Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Arun Sundararajan shares insights on the sharing economy and its implications for the future of business

MIT Sloan Management Review logo
Excerpt from MIT Sloan Management Review -- "Ten years ago, we saw significant disruption in a few areas like print journalism, advertising, music and movies, and information products. However, disruption today is in every business sector — travel, commercial real estate, transportation and soon health care and energy. Companies need to get past the mindset that because their business serves a physical world, it won’t be digitized. Even if the product itself can’t be digitized, the manner in which it is found, marketed, and distributed can change significantly. The very model of consumption could change. For example, if people start calling Ubers and Lyfts rather than buying cars, this will be hugely disruptive to the auto industry."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's moral foundations theory is referenced

ABC Online logo
Excerpt from ABC Online -- "Research psychologists, and in particular New York University social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, have articulated six moral foundations that underlie our values-based decisions. Their research shows that the interpretation and adoption of these moral foundations can differ between liberals and conservatives."
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari comments on Hermès' new behind-the-scenes video series

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- "'This is a different kind of transparency,' said Thomaï Serdari, Ph.D., founder of PIQLuxury, Co-editor of Luxury: History Culture Consumption and adjunct professor of luxury marketing at New York University, New York. 'It is not about the heritage or artisanship of the brand (one takes these for granted) but rather about the creative process of designing new objects for Petit h, all of which are crafted with discarded materials from the parent brand, Hermès.'"
Faculty News

Professor Brad Hintz discusses the agility of US investment banks

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Brad Hintz, a professor at NYU Stern who has written extensively on global investment banking, says US banks were winning because they adjusted faster to the shifting sands of their industry. 'No US bank clung tenaciously to bond trading like Deutsche Bank,' he says. 'No US bank completely reversed strategy like Barclays and no US bank had to face Swiss capital rules like Credit Suisse.'"
Faculty News

Professor Robert Engle's comments on systemic risk in China are highlighted

CFA Institute blog logo
Excerpt from the CFA Institute blog -- "When Engle started tracking SRISK a few years ago, China ranked fifth on the list. It moved up into the first spot two or three years ago. The stock market euphoria since then brought temporary relief, but SRISK has again increased since the market’s collapse. 'Right now, it’s just about back on the trend line for what it was before the stock market took off,' Engle said. So why is SRISK so high in China? Engle pointed to the banks’ lending to state-owned enterprises and municipal governments. As many of these loans are in fact non-performing, they drag down bank stocks’ valuation."
Faculty News

Professor Tom Meyvis' research on memory and the "end effect" is featured

New York Magazine logo
Excerpt from New York Magazine -- "Many memory researchers believe in the so-called 'end effect.' When we evaluate something that happened to us, the thinking goes, the final moments of it are disproportionately influential. ... But a new study suggests it might not be. Writing in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, doctors Stephanie Tully of the University of Southern California and Tom Meyvis of New York University present a set of experimental findings that, taken together, suggest the end effect may not be real."
Faculty News

Professor Jeanne Calderon and Scholar-in-Residence Gary Friedland's research on the EB-5 investment visa program is featured

Guardian logo
Excerpt from The Guardian -- "A May 2015 report from the Center for Real Estate Finance Research at New York University’s Stern School of Business was blunt about the visa’s use: '[W]hen the traditional capital markets evaporated during the Great Recession, developers’ demand for alternative capital sources rejuvenated the program.' EB-5, the Stern report said, represents 'a capital source providing extraordinary flexibility and attractive terms, especially to finance commercial real estate projects'."
Faculty News

Professor Petra Moser's research on the relationship between patents and innovation is featured

Kellogg Insight Logo
Excerpt from Kellogg Insight -- "In 1918, the U.S. confiscated thousands of German-owned patents under the Trading With the Enemy Act (TWEA). While the boom in American innovation following this period is well studied, no one has previously examined how CL affected the German inventors who lost their patents. The researchers found that, in this scenario, having a patent licensed by the U.S. actually increased innovation."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack's research on the connection between corporate jets and earnings is highlighted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "David Yermack, a professor at the Stern School of Business at New York University, conducted an analysis in 2005 that established a link between aircraft perks and inferior shareholder returns. Mr Yermack analysed a decade’s worth of data on 237 large companies and found those that disclosed corporate aircraft benefits underperformed market benchmarks by more than 4 per cent a year on average. This chief executive perk, where disclosed, 'is associated with severe and significant underperformance of their employers' stocks', Mr Yermack said."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Robert Salomon illustrates why Uber is struggling in China

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "Beyond its well-documented troubles in China, it is also struggling in Europe. The young tech company has committed a classic globalization mistake: it naively assumed that its business model and market approach, which ultimately solidified its market-leading position in the U.S., could translate just as seamlessly to other countries."
Faculty News

Professor Roy Smith examines a new study on gender and hedge funds

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Roy Smith, professor of finance at New York University’s Stern School of Business, raises another concern about the data used by the researchers. Performance data for hedge funds is reported on a voluntary basis, 'with some firms not reporting, or reporting incorrectly,' he says, meaning it may not accurately reflect the industry, casting some doubt on the study’s conclusions."
Faculty News

Professor Pankaj Ghemawat discusses global trade patterns in Latin America

El Pais logo
Excerpt from El Pais -- "'Regional trade has always been a priority for every country in the world ... But in Latin America it is relevant to note that, while investment has been rising, trade has stagnated,' says Pankaj Ghemawat, economist and professor ..."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan explains how Uber could be an ideal partner to government transit agencies

