Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon and PhD student Germán Gutiérrez's joint research on the impact of competition on corporate investment in the US is spotlighted

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "Declining competition does more than harm some consumers; it makes firms lazy. The authors calculate that if leading firms had maintained their share of overall investment since 2000, the American economy would have 4% more capital today, an amount roughly equivalent to two years’ investment by non-financial companies."
Press Releases

Dating Debunked: Study Reveals that Men and Women Perceive Sexual Intentions Differently, with Men Often Overestimating Women’s Desires and Women Underreporting Theirs

In a new study, Professor Priya Raghubir, chair of the Marketing Department at NYU Stern School of Business, and former NYU Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar Isabelle Engeler find a gap in how women and men interpret dating situations and intentions, which could lead to problematic misunderstandings between dating partners. 
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides is interviewed about Greece's new bond issue and the implications for its economy

Excerpt from Greek Reporter -- "The Greek loan is so small it does not matter that is expensive, but if Greece were to go out in the markets by the end of 2018 paying the same interest of 4.6% it would be completely irresponsible, Economides warns. 'It would not be a way out of the crisis. The Greek debt is completely unsustainable and now we are adding to the debt.'"
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's joint research on stereotyping is featured

Excerpt from PsychCentral -- "New York University researchers discovered people with higher cognitive abilities are more likely to learn and apply social stereotypes. However, in a series of experiments, investigators discovered that those with elevated intelligence can also easily unlearn stereotypes when presented with new information."
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz's joint blog post on governing global finance is featured

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "An intriguing new blog post by Stephen Cecchetti and Kermit Schoenholtz draws attention to a third trilemma, one concerning international financial policy. The trilemma here is between cross-border financial flows (again), national as opposed to global financial regulation and financial stability."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway discusses Amazon's growing consumer goods brands

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Seven of the top fastest growing apparel and beauty brands on Amazon are brands you likely haven't heard of before. We no longer need to defer to the large brand, our favorite brand is the brand that Amazon or Trip Advisor or Google tells us is our favorite brand. We used to want Dannon yogurt then we went to Chobani and now it is some Kefir yogurt that we saw Beyonce eating on Instagram. There is growth in the long tail."
Press Releases

Higher Cognitive Abilities Linked to Greater Risk of Stereotyping

People with higher cognitive abilities are more likely to learn and apply social stereotypes, finds a new study. The results, stemming from a series of experiments, show that those with higher cognitive abilities also more easily unlearn stereotypes when presented with new information. The study ... also included Adam Alter, an associate professor in NYU’s Stern School of Business.
Faculty News

Professor Lisa Leslie's joint research on flexible work arrangements is referenced

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Excerpt from Benefit News -- "There’s other research by Lisa Leslie and Colleen Manchester that didn’t look at gender or parental status, but looked at what does your manager assume the reason for your flexible work arrangement is. If the manager believes that you’re working at home for some productivity reason, then that’s viewed positively. If the manager assumes you’re working at home for a family reason, then that’s judged negatively."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran shares his thoughts on IBM's future

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "Damodaran, who teaches corporate finance and valuation, says trying to force growth in older companies like IBM could actually have a negative impact on them, because they might end up simply throwing good money away. 'When you’re 75, you’d love to be 35 again, but you’re not going to,' Damodaran said. 'So that’s the way I think of aging companies. Trying to turn them around might be the most dangerous thing you can do.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon and PhD student Germán Gutiérrez's joint research on the impact of competition on corporate investment in the US is featured

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "In a paper published this week by the National Bureau of Economic Research, they argue that increasing concentration of economic power in the hands of relatively few behemoth corporations -- in some cases to the point where companies enjoy a near monopoly -- could explain the pattern: The big firms, unconcerned about their competitors, simply have no need to invest in staying ahead. 'It explains a big chunk of why investment is low in the U.S. today,' Philippon said."
Faculty News

Professor Xavier Gabaix's joint research on executive compensation is referenced

The Telegraph logo
Excerpt from The Telegraph -- "All those politicians concerned or interested in the subject of executive pay should junk the suggestions of their peers and spend quite some time digesting a comprehensive new academic paper by Alex Edmans, Xavier Gabaix and Dirk Jenter entitled 'Executive Compensation: A Survey of Theory and Evidence'."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan explains how proposed tax legislation would affect sharing economy companies

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Adapting to the bill’s requirements would not 'be a significant issue at all' for the companies, said Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business and author of 'The Sharing Economy.'"
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar discusses the future of work in investment management

OZY logo
Excerpt from OZY -- "'You are likely to see a shakeout in the active management space,' says Vasant Dhar, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, who adds there will 'probably' always be a place for human-managed funds. While machines might take all the remaining jobs in short- and medium-term money management, long-term quality judgments of companies remain a distinctly human quality, he argues."
Faculty News

Professor Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh's research on the impact of out-of-town real estate buyers on cities is spotlighted

