Faculty News

In a video interview, Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses the next phase for Big Tech after the leaders of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google testified in front of Congress last week

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Arun Sundararajan, NYU Stern School of Business Professor, joins to discuss the next phase for Big Tech after testifying in Congress."
Faculty News

Professor Hans Taparia weighs in on the rise of salad chains

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "The big change has been around the types of ingredients and the flavors we're using in salads. Falafel, and tofu, and lentils. Plus a combination of interesting flavors, and that's made it possible for a salad to become a complete meal."
School News

Stern’s MBA upcoming admissions events are highlighted in a P&Q roundup of 2020-2021 admissions events at top b-schools

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "In the wake of the pandemic, business schools have learned that prospecting doesn’t necessarily involve ritzy finger foods and crowded halls. Instead, success requires something more fundamental: a great value proposition and authentic relationship-building."
Faculty News

Joint research from Professor Shan Ge examining the drivers of variable annuity sales and the impact of a proposed regulatory change is cited

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Excerpt from ThinkAdvisor -- "Mark Egan, Shan Ge and Johnny Tang have gone and poured grain alcohol on the annuity sales standards conflagration. The fight blazed ferociously in 2016 and 2017, as the supporters and opponents of the U.S. Department of Labor’s original, Obama-era effort battled with policy light sabers."
Faculty News

Professor Karen Brenner weighs in on Under Armour’s accounting practices

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Excerpt from Retail Dive -- "'If the goods are coming back, but you get to make the sale in the quarter and the return is in the next and you book the return and hope people don't recognize it, that's troubling,' Karen Brenner, executive director of law and business at New York University's Stern School of Business, said at the time. 'If a customer says, 'Sure, I'll take the good. I want you to agree that if I don't sell X amount in Y period of time, you'll give me some credit against it,' that may be a legitimate business decision that's correctly booked. So it really depends upon the facts and circumstances surrounding the transactions and that's what the investigation will unearth.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomai Serdari suggests that magazines need to change in order to adapt to the way people spend their time and money during COVID-19

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "Thomai Serdari, a strategist in luxury marketing and branding with the Stern School of Business at New York University, said the magazines have to change just like the industry they depend on."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan shares insights on the upcoming House Judiciary antitrust subcommittee hearing

The Hill logo
Excerpt from The Hill -- "'The House has ended up being the forum in which you have these four guys sitting together for the first time and having this discussion,' Sundararajan said. 'And so, while Congress may not be the eventual body that makes the case for any particular change, it's certainly a good catalyst.'"
Faculty News

Professor Russell Winer shares his predictions for the future of the retail industry in New York City following the COVID-19 pandemic

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Excerpt from NY1 -- "But what about retail in general in the city? Winer said the pandemic will not be the demise of the retail industry. He predicts once tourism returns high-end retail will pick up again and because Americans still love to shop, other retail sectors will bounce back. 'If you take a look at retail in New York, I think it's in a hiatus, OK? It's like a winter animal, right? It goes to sleep for the winter. I think it's in that state right now, but it will come out again, I strongly believe that' said Winer."
Faculty News

Professor Sabrina Howell’s co-authored research on early-stage venture capital activity in the first two months after COVID-19 reached the U.S. is referenced

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Excerpt from Chemical & Engineering News -- "The monthly number of deals raising venture capital for young and start-up companies dropped 38% for the two months starting March 4, as compared with the four months before the COVID-19 crisis, according to a recent Harvard Business School study from Sabrina Howell of New York University, Josh Lerner of Harvard University, and colleagues."
Faculty News

Takeaways from Professor Viral Acharya's latest book, "Quest for Restoring Financial Stability in India," are featured

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Former central banker Viral Acharya warned against the Reserve Bank of India monetizing the government’s budget deficit, citing risks to inflation and external sector stability. 'Adopting this approach is also deeply flawed,' according to excerpts from Acharya’s soon-to-be-released book: ‘Quest for Restoring Financial Stability in India.’ It 'would mean regressing to errors of the 1970s and 1980s.'”
Faculty News

Professor Thomai Serdari explores the origins of online shopping and the changing online shopping landscape

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Excerpt from BBC -- "Mid-1990s globalization was also a major catalyst that 'made ecommerce a viable and highly profitable selling channel', says Thomaï Serdari, adjunct professor at New York University's Stern School of Business. The connected world enabled production to scale up quickly and significantly, for products at many price tiers. 'Consumers were eager to find either the best or the most acceptable quality product at the prices they could afford. The internet gave them the tool to conduct extensive research before purchasing an item. It also gave them the insights on how to evaluate the price-to-value ratio and finally the means to purchase.'"
School News

As part of P&Q’s “2020 Best & Brightest EMBAs” series, Eaton J. Kuh (MBA '20) highlights the value of Stern’s Executive MBA: Washington, DC program and how he was immediately able to apply learnings from the classroom to his current professional role

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- “My proudest achievement during my time in Stern’s Executive MBA: Washington, D.C. Program has been consistently learning and immediately applying the knowledge Stern gave to me, whether it was strategy, analytics, finance, or leadership. It really made me feel that the program was a worthy investment, especially as I elevated my game. It also felt very good getting strong grades in a lot of the courses that I didn’t appreciate as much from undergrad now that I had more than a decade of professional experiences, especially in accounting, statistics, and finance.”
Faculty News

Professors Richard Berner and Kim Schoenholtz offer thoughts on banking, capital markets and the Fed’s response to COVID-19

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Excerpt from The Economist -- "As banks have grown risk-averse, non-banks, often tech-savvy, are stepping up. 'When you regulate the banks and you leave the rest of the financial system more lightly regulated, there will be regulatory arbitrage,' says Richard Berner of New York University. 'But technology has also facilitated a shift because, particularly in the past decade, it has promoted the growth of payments and of bank-like activities outside the banking system.'

