promote social good

Excerpt from PopTech.org -- "Helping consumers find products is not the only application of social network influence. The same theories and methods can also be applied to promote social good. Imagine if social influence was systematically activated and channeled to encourage friends to take an HIV test, to de-escalate a violent event, or to contribute to a local charity."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's new book, "The Righteous Mind," is reviewed

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "What a brief review of 'The Righteous Mind' can only touch upon is the scientific ambition of Mr. Haidt's project. His observations about American politics are just the most accessible part of a wider argument about the nature and origins of morality itself."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Jonathan Haidt discusses recent events in US politics

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times blog -- " ... we’ve seen the sudden re-emergence of the older culture war — the one between the religious right and the secular left that raged for so many years before the financial crisis and the rise of the Tea Party. When sacred objects are threatened, we can expect a ferocious tribal response."
Faculty News

Prof. Lee Sproull's research on the rise of virtual volunteerism is cited

TheStreet logo
Excerpt from TheStreet.com -- "'We can create opportunities online that would have been impossible before,' Sproull says. 'We can connect volunteers around the world with community development projects in Africa that need specific expertise they're not going to find on the ground.'"
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Richard Sylla on aligning a bank's structure with incentives

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "On Wall Street, and generally in the financial industry, moral and ethical behavior has another name, fiduciary responsibility."
Faculty News

Prof. Priya Raghubir on the brand loyalty of Apple's customers

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "It's what the brand represents, not necessarily only lifestyle. So lifestyle could be part of it but the overall personality, what it signals to that consumer about the consumer themselves, which is smart, innovative, cutting edge, and worth a few extra dollars."
