Faculty News

In a co-authored op-ed, Professor Jonathan Haidt draws from his Moral Foundations Theory to explain Americans' diverse political beliefs

Vox logo
Excerpt from Vox -- "The 2016 presidential campaign is among the most unusual and confusing in many years, but moral psychology can help us make sense of what is going on. Moral values matter a great deal in both parties. Despite the fact that the Moral Foundations questions don't ask about public policy, they still uncovered distinct moral profiles of each candidate's supporters that map onto actual policy differences that we hear coming from the candidates."
Faculty News

Professor Joel Hasbrouck comments on the sale of the Chicago Stock Exchange to investors in China

CNN logo
Excerpt from CNN -- "The Chicago Stock Exchange is 'such a small player. It's certainly not as iconic as the New York Stock Exchange,' said Joel Hasbrouck, a finance professor at New York University."
Faculty News

Professor Russell Winer discusses the evolution of Super Bowl advertising

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'Ten years ago, the focus was on the Super Bowl ad itself,' said Russell Winer, professor of marketing at NYU's Stern School of Business. 'What's changed today is that the buzz prior to the Super Bowl ad, about the Super Bowl ad, and the buzz after the show has tremendously increased the value of Super Bowl advertising.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway demonstrates how social media is influencing the fashion industry

BBC News logo
Excerpt from BBC -- "Kendall Jenner, who shot to fame thanks to the Keeping Up with the Kardashians reality TV show, has been dubbed the 'ultimate Instagirl' for her huge social media fan base: 48 million followers on Instagram and 15.3 million on Twitter. It was probably this status as the most-followed model on Instagram, as much as her looks or talent, that scored her the top job as the face of cosmetics giant Estee Lauder, says Mr Galloway. 'You're seeing a reshaping of an industry,' he argues. 'My friends don't forward me a picture of a really great air conditioner, but forwarding fashion is fun and interesting.'"
Faculty News

Professor Paul Romer's research on "mathiness" is cited

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Romer’s complaint is that some use mathematical manipulations in order to discreetly redefine the meanings of words and symbols to reach conclusions that would be unwarranted if each symbol and operation was held to representing something real."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway discusses Amazon's first brick-and-mortar bookstore

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "'This is recognition that the future of retail — of which they could likely be the most dominant force — is multichannel,' said Scott Galloway, a professor who teaches marketing and branding at New York University."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Nouriel Roubini explains why he believes the global economy is in a "new abnormal" state

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "Since the beginning of the year, the world economy has faced a new bout of severe financial market volatility, marked by sharply falling prices for equities and other risky assets. A variety of factors are at work: concerns about a hard landing for the Chinese economy; worries that growth in the United States is faltering at a time when the Fed has begun raising interest rates; fears of escalating Saudi-Iranian conflict; and signs – most notably plummeting oil and commodity prices – of severe weakness in global demand."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Whitelaw discusses China's central bank's move to stimulate the housing market

China Radio International - NewsPlus Radio logo
Excerpt from China Radio International -- "Real estate really is a local phenomenon. So it makes perfect sense that the first-tier cities have one policy and that there would be a different policy for second- and third-tier cities. ... The focus ... needs to be a little bit bigger. If you're thinking about the local government, it's not about propping up the housing market. It's not about the symptom, if you will, which seems to be this excess inventory. It's really about the cause. The reason why there's excess inventory is because there isn't enough economic development. There's not enough demand. ... I think the solution is twofold: economic development and time."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Jonathan Haidt underscores the importance of free speech and diverse viewpoints at universities

Minding the Campus logo
Excerpt from Minding the Campus -- "...I’ve never felt that social psychology is first and foremost about changing the world, rather than understanding it. So my field is certainly still fixable. I think that if we can just get some more viewpoint diversity in it, it will solve the bias problem."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Wachtel argues that the US economy can thrive despite weak global demand

Inc. logo
Excerpt from Inc. -- "'The sheer size and self-contained aspect of much of the U.S. economy gives us a great deal of momentum even in the face of slow growth elsewhere,' says Paul Wachtel, a professor of economics at New York University's Stern School."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway anticipates Yahoo's sale of its core business based on Marissa Mayer's recent statements

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "This is a siren call saying everybody should get out their pencils and if they're interested in Yahoo, to reach out to their banker. But this is fairly explicit, extraordinary behavior for the chairman to say essentially, 'We're for sale.'"
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Jonathan Haidt illustrates how ethical conduct benefits businesses

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- “We will make success easier for well-meaning business leaders who know that in the long run, ethics pays. It is they who will change the world.”
Faculty News

Research Scholar Sarah Labowitz comments on a recent fire at a factory in Bangladesh and its implications for continued danger to workers

Refinery 29 logo
Excerpt from Refinery29 -- "'This fire is also a reminder that paying to fix factories is as important as inspecting them,' Sarah Labowitz, co-director of the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, said in a statement. 'It is not enough to identify deficiencies. Factory owners and brands are locked in a stalemate over the costs of remediation that should be urgently resolved.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway explains why the traditional advertising industry is declining

