School News

Assistant Dean Paula Steisel Goldfarb discusses the MBA admissions process

Excerpt from Admit1MBA -- "We recognize that our New York City location is attractive to many applicants, and we offer many opportunities for applicants to visit us and engage with our community – from our fall class visit program, to our new Future of Business series with faculty to special interview days in the winter and spring. Through our personal and thorough admissions process, which includes an interview for all admitted applicants, we assess an applicant’s fit with our program."
Faculty News

Visiting Prof. Pankaj Ghemawat's research on Fortune 500 CEOs is cited

Excerpt from The Economist -- "Pankaj Ghemawat, of Spain’s IESE and NYU’s Stern business schools, calculates that only 12% of the world’s Fortune Global 500—the largest corporations by revenue—are led by a CEO who hails from a country other than the one in which the company is headquartered."
Faculty News

Prof. Luke Williams on Apple's possible purchase of Beats

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "I think it's actually a perfect fit. I see complete synergy between the brands because, when you think about it, the actual guy who designed the headphones used to be the head of design at Apple... People have to stop thinking about Apple as a technology company now and start thinking of them as a fashion and a lifestyle brand... They're also the disruptors... they wouldn't go and acquire someone who's just copied them. And if you look at what Beats did, they're the complete opposite to Apple. So Apple's coming out with these little light headphones, they came out with these big heavy bass headphones. Apple was coming out with something very subtle you hardly see, they were coming out with something very obvious."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Dolly Chugh discusses her research on race and gender biases in academia

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Professors were more responsive to white male students than to female, black, Hispanic, Indian or Chinese students in almost every discipline and across all types of universities. We found the most severe bias in disciplines paying higher faculty salaries and at private universities."
Faculty News

Prof. Sam Hui on the value of data visualization for retailers

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from Harvard Business Review -- “'Retailers are all using scanner data to track what happened at the point of sale,' says Sam Hui, an associate professor of marketing at NYU’s Stern School of Business. 'But they have no idea what’s really happening at a point-of-purchase decision.'”
Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Cooley reacts to the March jobs report

CNNMoney logo
Excerpt from CNNMoney -- "'Quits going up is a sign that people have more confidence in their ability to find another job,' says Tom Cooley, an economics professor at New York University's Stern School of Business. However, Cooley adds that this report's relatively small change in people quitting their jobs is fairly insignificant because tiny fluctuations are often within the margins of error."
Faculty News

Prof. Tom Meyvis on the Beautyrest Black advertising campaign

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'To position it as a status symbol, as something you buy to impress other people, doesn’t make sense,' [Meyvis] said. 'Other people don’t see it. You don’t talk about it. It makes more sense for mattress advertising to take a functional approach that provides a solution to a problem,' as the ComforPedic iQ campaign does, he said."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Philippon's research on financial sector wages is cited

Quartz logo
Excerpt from Quartz -- "During the period of growing disparity of incomes and wealth described by Piketty, this differential between financial sector wages has increased by a staggering amount. Thomas Philippon and Ariell Reshef, find that, 'that rents accounted for 30% to 50% of the wage differential between the financial sector and the rest of the private sector.'”
Research Center Events

Crowds 2.0: New Frontiers in Crowdfunding + Crowdsourcing

On May 9, 2014, the NYU Stern Center for Business Analytics, led by Professors Vasant Dhar and Anindya Ghose, hosted an all-day event to discuss trends and issues related to crowdfunding and crowdsourcing with industry experts and academics, including Stern Professors Ashwini Agarwal, Yannis Bakos, John Horton, Panos Ipeirotis, Natalia Levina and Arun Sundararajan, in the space.
Faculty News

Prof. Richard Sylla on the history of IPOs in the United States

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The process for initial offerings has been evolving for centuries. Among the first IPOs in America was in 1791 for the Bank of the United States, started by Alexander Hamilton. The offering, made through newspaper advertisements, allowed the public the right to purchase a share for $25. 'In the early days of the U.S., there wasn’t such a developed investment-banking industry,' said Richard Sylla, chairman of the Museum of American Finance and an economics professor at New York University Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran discusses his valuation of Alibaba

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "I think it's a great company. I was actually surprised by how much money the company makes. It's just a phenomenal moneymaker."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway believes Instagram will become the most powerful social media platform

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The percentage of the traffic you get from Facebook to a retailer does not convert at a high rate. The traffic is what we could call low-grade traffic. Whereas, the traffic coming off of Instagram tends to convert at a high rate and have a higher average order value when people do buy."
Faculty News

