Faculty News
In an op-ed, Research Scholar Brandon Fuller shares a practical approach to addressing the global refugee population
Excerpt from City Journal -- "Over any useful timeline, the full integration of a large share of Syrian refugees into second countries like Jordan or third countries like the United States is a nonstarter. The zonal approach is a practical and politically realistic way to offer job opportunities to refugees—Syrian or otherwise. Doing so would enhance the economic prospects of the countries that are home to the world’s refugee camps while strengthening the post-conflict prospects of refugees and their homelands."
Faculty News
Excerpt from City Journal -- "Over any useful timeline, the full integration of a large share of Syrian refugees into second countries like Jordan or third countries like the United States is a nonstarter. The zonal approach is a practical and politically realistic way to offer job opportunities to refugees—Syrian or otherwise. Doing so would enhance the economic prospects of the countries that are home to the world’s refugee camps while strengthening the post-conflict prospects of refugees and their homelands."