Faculty News

Prof. Edward Altman's Z-Score measure is featured

USA Today logo
Excerpt from USA Today -- "An easy-to-use financial measure, invented decades ago by New York University Stern School of business professor Edward Altman, was designed to be an early warning signal of companies in major trouble. Professional investors swear by the Altman Z-Score and the number has proved prescient, yet again."
Faculty News

Professor Deepak Hegde's research on patent disclosure is featured

Science Daily logo
Excerpt from Science Daily -- "Common wisdom and prior economic research suggest that an inventor filing a patent would want to keep the technical know-how secret as long as possible. But a new study of nearly 2 million patents in the United States shows that inventors are not as concerned with secrecy as previously thought. Researchers found that since 2000, most inventors when given the choice opted to disclose information about their patents before patent approval -- even small inventors -- and this disclosure correlates with more valuable patents."
Faculty News

Prof. Justin Kruger's research on self-assessment is featured

The Atlantic logo
Excerpt from The Atlantic -- "In their paper, 'Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments,' professors Justin Kruger and David Dunning write that, 'People tend to hold an overly favorable view of their abilities in many social and intellectual domains.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Paul Romer and Research Scholar Brandon Fuller's research on urbanization is cited

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "...Prudential Investment Management recently issued a report arguing that urbanization across the globe is in its 'prime time.' The report cites a projection from New York University professors Paul Romer and Brandon Fuller that cities worldwide will gain more than 60 million people annually over the next three decades."
Faculty News

NYU Global Research Prof. Ian Bremmer is interviewed about geopolitical challenges for the coming year

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo! Finance -- "'Two of the world’s largest economies' -- the United States and China-- 'actually look very stable,' Bremmer notes. 'And yet neither of those countries want to do an awful lot to actually fix geopolitical concerns that don’t affect them very much.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's book, "The Righteous Mind," is cited

Guardian logo
Excerpt from The Guardian -- "The American political psychologist Jonathan Haidt regards voters as 'deeply intuitive creatures whose gut feelings drive out strategic reasoning'. They no longer look just to their wallets. They seek comfort in identity, personality, above all security for themselves and their families."
Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose on the future of Flipkart

The Economic Times logo
Excerpt from Economic Times -- "'What they (Flipkart) need to focus on now is building an installed base of loyal users who will find the platform sticky enough and not go to competitors like Snapdeal or Amazon at the drop of a hat,' said Anindya Ghose, professor of IT and marketing at New York University's Leonard Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's comments on oil prices are highlighted

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "If you keep prices low for long enough, you get rid of those who are high marginal-cost producers, whether it’s shale gas and oil, or Russia, or Venezuela, you name it. Secondly, you commit to your fixed investment schedule and continue to increase capacity. That’s going to lead to everybody else to underinvest in increasing capacity. In the short term, you have lower oil prices, but in the medium term you’ve flushed out your competition … you take the pain for the next 12 to 18 months, but the result is higher prices and market share down the road."
Faculty News

Prof. Kim Schoenholtz's blog post on the European Central Bank's 16th birthday is featured

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "...as we wish the ECB a happy birthday, we compliment the Frankfurt policymakers on their extraordinary achievements and applaud their willingness to change. We also hope they can recruit member governments to help solve the daunting problems the euro area faces."
Faculty News

Prof. Johannes Stroebel's research on the connection between housing prices and retail prices is cited

Citylab logo
Excerpt from CityLab -- "It's one of those things that everybody already knows (or thinks they already know): Things cost more in more expensive neighborhoods. But arriving at proof without relying on assumptions is not so easy. The paper, coauthored by Johannes Stroebel at New York University and Joseph Vavra at the University of Chicago, demonstrates 'direct causal evidence on the response of household shopping behavior and retail price-setting to changes in wealth and demand.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Spence's op-ed on economic growth is highlighted

Haaretz logo
Excerpt from Haaretz -- "In a recent article Michael Spence, a Nobel Prize-winning economist who studied the issue of competition between states, identified five reasons for slow growth since the 2008 global financial crisis, as follows."
Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose on online retailers Cloudtail and WS Retail

The Economic Times logo
Excerpt from Economic Times -- "'The big benefit (of having one dominant seller) is that it enables them to fund discounts and dictate pricing policies in a very clever way,' said Anindya Ghose, professor of IT and marketing at New York University's Leonard Stern School of Business. 'They (WS Retail and Cloudtail) can suggest the discount amounts to the sellers and in fact compensate the sellers for the actual discounts given, either directly (via debit notes) or indirectly (by waiving listing fees or commissions).'"
Faculty News