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Across an entire city, those costs outweigh the benefits of foreign investment, according to two finance professors, Jack Favilukis of the University of British Columbia and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh of New York University. They modeled what happens when a market like New York City is shocked by an inflow of absentee out-of-town buyers. ... 'And then there are costs that are harder to quantify,' Professor Van Nieuwerburgh said. 'The texture of the city, the socioeconomic makeup of the city, is changing.'"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan is interviewed about the future of driverless cars

CCTV logo
Excerpt from CCTV -- "The single biggest challenge facing the automakers is perceptions of safety among consumers. There's a very significant behavior change that many auto owners in America will have to go through before they embrace fully autonomous vehicles and understanding what those barriers are and removing those barriers is perhaps the single biggest challenge to automakers. Regulation is another big barrier. I think the number of entities that have jurisdiction over autonomous vehicles is potentially huge and of course the technology, and making sure the technology is ready."
Faculty News

Scholar-in-Residence Gary Friedland offers his perspective based on joint research with Professor Jeanne Calderon on the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program

CNN logo
Excerpt from CNN -- "Gary Friedland, a scholar in residence at New York University's Stern School of Business who has studied the program, said developers have found ways to manipulate census tract data to place their projects within 'targeted employment areas,' which legally reduces the amount investors must pay -- down from $1 million to $500,000 -- to qualify for EB-5 benefits."
Faculty News

Professor Michael Spence comments on a new survey of global supply chains

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Excerpt from the Global Trade Review -- "'Multinational firms are the architects of global supply chains. As such they must deal with the shifting economic, technological, political and social forces and pressures operating on their supply chains, employees, customers and regulators. It is not much of an exaggeration to say that their ability to navigate and respond will be one (perhaps the) decisive factor for the future of a reasonably integrated and sustainable global economy,' says Nobel Prize winning economist Michael Spence of New York University, in a note accompanying the report."
School News

David Segall, Policy Associate at Stern's Center for Business and Human Rights, discusses the impact of Qatar's embargo on its migrant workers

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "'The current [Gulf Cooperation Council] diplomatic crisis has drowned out conversations on migrant rights in the region, but the two are actually linked,' said David Segall, who researches labor in the Persian Gulf at New York University’s Stern Center for Business and Human Rights. 'More and more workers are stranded in the gulf because their employers have been deported or have suspended business operations. This is a predictable pitfall of a system that gives employers inordinate sponsorship powers over workers, and is a reminder of the need for reform.'"
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Portfolio Management for Wealth Managers

This course is a good fit for private wealth managers, investment advisors, financial advisors and institutional asset managers, as well as professionals interested in learning about modern portfolio management.
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides discusses the Senate Commerce Committee's questioning of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai on net neutrality

Associated Press logo
Excerpt from the Associated Press TV -- "I don't believe this is a left vs. right issue or a Trump vs. Democrats issue. I think that network neutrality benefits not only consumers, but the vast majority of businesses. Net neutrality does not benefit the telecom providers, the cable providers, but it does benefit everybody else in business."
School News

Associate Dean of MBA Admissions and Program Innovation Isser Gallogly shares application essay tips for prospective MBA students

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "'I always say "AQA:" Answer the question asked,' Isser said. 'Respond to the prompts, do it completely. That said, make sure you get across who you are in this essay.' And of course, convey yourself and your goals clearly. 'I would treat this a little bit more like if you are presenting a business case on yourself and you are providing almost an executive summary as to who you are, what you're about, and why you're going to business school,' he said."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, retired Professor Jeremy Wiesen makes the case for employers helping employees with housing

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "Helping employees get over financing hurdles for housing would pump relatively 'lazy' capital on corporate balance sheets directly into the economy. Public corporations have trillions in liquid assets, so the scale and impact of providing housing assistance to employees could be significant. In return, it would be beneficial to companies in a couple of ways: 1) The company would get interest on that loan and 2) It would help companies solicit and retain valuable employees. For example, they could offer employees the convenience of living close to work."
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon and PhD student Germán Gutiérrez's joint research on the link between valuation and corporate investment is cited

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Excerpt from Axios -- "Corporate America has become ever more concentrated over the past two decades, and its monopoly power is killing the incentive for large companies to invest in the economy, according to new research from NYU's Stern School of Business. The paper's authors assert a cause-and-effect relationship between a widespread increase in large company monopolies and a decrease in investment in new technologies, plants, and equipment by those same monopoly companies."
Faculty News

Professor Michael Posner comments on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's decision to shutter the State Department's war crimes office

Chicago Tribune logo
Excerpt from the Chicago Tribune -- "Michael Posner, who served as Assistant Secretary of State for the human rights bureau during the Obama administration, suggested that shuttering the war crimes office did not foreclose the prospect that another State Department agency might carry the torch.'The key is the appointment of strong people and the provision of adequate resources and political support to enable them to do their jobs effectively,' he said. 'Treating human rights and global justice issues as foreign policy priorities advances US interests and values. They are inseparable.'"