Marketing Magazine logo
Excerpt from Marketing Magazine -- "One reason, says Galloway, is that if you are willing to pay, you can now easily avoid advertising. Sign up to Spotify and you can skip the ads. Buy a pricey iPhone and ad blockers are fitted as standard. Download your favourite TV show from iTunes and you get it without the annoying ads. As Galloway puts it: 'Advertising is becoming a tax only poor people pay.'"
Faculty News

Professor Joseph Foudy comments on China National Chemical Corporation's possible acquisition of Syngenta

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'Normally, the biggest worry is market concentration, but in this case, it’s the Chinese government,' said Joseph Foudy, a professor of Asian economics at the Stern School of Business at New York University. 'Are we comfortable with the Chinese government controlling our genetically modified seeds? What if they limit to countries they don’t like?'"
Faculty News

As part of a working group to combat poverty, Professor Jonathan Haidt worked to develop bipartisan policy recommendations

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Even as substantive legislation in Washington remained largely bogged down by bitter partisan mistrust, some of the leading thinkers on opposite sides of the ideological divide — experts on the right who have advised Republican policy makers alongside left-leaning scholars who have Democrats’ ear — came together to champion an increase in the minimum wage... Preserving the bipartisan balance — drafted over the course of 14 months, with New York University’s Jonathan Haidt in the role of ideological mediator…"
Faculty News

Professor Edward Altman is interviewed about his Z-Score research

CFA Institute blog logo
Excerpt from the CFA Institute blog -- "At that time, there were a lot of variables in the literature that you could choose to predict insolvency. But I decided there are two variables that were potentially very powerful but had not been used yet. One was the retained earnings: The argument there being a firm that has grown its assets mainly by reinvesting earnings is healthier than a firm that has grown the assets by using 'other people’s money.'"
Faculty News

Professor George Smith discusses the history of the private equity industry

The Daily Deal logo
Excerpt from The Daily Deal -- "Whitney and ARDC ... 'They're really venture capital firms,' said George David Smith, Clinical Professor of Economics and International Business at the New York University Stern School of Business. 'It wasn't until the mid 1980s that you began to see the big takeovers by [leveraged buyout] firms.' In fact, Smith said, the term 'private equity' itself wasn't widely embraced. Most firms used the moniker LBO shops."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's research on corporate earnings and investments is referenced

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "More than half—55%—of nearly 42,000 companies around the world didn’t generate returns on their invested capital last year that were high enough to cover the cost of their borrowings and stock, according to Aswath Damodaran, a finance professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Tom Meyvis discusses new research showing the impact of a company's logo on customer perception

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company -- "'It makes sense that the features of your logo are going to have this effect,' Meyvis says. 'It’s what’s called priming—the idea that you prime certain concepts in someone’s mind by showing them something that’s associated with this concept.'"
Faculty News

Professor Roy Smith discusses Goldman Sachs's contributions to Jeb Bush's presidential campaign

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'The money he raised early was largely in order to give him the chance to blow the others away early, which we know he did not do,' said Roy Smith, a finance professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business who was a Goldman Sachs partner until 1987. 'In hindsight, they may regret giving the money -- or not, I don’t know. Maybe this isn’t over.'"
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Luke Williams illustrates the W.R. Berkley Innovation Lab's commitment to ​cultivating a mindset of innovative entrepreneurship among Stern students

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "...the real question for students as they go through their education at an MBA program is not, 'Will I have a successful business at the end of this program or am I on my way to an episode of Shark Tank or a big valuation with a VC?' The real question is, 'How many bold new experiments did I get started during my educational journey here?' Those experiments, that constant moving arrangement of ingredients into new recipes to test, is a form of what we often call innovation capital. So it’s treating every idea that you come up with as an item of investment in its own right."
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari comments on Bulgari's new B.zero1 collection

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- "'The piece that was introduced [at the start of the millennium] was innovative in its symbolism (zero one, the binary code that describes all life and allows it to evolve as well) but safe in its choice of material, a uniform shade of gold,' said Thomaï Serdari, Ph.D., founder of PIQLuxury, Co-editor of Luxury: History Culture Consumption and adjunct professor of luxury marketing at New York University, New York."
Faculty News

During an in-depth interview, Professor Jonathan Haidt discusses his research on business ethics and his forthcoming book, "Three Stories about Capitalism"

Strategy and Business logo
Excerpt from Strategy + Business -- "Business ethics today is, in some ways, like medical practice was 50 years ago. It is based more on clinical experience than on evidence. This impedes our ability to design regulations and management systems that reward effective and ethical business behavior. It can be changed only through interdisciplinary research. Business and regulators need to collaborate in thinking about the results. And the research has to have a direct connection to practical issues."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Michael Posner examines the impact of political corruption in China on its economy

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "China's economy will soon be the largest in the world. China is by far the largest manufacturing center globally, and it has the largest consumer market, with hundreds of millions of people joining its middle class. These should be heady days for Chinese leaders. And yet they cling to an outdated political model, which is neither wise, nor sustainable. Western companies doing business in China need both to understand the magnitude of these challenges and to develop business models and practices that reinforce and support constructive changes."
