Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan is interviewed on the sharing economy's impact on the labor market

Deutsche Welle logo
Excerpt from Deutsche Welle -- "There's a very complex set of factors that changes when you shift away from full-time salaried work towards these more flexible arrangements. In the United States right now, a lot of the social safety net, a lot of the benefits - ranging from steady salary and paid vacations to insurance and different kinds of health benefits - all of that is connected to being employed full-time, and it's much better if you're an employee. And as more and more work becomes flexible, it happens that these new sharing economy providers don't have access to the same benefits as fulltime employees do."
Faculty News

Professor Roy Smith discusses the recent stock market turbulence

WIRED logo
Excerpt from WIRED -- "Roy Smith, a professor of international business at the Stern School of Business at New York University, says that the US market may have been due for a correction. 'Tech stocks may have been somewhat overvalued anyway, [especially] if they were counting on the huge Chinese retail market to suck up the products and services of the big US tech firms,' he says."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose on how stock market volatility impacts crowdfunding investments

Entrepreneur logo
Excerpt from Entrepreneur -- "As Ghose explains, investors may determine that investing $1 million across 10 startups might make more sense than investing $1 million in stocks during a bear market. 'For some, it will make more sense to invest in the stock market, but for some it will actually make more sense to invest in startups,' he says."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan on Uber's expansion in China

CCTV logo
Excerpt from CCTV -- "I think [Uber has] demonstrated the ability to scale more rapidly than any other tech platform I've seen. They have... a really well-developed organizational machine that allows them to replicate success in one city across multiple cities and to deal with the local regulatory challenges, so I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled it off, but I think in terms of facing competition, China is probably the toughest market for Uber around the world."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides explains why Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has resigned and called for early elections

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "[The Syriza party] will try [to come up with a proposed leader], but it will be very difficult for them, so this is one of the reasons why he's doing the election very quickly. Another reason is that the heavy taxes that will come with the agreement have not been fully implemented yet and therefore the public doesn't feel them so much yet, and won't feel them by September. So, that's the second reason [for] doing it very, very quickly. So, these are reasons that are very good for Mr. Tsipras, but at the same time, they are very bad for the Greek economy. The Greek economy is ravaged by political and economic uncertainty."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Nicholas Economides explains why early general elections will not benefit Greece

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "The elections add significant uncertainty to an economy ravaged by political and economic uncertainty. Tsipras' administration has been a disaster for the economy. Six months of fruitless negotiations were followed by closed banks, capital controls and very tight cash withdrawal limits. Consumption, as well as imports and exports (that mostly depend on imported raw materials), have fallen dramatically."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Michelle Greenwald discusses Amazon and the importance of corporate culture for a brand's image

AdAge logo
Excerpt from Ad Age -- "Now the image of Amazon as a grueling place to work, and Bezos as an insensitive taskmaster, is harder to shake and will probably prove troublesome for some time. While in the past such a report may not have been as damaging, today's consumers -- led by millennials -- are different. They care more about what sort of culture is behind the brands they like."
Faculty News

Professor Joseph Foudy on the recent stock market slowdown

New York Post logo
Excerpt from The New York Post -- "'Ironically, as the US economy has picked up some steam and the Fed finally looks to raise rates, we see weakness in global markets weighing on stock prices,' said New York University economics professor Joe Foudy, who noted that nearly half of all S&P 500 revenue now comes from overseas. 'The stock market reflects that.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, retired Professor Jeremy Wiesen identifies strategies for driving the economy forward

The East Hampton Star logo
Excerpt from The East Hampton Star -- "Many nonaffluent Americans know that a redistribution of wealth, such as Hillary Clinton’s proposal to increase capital gains taxes, is less likely to increase their standard of living than an increase in the economic pie for everyone. So, candidates must immerse themselves in ways to stimulate entrepreneurship and dramatically and quickly increase our gross domestic product and jobs."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Ian Bremmer discusses China's economic future

TIME logo
Excerpt from TIME -- "Even as its growth slows to a more sustainable pace of around 7% this year, China, a voracious consumer of oil, gas, metals and minerals, will benefit significantly from lower commodity prices. Global crude prices are half what they were a year ago, and slower demand in China, tepid growth in Europe, resilient supply from North America and increased production in Iraq and Iran (as sanctions are lifted) will likely keep oil cheap for the next few years. Another parachute: China holds about $4 trillion in foreign currency reserves, more than twice as much as the No. 2 holder, Japan. That’s a sizable rainy-day fund to tap should the economy need emergency stimulus. It’s also a powerful fuel for massive investments overseas that create opportunities for Chinese companies, jobs for its workers and influence for its policymakers across the developing world."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses criticism of Uber's background checks

Los Angeles Times logo
Excerpt from Los Angeles Times -- "As agencies scrutinize Uber's background checks, Arun Sundararajan, a professor of business at New York University, said they also should evaluate the effectiveness of taxi driver screening. 'If people say Uber missed a certain fraction of drivers, how frequently does this happen with government regulators?' said Sundararajan, who studies the sharing economy. 'Are they perfect? Or do they sometimes miss this?'"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan on regulation of the sharing economy

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "'We generally don't start by saying let's get the government involved,' says Arun Sundararajan, professor of information, operations and management sciences at New York University's Stern School of Business. 'In the American economy, what we've traditionally done is let the market provide what it can and then have the government step in and surgically correct market failures.'"
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White explains why he does not believe the repeal of Glass-Steagall caused the financial crisis