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "Arun Sundararajan, a business professor at New York University, said the ride-sharing option could empower paratransit users, because it would give them more travel freedom. Governments can set requirements related to driver screening and accessible vehicles, he said, much like Metro is proposing. Some transit officials predict that if they provide the customers and show a growing demand, the companies will move toward building accessible fleets."
Faculty News

Lord Mervyn King's new book, "The End of Alchemy," is reviewed

The Telegraph logo
Excerpt from The Telegraph -- "Part-memoir, part-policy missive, King’s chunky 430-page volume isn’t just an elegant guide to the history of economic ideas. It also gives a genuine insider’s account of how, following relative prosperity before Western banks began imploding in 2007, 'within little more than a year, what had been viewed as the age of wisdom was seen as the age of foolishness'."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Global Research Professor Ian Bremmer explores the positive economic trends coming out of Africa

TIME logo
Excerpt from TIME -- "It was just a couple of years ago that 'Africa Rising' was a hot story, as a continent best known for tragedy gained attention for rapid economic growth and real hope. The slowdown of the global economy and slumping commodity prices have dampened that enthusiasm a bit, but there are still positive longer-term trends across Africa that deserve attention."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack comments on the problems currently facing the Bitcoin market

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "Bitcoin has gained attention from prominent economists and venture capitalists because it is the first platform that offers a global currency with a democratic process. 'We usually delegate this type of thing to experts—the Federal Reserve and so forth,' said Yermack. With Bitcoin, 'anyone can be an expert. This decentralized nature of the currency was part of its appeal.' The 'irony,' as Yermack says, is that this popular democratic process is leading to current problems."
Faculty News

In a co-authored op-ed, Professor Kim Schoenholtz discusses how "The Big Short" highlights the financial crisis and common misconceptions about the financial crisis

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "The movie--along with some misleading criticism--prompts us to clarify what we view as the prime causes of the financial crisis. The financial corruption depicted in the movie is deeply troubling... But what made the U.S. financial system so fragile a decade ago, and what made the crisis so deep, were practices that were completely legal. The scandal is that we still haven't addressed these properly."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's research on political ideologies is highlighted

The Irish Catholic logo
Excerpt from The Irish Catholic -- "...Jonathan Haidt, whose area of academic expertise is moral psychology, has done research with a colleague, Emily Ekins, as to what causes people to vote for particular candidates in the US primaries. They draw on moral foundations theory, which was originally propounded by Haidt. In simple form, this proposes that there are six basic clusters of values, and that conservatives draw on all six, but that liberals focus primarily on individual liberty and care. The six values are firstly, care and harm: people feel compassion for those who are vulnerable or suffering. The next is fairness and cheating: people constantly monitor whether others are getting what they deserve, and whether things are balanced. They shun or punish cheaters."
Faculty News

Research Scholar Sarah Labowitz comments on new legislation addressing workers' rights abroad

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'The standard of proof will be difficult to meet,' Labowitz said, adding, 'How do you demonstrate that a particular shipment of a particular commodity was produced with convict, forced or indentured labor? The bill doesn't come with increased resources to deal with this. It's going to take a coordinated effort on the part of the brands, the suppliers, government, financial solutions. You can't just police the first-tier suppliers.'"
Faculty News

Lord Mervyn King's book, "The End of Alchemy," is featured

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "The former governor of the Bank of England is entitled to say that we have been warned. Those who do not agree with his recommendations will still have to concede that his book is an outstandingly lucid account of postwar economic policymaking and the dilemmas we now face. For good measure he is a master of the well-turned phrase, the apposite quote and the pungent boutade. It is rare to encounter a book on economics quite as intellectually exhilarating as The End of Alchemy — a dazzling performance indeed."
Faculty News

Professor Alex Dontoh highlights the importance of having government comptrollers in place to monitor compliance issues

Newsday logo
Excerpt from Newsday -- "'The problem with the system was that there was one person who had two roles — one role was depositing the cash in the bank and the other role was passing on the information about the revenues that were collected the previous Sunday onto the comptroller’s office,' Dontoh said. 'Those roles should have been separated.'"
Faculty News

Professsor Robert Whitelaw discusses the jobless rate in China, particularly in the coal and steel industry

China Radio International - NewsPlus Radio logo
Excerpt from China Radio International -- "I think the overall jobless rate is not an issue. I mean, 4% is a relatively low number. Think of that number in comparison, for example, to the unemployment rate in the US, which is about 5% or much worse, the unemployment rates in Europe, say in France, is running at about 10%. More troubling perhaps is the 1.8 million workers that look like they're going to be laid off from the coal and steel industry."
Faculty News

In a co-authored op-ed, Professor Baruch Lev argues that the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) should revise its regulatory requirements

Accounting Today logo
Excerpt from Accounting Today -- "...FASB must hit the pause button on issuing new standards. Uninformative or confusing financial statements enhance share price noise and investor uncertainty. Then, FASB must seriously assess the mounting evidence on the ineffectiveness of current accounting and reporting regulations. Both investors and executives will appreciate a fresh direction."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Adam Alter explains why Donald Trump's detractors won't likely move to Canada if he is elected

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "Why do so many disgruntled voters threaten to leave the country, only to see so few actually follow through? Because people overestimate how much pain they’ll feel when they experience a dreaded outcome."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Nouriel Roubini addresses global market volatility

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "Two dismal months for financial markets may give way in March to a relief rally for assets such as global equities, as some key central banks (the People’s Bank of China, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of Japan) ease more, while others (the Fed and the Bank of England) will remain on hold for longer. But repeated eruptions from some of the seven sources of global tail risk will make the rest of this year – unlike the previous seven – a bad one for risky assets and anemic for global growth."