Prof. David Yermack's research on corporate governance is cited

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Over the past few years, though, activism has gotten easier, and the list of targets has grown. Unlike pension funds and most mutual funds, hedge funds are able, as New York University finance professor David Yermack described it in a 2010 paper, to 'concentrate assets in a few target companies' and 'build large voting positions by using leverage and empty voting strategies such as stock borrowing and equity swaps.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michelle Greenwald discusses innovative products and services that launched in 2014

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "At the end of each semester, I ask my business school students to share what they think are the best new products or services of the year. Given how international, digitally savvy, and current the students are, it’s a great way for us all to learn about standout innovations. Here are 11 of my favorites across a range of industries, and why I believe they’re a win for both consumers and the idea originators."
Faculty News

Prof. Kim Schoenholtz's blog post on the European Central Bank's 16th birthday is featured

Napi Gazdasag logo
Excerpt from Napi Gazdaság -- "...as we wish the ECB a happy birthday, we compliment the Frankfurt policymakers on their extraordinary achievements and applaud their willingness to change. We also hope they can recruit member governments to help solve the daunting problems the euro area faces."
Faculty News

Prof. Robert Whitelaw on Meredith Whitney's hedge fund

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Robert Whitelaw, chairman of the finance department at New York University’s Stern School of Business, said a successful fund needs more than an interesting investment thesis. 'What’s a thesis? A thesis is a story,' he said. 'The first thing is you may have the story wrong, and the second thing is, even if you have the story right, a lot of it is about timing.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran on the Apple Watch

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'The market's not big enough,' said NYU Stern Professor Aswath Damodaran. He specializes in valuations and doesn't see the Watch having a significant impact on the $660 billion company."
Faculty News

Prof. Richard Sylla's book, "A History of Interest Rates," is cited

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "In the decade starting 1945, U.S. benchmark yields averaged about 2.46 percent, according to 'A History of Interest Rates' by Sidney Homer and Richard Sylla."
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Alter's research on the impact of milestone birthdays is featured

Daily Mail logo
Excerpt from Daily Mail -- "People who are 29, 39, 49 or 59 are more likely to cheat and make life-changing decisions as they approach a milestone birthday, a study published in November revealed... Lead author Adam Alter, from New York University, said: ‘People audit the meaningfulness of their lives as they approach a new decade.'"
Faculty News

NYU Global Research Prof. Ian Bremmer is interviewed about geopolitical risk in 2015

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from Harvard Business Review -- "In an environment of geopolitical creative destruction, you will see much more global volatility in the markets. As a result, the quality of returns on investment and the quality of global growth is actually going down. This means that in order to achieve the same amount of growth as in the past, you will have to take on more risk."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry's book, "Turnaround," is featured

Credit Union Times logo
Excerpt from Credit Union Times -- "A disciplined growth mindset applies to all levels of an organization, even transforming nations. In his recent book, 'Turnaround', Peter Blair Henry, Dean of New York University’s Stern School of Business, tells how through discipline, China, Mexico and Brazil, considered third world countries just decades ago, have lifted millions out of poverty."
Faculty News

Prof. Stephen Figlewski on changes to Dodd-Frank in the "CRomnibus" spending bill

PolitiFact logo
Excerpt from PolitiFact -- "Only a small number of the derivatives deals could be considered 'incredibly risky,' [Figlewski] told us, noting that because of other Dodd-Frank provisions, derivatives have become considerably less risky. And while it is true that taxpayers bear some risk, given that the government guarantees banks as a whole, the risk to taxpayers 'is much less than (Pocan) wants you to think,' Figlewski said."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on the success of Behomm, a home-exchange website

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Arun Sundararajan, a professor at the Stern School of Business at N.Y.U., who researches the digital sharing economy, said social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, and tools that verify one’s real-life identity, now allow us to vouch for a person’s credibility and good intentions. Trust can be cultivated even in high-stakes situations like 'letting a stranger into your bedroom,' he said, or in the case of long-distance ride-sharing programs like carpooling­.com, 'letting a stranger drive you to a strange city.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Jonathan Haidt explains the deep political divide in Washington

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "Political parties have always represented classes, regions and industries with diverging interests, which must negotiate to find win-win compromises. But when you look at these trends together, you see that the parties have come to represent not just diverging material interests but different kinds of people with different moral values and ways of living. As these divisions have intensified, Americans have come to hate the other party and its members more and more."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Profs Jennifer Carpenter and Robert Whitelaw address the rising Chinese stock market

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "This optimism should be taken seriously. This run-up is not a bubble, and so investors should not fear another crash. Our research shows that after a rocky first decade, which earned China's stock market a reputation as a casino, stock prices in China predict future profits as well as they do in the U.S. Moreover, this predictive power is highly correlated with China's corporate investment efficiency, suggesting that stock prices are teaching corporate managers important lessons as well."
