School News

Research from the Center for Sustainable Business and IRI is cited in a trend story on grocery innovation in 2020

Excerpt from Progressive Grocer -- "Groundbreaking 2019 research from IRI and New York University’s Stern Center for Sustainable Business quantified what sustainability proponents intuitively understood: Sustainability is good for business. The research found that half of CPG growth between 2013 and 2018 stemmed from sustainability-marketed products."
School News

In a roundup piece featuring business school deans' resolutions for 2020, Dean Raghu Sundaram describes how Stern has embraced change and cultivated an environment of innovation, citing examples including Endless Frontier Labs, focused MBA programs, the V

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "NYU Stern School of Business Dean Raghu Sundaram says the period of huge changes at Stern is not over. In fact, it’s heating up. 'My resolution for 2020: In a word, that we as an institution continue to embrace, and ever more enthusiastically, the one constant in our lives — change,' Sundaram says. 'Embracing change, innovation, and continuous, sometimes disruptive, improvement have always been part of our DNA. We are resolved to build on our momentum.'"
School News

Stern's Undergraduate College is recognized for providing students with high earning potential after graduation as well as for its leadership in preparing students with high-quality international experience

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants - "New York University’s Stern School of Business continued its three-year rise in the rankings."
School News

Executive Director of MBA Admissions Lisa Rios underscores the value of Stern's Pick Six essay in a feature story on getting in to the Full-time MBA program; six current full-time MBA students and alumni reflect on their time at the School

Excerpt from Business Insider -- "Relatively new to the application process at NYU Stern's MBA program is what they call ‘Pick Six.’ Since 2017, the school has asked applicants to submit six images, such as pictures or illustrations or graphic design work, along with captions.'This is one of the ways for us to get insight into candidates outside of their academic profile and written work,' said admissions director Lisa Rios. 'They can have fun with it, too, and show us their personal side with Pick Six.'"
School News

In a feature story on the best Executive MBA programs in the world, Assistant Dean of Executive Degree Programs Admissions and Marketing Neha Singhal and alumna Irina Kodes (MBA '17) underscore the rigor at Stern

Excerpt from Business Insider -- "'The NYU Stern Executive MBA program brings together a rigorous academic curriculum, expert Stern faculty, and a highly experienced cohort of executives from a wide range of industries including financial services, healthcare, technology, nonprofit, and more. Students in our program, most of whom are senior executives with an average of 12 years of experience, not only gain skills that help them further advance their careers to the tops of their organizations, but also develop a lifelong professional network that enables them to connect with Stern students — past and present — who are leaders in their respective fields,' said Neha Singhal, the assistant dean of executive degree programs admissions and marketing at NYU Stern."
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett offers advice for social media users to curb the spread of disinformation

USA Today logo
Excerpt from USA Today -- “'If you see something you get really excited about, that’s the moment not to send it to other people,' says Paul Barrett, deputy director at NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights. 'That’s the moment to stay calm and double check. That piece of content will still be there in five minutes or in five hours.'”
School News

Recent alumna Lia Winograd (MBA '19), Co-founder of Pepper, is named to Forbes' "30 Under 30" list

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "In 2017, she teamed up with coworker Lia Winograd to create a line of bras designed for women with small busts. The bras, which start at $48, have shallower cups, light padding and a specially curved underwire. Pepper has a distribution deal with Urban Outfitters and projects revenue of $6 million in 2020."
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett warns that skillfully made deepfake videos could impact the 2020 elections

HuffPost logo
Excerpt from HuffPost -- "Paul Barrett, adjunct professor of law at New York University, added that 'a skillfully made deepfake video could persuade voters that a particular candidate said or did something she didn’t say or do.'"
School News

Stern's Fertitta Veterans Program is highlighted in a roundup on veteran-specific business programs

Excerpt from The Veteran Pro -- "Although only open for those who get accepted into New York University’s Stern School of Business, the Fertitta Veterans program is an effort by a top school to work towards a successful integration of Veterans into their business program. The program is funded through a $15 million endowment from two Stern alumni who are also brothers. For those accepted, you can expect to not only participate in the program, but attend Stern at little to no cost."
School News

Research from the Center for Business and Human Rights on measuring human rights performance for investors is cited

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Academics at NYU Stern said in a 2017 study that there were bigger gaps in the data around ‘S’ than ‘E’ and ‘G’. The study found that the available data focused on what was convenient to measure rather than meaningful, and that it lacked consistency."
School News

Professor Baruch Lev's joint research on the demise of value investing is mentioned

Excerpt from InvestorPlace -- “'The reasons for this putative failure of value investing elude investors and academics, making it a challenge to assess the likelihood of the return of value investing to its days of glory,' according to a study on value stocks conducted by the NYU Stern School of Business."
School News

Director of MBA Admissions Holly Curtis highlights the demand among prospective students for Stern's Andre Koo Tech MBA program, noting that 50 percent of the 2020 cohort is composed of women

find MBA logo
Excerpt from FindMBA -- "Holly Curtis, director of MBA admissions at Stern, says: 'We see a clear demand for the program. Prospective students are excited about refining their skills and strategic thinking in both business and tech. We welcomed our second class to campus in May. We’re proud the cohort is 50 percent female.'”
School News

Stern alumna Lola Alarcon Tomas (MSBA '17) is quoted in a trend story highlighting the School's Master of Science in Business Analytics as one of the top programs embracing the role of data in a competitive business landscape