The Fed was able to soothe investors through the power of its announcements; it has so far lent only $100bn through its schemes. But Stephen Cecchetti and Kermit Schoenholtz, two scholars, have calculated the scale of each of the implicit guarantees."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose's co-authored research showing that both Democrats and Republicans are willing to share their personal smartphone data to help combat the spread of COVID-19 is spotlighted

Excerpt from The Tribune-Review -- "A new study shows more people across the country choosing to share their phone’s location data during the pandemic, allowing entities to more easily track the pandemic."
Faculty News

In a video interview, Professor Steven A. Altman explores the impact of travel disruption caused by COVID-19 on global teams

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "Steven Altman, NYU Adjunct Assistant Professor joins the On the Move panel to discuss the impact on COVID-19 on globalization."
Faculty News

Professor Gavin Kilduff shares key highlights from his research addressing why rivalries develop and how they affect decision-making

European CEO Logo
Excerpt from European CEO -- "Gavin Kilduff, an associate professor of management and organisations at the New York University Stern School of Business, has spent years studying why rivalries develop and how they affect decision-making. He’s discovered that a bit of healthy competition is no bad thing. 'Rivalry can absolutely serve to increase motivation and productivity,' he told European CEO."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White weighs in on the feasibility of the proposed merger of Taboola and Outbrain

Excerpt from Adweek -- “'This is not the first time that this kind of issue has come up, and it wont be the last,' said Lawrence White, professor of economics at NYU’s Stern School of Business, who previously served in the antitrust division of the DoJ. 'All it takes is one major antitrust authority to say, ‘We see a problem,’ and the merger is dead,' White added."
School News

Stern is highlighted in a b-school trend story on MBA programs that are the top feeders to the tech industry

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "A few schools report the number of tech hires from each graduating MBA class by specific firms, among them NYU Stern School of Business, which sent nine MBAs to Amazon in 2019, as well as six to Google, four to Microsoft, and three to Facebook."
Faculty News

In a video interview, Professor Aswath Damodaran weighs in on the European equity market in light of the European Union’s new stimulus package

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "NYU Stern School of Business Professor of Business Aswath Damodaran examines the European equity market in light of the European Union’s stimulus package worth 750 billion euros ($860 billion)."
Faculty News

Professor Ari Ginsberg is quoted in a story exploring the financial fallout among small businesses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

Vox logo
Excerpt from Vox -- "American ethos has long rested on meritocracy, the belief that entrepreneurial success and corresponding upward mobility depend solely on the ability to work hard and hustle. 'Some of the greatest entrepreneurs and successful business people started poor,' says Ari Ginsberg, a professor of entrepreneurship and management at NYU Stern School of Business. Ginsberg and others believe the key to success lies in the ability to bootstrap, or be resourceful enough to secure loans, venture capital, office space, and whatever else you might need to launch. There’s also an intangible 'it” factor; it helps to be seen as “someone who has the tenacity, the ability, the capability to do all the things you need to do,' Ginsberg says."
Faculty News

In a video interview, Professor Edward Altman discusses the rise of corporate bankruptcies and the need for firms who file for insolvency to have a strategy for restructuring

BNN Bloomberg Logo 190 x 145
Excerpt from BNN Bloomberg -- "Edward Altman, NYU Stern School of Business professor and creator of famed Altman-Z-Score model for bankruptcy prediction, joins BNN Bloomberg to discuss the rise of corporate bankruptcies and the need for firms who file for insolvency must have a strategy for restructuring."
School News

Key takeaways from the recently-released 2020 Sustainable Share Market Index™, research by the Center for Sustainable Business and IRI, is spotlighted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "NYU Stern and IRI previously found that sustainability-marketed products drove almost 55 per cent of the growth in consumer packaged goods between 2015 and 2019, growing over seven times faster than products that make no such claims despite commanding an average price premium of 39 per cent."
Faculty News

Professor Michael Posner's recent comments on the State Department’s Commission on Unalienable Rights draft report are spotlighted

Philadelphia Inquirer Logo 190 x 145
Excerpt from The Philadelphia Inquirer -- "That is the most appalling part of the report,' notes Michael Posner, the former assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights, and labor under President Barack Obama. 'Look at Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Hungary, the Philippines, and Saudi Arabia,' Posner told me. Indeed, the list goes on and on of places where Trump has failed to raise human rights issues with autocratic leaders he favors, even as he critiques such violations in countries he dislikes, such as Venezuela, Iran, and Cuba."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Scott Galloway discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has made Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google even stronger, and what could be next for intervention

Excerpt from Adweek -- "Big Tech has negotiated rules and engagement that favor them. It weakens the entire experience, or makes the experience less effective or less revealing. It’s safety in numbers. They shouldn’t have done all four at the same time. To call in all of Big Tech is a bit reductionist—the issues facing Apple are different than the issues facing Facebook."
Faculty News

Professor Tensie Whelan weighs in on Morgan Stanley's recent commitment to measure the climate impact from loans and investments

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Excerpt from Reuters -- "'This is an exciting development--financial institutions need to better assess the emissions associated with their financing and Morgan Stanley, together with the other financial institutions engaged in the initiative are working toward developing a common methodology which will enable transparency and accountability,' said Tensie Whelan, director of the NYU Stern School of Business's Center for Sustainable Business."