PolitiFact logo
Excerpt from PolitiFact -- "Lawrence White, an economist at New York University, doesn’t see Glass-Steagall playing any role in the financial crisis whatsoever. He pointed to the crisis’ biggest culprits: firms such as Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs and AIG, to name a few. He added that much of the crisis hinged on activity by these institutions that would have been possible with or without Glass-Steagall, such as mass investment in notoriously bad mortgage loans. (Clinton’s staff linked us to commentary by several other experts who share White’s view.)"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan on Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky's business strategy

USA Today logo
Excerpt from USA Today -- "'It's almost like he's designing what a great company should look and operate like, as opposed to just gunning for profits at all costs,' says Sundararajan, who teaches business at New York University. 'His philosophy seems to be guided by how to build another Facebook or Google.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Anindya Ghose explains why he believes mobile advertising has a bright future

The Conversation logo
Excerpt from The Conversation -- "We give our data to marketers (both willingly and inadvertently), and in return we expect to receive highly curated and personalized offers on our smartphones. Many consumers have even become resigned to the idea that they have little control over their data, and that this is the future of the world we will inhabit."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway on Hello Alfred's classification of its workers as employees rather than contractors

CBS News logo
Excerpt from CBS -- "'The disadvantage of having them be W-2 employees is simple. It's cost. It's more expensive,' NYU Stern School of Business professor Scott Galloway said. It's expensive but a great marketing strategy, according to Galloway. 'Consumers claim they are very concerned about the well-being of the employees at a company,' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Romer is interviewed about his research on the use of mathematics to understand economic growth

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Ultimately, the test of the model is its correspondence with the world. If we use certain frameworks, you can understand a much richer set of facts about the world. Growth is a difficult area to work because you’re addressing questions about the very long run, so you don’t have an abundance of data. You’re trying to invoke evidence from history over the very long run. We needed to come up with a way to think about all of these facts about the broad sweep of human history."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran on India's e-commerce and tech start-up valuations

Livemint logo
Excerpt from Livemint -- "'I do believe that collectively, the markets that are being used to justify these valuations  (online advertising in particular) are not big enough to justify the prices being paid, which I guess is a backhanded way of saying that the stocks are collectively overpriced,' [Damodaran] said in an interview."
Faculty News

Professor Samuel Craig on NBC's investment in BuzzFeed

Boston Globe logo
Excerpt from The Boston Globe -- "'The basic dilemma is build or buy,' said C. Samuel Craig, director of the Entertainment, Media and Technology Initiative at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'It’s very difficult for large companies to build internally because the corporate structure is risk-averse, and it’s hard to move quickly. If you see something out there that’s already working, the temptation is to buy or buy in.'"
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz's blog post on liquidity is highlighted

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "Here are Stephen Cecchetti and Kermit Schoenholtz on liquidity. Their analysis includes the sentence 'We can separate claims about a loss of bond market liquidity into two fairly distinct categories: those about U.S. Treasury bonds and those regarding corporate bonds,' so I like them already. I feel like 90 percent of what I read about bond market liquidity treats Treasuries and corporates interchangeably, and as far as I can tell those markets have opposite liquidity problems (too much decentralized trading of Treasuries, too little of corporates)."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt is interviewed about his recent cover story for The Atlantic

KIRO Radio logo
Excerpt from KIRO Radio -- "The idea that words are so dangerous, that anything could hurt anyone, and words are so dangerous in books that we need trigger warnings... this is new. And this is totally incompatible with the idea of a university, which is free speech, free thought... you should be able to say anything. ... Once you start saying that words are violence, that then can justify literal violence in response. So this is a very, very dangerous move. And it's only a few years old."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway on Amazon's treatment of employees

Womens Wear Daily logo
Excerpt from WWD -- "'Firms and organizations that compete on price — Amazon, China, Wal-Mart, McDonald’s — will view employees as a cost and the majority of innovation will be around how to get more, for less, from them,' said Scott Galloway, New York University marketing professor and founder of L2 Inc. 'This leads to companies that can be brutal places to work.'"
Faculty News

Professor Tom Meyvis on interactive voice response (IVR) systems

AdAge logo
Excerpt from AdAge -- "As for the psychology of the whole business, Tom Meyvis, professor of marketing at the Stern School of Business at New York University, says it is likely there isn't 'too much research going on' when developing IVRs. 'The large aim of this business is to control cost,' he said. 'That's why we don't have live operators right away.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Aswath Damodaran lists three factors that frequently hinder valuations

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "At valuation conferences and in valuation treatises, we spend our time immersed in valuation details including how best to estimate cash flows, discount rates and deal with valuation loose ends, but we seldom talk about the bias, uncertainty and complexity. Valuation practice will be better served if we had an honest and open discussion of how we deal with these structural problems, because they remain the biggest barriers to good valuations."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt discusses his co-authored cover story for The Atlantic

Huff Post Live logo
Excerpt from HuffPost Live -- "The basic psychological point that I think is the crux of our article is that human psychology is as follows: There's a wonderful book by Nassim Taleb called 'Anti-Fragile.' It's about things that actually get stronger when you bump 'em around. My first book was on ancient wisdom and the ancients all got this one right. So here's a quote from Mencius, the ancient Chinese philosopher: 'When heaven is about to confer a great responsibility on any man, it will exercise his mind with suffering, subject his sinews and bones to hard work, expose his body to hunger,' et cetera... The point is, people are anti-fragile. You have to give them trials and tests. They have to suffer, they have to overcome it. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