Excerpt from SI News -- "'The programme was overall above expectations…I met some of the brightest people that I’ve met in my career. We were more collaborative than competitive and I learned to approach problems from different angles. Data science for business opened a world to me and other subjects gave that wow factor to techniques that we should be applying for problem-solving,' says MSBA graduate, Lola Alarcon Tomas."
School News

Stern's Master of Science in Accounting program is recognized as the best program of its kind in New York

Metro MBA logo
Excerpt from MetroMBA -- "If you want to work in the financial district of New York City, there are two schools you should consider. For accountants, NYU Stern has a one-year, 30-credit program regarded as the best Master’s in Accounting in New York."
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett cautions that there is likely to be a high volume of disinformation tied to the 2020 election

Politico logo
Excerpt from Politico -- “'It’s likely that there will be a high volume of misinformation and disinformation pegged to the 2020 election, with the majority of it being generated right here in the United States, as opposed to coming from overseas,' said Paul Barrett, deputy director of New York University’s Stern Center for Business and Human Rights."
School News

As part of a "Professor Profile" series, Professor Jeffrey Carr is spotlighted

mbaMission logo
Excerpt from mbaMission -- "Having taught at Stern for more than a decade as an adjunct associate professor (and earning the 1996 Stern/Citibank Teacher of the Year Award), Jeffrey Carr joined Stern’s full-time faculty in 2007 and is now a clinical professor of marketing and entrepreneurship. Carr also serves as director of the NYU Stern Fashion and Luxury Lab, which was launched in 2017."
School News

In an in-depth podcast interview, Executive Director of MBA Admissions Rabia Ahmed highlights innovation at Stern, including the full-time MBA program’s new Change:Studio

Excerpt from --"We want students to leave with preparation for the future. When thinking about how quickly things are changing – technology, how people work – we think about how we prepare students to embrace that change. Change: Studio brings together leadership, experiential learning, and entrepreneurship in co-curricular programming to provide a structure with which to drive change in an organization. The curriculum overall is called Dare It, Dream It, Drive It. Dare It is focused on leadership, Dream It on experiential learning, and Drive It on starting something new. Everyone goes through the beginning stages of Change:Studio with orientation in the leadership simulation and then they can opt into the Change:Studio program."

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School News

Data from the Sustainable Market Share Index™, research by the Center for Sustainable Business and IRI, is spotlighted

VICE News logo
Excerpt from VICE -- "A report published by New York University’s Stern School of Business points out that sustainable-marketed products outsold non-sustainable products 90 percent of the time from 2013 to 2018. And so businesses are trying to look as sustainable as they can, even if they’re actually not."
School News

"Recent alumnus Maxwell Gove (MBA '18), co-founder of Revelio Labs, is profiled as part of a feature story spotlighting top MBA startups to watch in 2020 "

Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "My MBA undoubtedly gave me the foundation I needed to help launch and run our business, and I routinely think back to the pieces of wisdom I heard in the classroom. But the help I've received also didn't stop on graduation day. NYU Stern is incredibly supportive of its alumni in their entrepreneurial endeavors. We've taken part in a number of initiatives at Stern—including the $300K Entrepreneurs Challenge and the Stern Venture Fellows program—that have helped us develop the business and have connected us to some incredible advisors that we can turn to as we continue to grow."
School News

Joint research by the NYU Pollack Center for Law & Business on SEC enforcement actions is highlighted

Excerpt from Markets Insider -- "The number of new U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement actions against public companies and subsidiaries in fiscal year 2019 rose more than 30% over the previous fiscal year, driven by self-reporting under the SEC's Share Class Selection Disclosure Initiative (Share Class Initiative), according to a report released today by the NYU Pollack Center for Law & Business and Cornerstone Research."
School News

NYU Stern Fashion & Luxury MBA students Engage with Top NYC-Based Brands During Their First Semester

Students at Estée Lauder Corporate Headquarters
In May 2019, NYU Stern welcomed the incoming class of Fashion & Luxury MBA students to campus to begin their focused one-year MBA program.
School News

NYU Stern Andre Koo Technology and Entrepreneurship MBA Students Engage with Top NYC-based Technology Firms During Their First Semester

Professor J.P. Eggers, Vice Dean, MBA Programs, addresses Andre Koo Tech MBA students
In May 2019, NYU Stern welcomed the incoming class of Andre Koo Technology and Entrepreneurship MBA students to campus to begin their focused one-year MBA program.
School News

In a trend story, the TRIUM Global Executive MBA program is highlighted for its high quality, seamless global perspective and experience

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "The Trium partner schools — HEC Paris, the London School of Economics and New York University’s Stern School of Business — try to make campus transitions seamless. For example, modules are taught by the professor who is most knowledgeable on the subject, with faculty expected to travel if the class is not where they are based. Gottschalg says this ensures consistent teaching quality across campuses and creates a shared sense of identity among teaching staff."
School News

In a trend story, Executive MBA student Bryan Tran Lu highlights his classmates' Global Study Tour volunteer project to build sustainable water heaters for low-income communities in Argentina

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Not all the community projects on offer at EMBA programmes are local, however. For his global study tour, Bryan Tran Lu, an EMBA student at New York University Stern School of Business, volunteered with his classmates to build sustainable water heaters for low-income communities in Argentina."
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett explains how social media platforms have helped polarize political opinion

The Hill logo
Excerpt from The Hill -- "'He is going to rile up and thrill his base while infuriating liberals and moderates who are opposed to him,' Barrett said 'That is very representative of the impact that social media has generally in terms of exacerbating polarization in the electorate.'"