Prof. David Yermack's research on shareholder meetings is highlighted

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "In the study, titled 'Evasive Shareholder Meetings,' David Yermack, a New York University professor of finance, and Yuanzhi Li, a finance professor at Temple University, said they used 'the geography of meetings as a proxy for the evasiveness of management.' Compiling data on nearly 10,000 annual meetings held by more than 2,300 publicly traded companies from 2006 to 2010, they found that companies that held meetings at least 50 miles away from their headquarters and 50 miles away from a major airport generally underperformed the stock market by about 7 percent over the next six months."
Faculty News

Prof. Foster Provost's book, "Data Science for Business," is highlighted

Excerpt from Gigaom -- "Part of a data scientist’s role is to automate his or her own work, leading to tools like prediction APIs. But these APIs are starting to replace data scientists in some areas, and that should be considered a good thing. We are now in the era of big data 2.0, as defined by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett in Data Science for Business."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan is profiled

NextCity logo
Excerpt from Next City -- "How does it feel to become the first public intellectual of the Age of the Sharing Economy? 'It feels good,' Sundararajan says with a laugh. It’s gratifying that his ideas are having an impact, but he sees in it a responsibility: More academics should think about shepherding 'good thinking' into public policy and social change. 'It’s something I’ve prioritized to some extent.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michelle Greenwald discusses innovation and customer touchpoints

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "From little butter almond flavored pastries that come free with each coffee at Financier shops in New York City, to free hemming of pants over $29.95 at Uniqlo, to free Cosmos served at Dashing Diva nail salons in New York City, customer touchpoints can be powerful differentiators vs. competitors and can also generate significant buzz and earned media!"
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran on Apple's most recent earnings report

The Irish Times logo
Excerpt from Irish Times -- "Investors liked Apple’s latest earnings report, driving the stock from $525 to $600 (€379-€433). The big question, according to renowned valuation expert Aswath Damodaran, is why. Damodaran, an Apple shareholder, valued the company at $649 prior to the earnings report and $648 afterwards. There was nothing new; it reported low revenue growth and continued pressure on margins while the announcement regarding stock buybacks and dividends had little impact on Damodaran’s valuation."
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Spence is interviewed on China's economic future

South China Morning Post logo
Excerpt from South China Morning Post -- "'When I look at China, to the extent that the data permits it, I look at the shifting structure of the economy and to the extent that one can do this from a distance sometimes, to look at the reforms that seem to me to be the critical underpinnings to support the structural transformation. At least on a short-term horizon, that is more important than the growth,' Spence said."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's blog post on Facebook's IPO lockup is cited

USA Today logo
Excerpt from USA Today -- "After all, shares of Facebook, too, struggled following its first two lockup expirations. Shares of the social networking company fell 5% and 3% respectively following the first two lockup expirations, says Aswath Damodaran, professor of finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University."
Faculty News

Prof. Joel Hasbrouck on the role of high-frequency trading in the 2010 Flash Crash

CNNMoney logo
Excerpt from CNNMoney -- "'High-frequency traders on May 6 accelerated the decline, while a specialist would have been prohibited from doing so,' said Joel Hasbrouck, a professor at New York University."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Arun Sundararajan calls for a new regulatory framework for the sharing economy

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "We need to create a new regulatory framework for online service providers, balancing their lower risks with appropriately designed safeguards."
Faculty News

Prof. Eitan Muller is interviewed about innovation

Excerpt from CKGSB Knowledge -- "We can quantify the dollar value of innovation. And I think that’s one of the major issues that many managers face. They have to find out whether they should to put more money into the R&D or stop it. That’s a major decision and that depends on expected value of that innovation which we can quantify."
Faculty News

Vice Dean Adam Brandenburger's talk on game theory at a Raising the Bar event is featured

The Chronicle of Higher Education logo
Excerpt from The Chronicle of Higher Education -- "Listening to a topic like game theory in a bar made it seem less forbidding, said Makeda Yohannes, a Columbia freshman. The talk on game theory was delivered by Adam M. Brandenburger, a professor of business economics and strategy at NYU who spoke from behind a foosball table."
Faculty News

Prof. Luis Cabral on Portugal's bailout exit

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'My estimate is that we are considerably better off than we would have been had the program not been implemented,' said Luís Cabral, a Portuguese economist and professor at New York University. 'The death spiral that was predicted for the Portuguese economy failed to materialize.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's comments at the Milken Institute's Global Conference are highlighted

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "Nouriel Roubini, the chairman of Roubini Global Economics a professor at the Stern School of Business at New York University, warned that global central banks could cause the next crisis if they continue to use monetary policy to stimulate growth. 'The risk is that they exit too late and they cause the mother of all bubbles," Roubini said. "We saw what happened last time around: Every boom and bubble eventually leads to a bust and a crash.'"
